My millipede collection


Feb 7, 2016
How do you get enough rotting wood to feed them all?
I live in an area where it's easy to find and collect leaf litter and wood. Although I ran out of that stuff during the winter, but luckily an online store was selling both leaf litter and wood so I ordered some more. I need to collect more next fall...


Feb 7, 2016
Got new millipedes today :) Two Sechelleptus argus juveniles, they are about a year old. They were sold as Colossobolus giganteus, but I read that the species being sold as C. giganteus is actually S. argus.

They didn't want to stay still, but I think I may have a male and a female. I'm pretty sure this one is male:
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And this one could be female.
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I didn't expect them to be orange, lol.


Jul 11, 2016
Wow, those are some beautiful pedes! Let us know if you can get them to breed.




Feb 7, 2016
Wow, those are some beautiful pedes! Let us know if you can get them to breed.


I forgot to mention their size, they are only 2-3" or so and they can reach 10", so it's probably going to take a few years before they are mature. As adults they are dark brown or blackish. I had adults males of this species a few years ago:


The Odd Pet

May 5, 2019
Pedes have been pretty active today and I got some new pics.

Spirostreptidae sp 8, this girl is one of my favorites.

"Cameroon grey/cream stripe", finally saw an adult on the surface!

Some C. spinigerus babies.

"Cameroon giant" juvenile.

A. cf. brandtii says hi.
They are all so beautiful. I'm just getting into millipedes and you're right. You can't just have one.

The Odd Pet

May 5, 2019
He's really beautiful. I want some like that. I have 2 pairs of albino Narceus americanus, 1 tan one and a pair of common ones. I also have a pair of grey Narceus gordanus and a pair of common ones, about 15 Florida ivories, 4 Thai rainbows 2 pairs of A. gigas and a few scarlet millipedes. I just got 35 in the mail today that I'm unsure what species they are but they are native to the US. I'm getting flame legs and Spirostreptus sp. 1. I'm hoping to find more exotic species soon.


Jan 16, 2019
He's really beautiful. I want some like that. I have 2 pairs of albino Narceus americanus, 1 tan one and a pair of common ones. I also have a pair of grey Narceus gordanus and a pair of common ones, about 15 Florida ivories, 4 Thai rainbows 2 pairs of A. gigas and a few scarlet millipedes. I just got 35 in the mail today that I'm unsure what species they are but they are native to the US. I'm getting flame legs and Spirostreptus sp. 1. I'm hoping to find more exotic species soon.
Where do you buy/order them? I have 3 albino Narceus americanus, 1 female A. gigs (I want to buy more), 6 Thai Rainbow, 1 Desert, 2 Gold Desert, 1 Tanzanian Earthworm, and 1 Bumblebee. I want to get more African Giant Millipedes and other species without having to import them.

The Odd Pet

May 5, 2019
I breed and sell a lot of different species of isopods. A lot of people who keep them also keep millipedes also. I make trades with people for them for my isopods. I actually have chocolate desserts and have gold ones on the way. I forgot about them. I just got home to another adult pair of A. gigas that are huge. I'm making a few trades with people I met on here. There are a few people selling all those your looking for on this forum. I joined just for that reason. Mickie is one person on here with all of them I believe but she said she's out of gigas. It took me awhile to find mine. I'm hoping with 2 pairs it won't take to long for them to breed. I also got in 35 new species I believe are Tylobolus castaneus or at least Tylobolus sp. They are black with dark red stripes. Very beautiful. They should breed very fast. I got my albino Narceus americanus and Thai rainbows from Orin. I am on a lot of millipede groups on facebook and just keep my eyes out. Good luck. I hope you find them. I want more Thia rainbows my self and really want some Vietnamese rainbows and Giant Blue Asian Milliped Acladocricus sp.


Dec 5, 2014
I have previously posted some photos of my millipedes, but I thought I'd start my own thread :). I got my first pede 3 years ago and noticed that it's impossible to only have one :D

So, this is what I currently have in my collection.

Anadenobolus monilicornis. I bought 4 juveniles and now I have...well, a lot :D.

Anastreptus sp. These were sold as Anastreptus strongylotropis constrictus, but what I got are two different species. One of them has babies, I'm not sure which one, because I had them in the same tank at first and the pedelings are two small to be identified.

Aphistogoniulus hova. My very first pede was A. hova, he passed away a year ago. He's in the first pic. At the moment I have one adult female, a juvenile female and a bunch of pedelings.

Archispirostreptus gigas, adult female and pedelings :).

Arthrosphaera cf. brandtii. I know this is a risky species, but I also know these have been previously bred in captivity, so I decided to try. At the moment I have two of these, one of them I've had for over a year and the other for 5 months I think. One time I happened to see some courting behavior, so hopefully I have both sexes.

"Cameroon giant millipede". It was tiny when I got it, has grown a lot.

"Cameroon grey/cream stripe millipede". These two are probably adults now, but they are never on the surface, so I don't have any newer photos of them :D.

1.0 Centrobolus sp

Tons of Centrobolus splendidus :D. I started out with one female and two males. I thought I had separated all the males from the females, but I have new babies again...

Chicobolus spinigerus, one female, two males and tons of babies :).

2.0 Colossobolus giganteus

Dendrostreptus macracanthus
, juvenile male.

0.1 "Ghana blonde legged millipede"

1.0 Ophistreptus guineensis

1.1 Spirobolus walkeri. I'm so hoping these will breed.

0.2 Spirostreptidae sp 8. I love their color <3.

0.1 Spirostreptus gregorius

1.0 Spirostreptus cf. ibanda

0.1 "Tanzanian black yellow leg"
What a killer collection!


Dec 5, 2014
I have previously posted some photos of my millipedes, but I thought I'd start my own thread :). I got my first pede 3 years ago and noticed that it's impossible to only have one :D

So, this is what I currently have in my collection.

Anadenobolus monilicornis. I bought 4 juveniles and now I have...well, a lot :D.

Anastreptus sp. These were sold as Anastreptus strongylotropis constrictus, but what I got are two different species. One of them has babies, I'm not sure which one, because I had them in the same tank at first and the pedelings are two small to be identified.

Aphistogoniulus hova. My very first pede was A. hova, he passed away a year ago. He's in the first pic. At the moment I have one adult female, a juvenile female and a bunch of pedelings.

Archispirostreptus gigas, adult female and pedelings :).

Arthrosphaera cf. brandtii. I know this is a risky species, but I also know these have been previously bred in captivity, so I decided to try. At the moment I have two of these, one of them I've had for over a year and the other for 5 months I think. One time I happened to see some courting behavior, so hopefully I have both sexes.

"Cameroon giant millipede". It was tiny when I got it, has grown a lot.

"Cameroon grey/cream stripe millipede". These two are probably adults now, but they are never on the surface, so I don't have any newer photos of them :D.

1.0 Centrobolus sp

Tons of Centrobolus splendidus :D. I started out with one female and two males. I thought I had separated all the males from the females, but I have new babies again...

Chicobolus spinigerus, one female, two males and tons of babies :).

2.0 Colossobolus giganteus

Dendrostreptus macracanthus
, juvenile male.

0.1 "Ghana blonde legged millipede"

1.0 Ophistreptus guineensis

1.1 Spirobolus walkeri. I'm so hoping these will breed.

0.2 Spirostreptidae sp 8. I love their color <3.

0.1 Spirostreptus gregorius

1.0 Spirostreptus cf. ibanda

0.1 "Tanzanian black yellow leg"
What a killer collection!


Feb 7, 2016
I saw my juvie A. gigas today for the first time in several months. He's a very shy guy.
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Mozambique caramel
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