My millipede collection

poci swiss

Oct 5, 2023
hello you have a very nice collection, I was just wondering what happened to the species of the genus aphistogoniulus because I owned in the past aphistogoniulus corralipes which I loved but I never managed to find a male and the aphistogoniulus corralipes/nova seems to have disappeared from the market in Europe. Madagascar would have closed the bridges?


Feb 7, 2016
hello you have a very nice collection, I was just wondering what happened to the species of the genus aphistogoniulus because I owned in the past aphistogoniulus corralipes which I loved but I never managed to find a male and the aphistogoniulus corralipes/nova seems to have disappeared from the market in Europe. Madagascar would have closed the bridges?
Both species are on the IUCN Red List, A. hova is endangered and A. corallipes critically endangered, so maybe that's why.


Sep 11, 2021
hello you have a very nice collection, I was just wondering what happened to the species of the genus aphistogoniulus because I owned in the past aphistogoniulus corralipes which I loved but I never managed to find a male and the aphistogoniulus corralipes/nova seems to have disappeared from the market in Europe. Madagascar would have closed the bridges?
like other species, Aphistogoniulus sp were imported cheaply en mass, leaving most WC to die in the hands of inexperienced newbies or ignorant buyers, with few people actually breeding them. Their need for cool temperatures increases breeding difficulty, with many people failing to keep them adequately.
When Madagascan imports stopped, the few breeders who succeeded eventually lost them.

They were imported again this year by a french(?) breeder and are in captivity again, but I hope sincerely they aren’t imported again in masses. Just a little to establish a stable breeding stock.

Best regards


Mar 19, 2023
I have previously posted some photos of my millipedes, but I thought I'd start my own thread :). I got my first pede 3 years ago and noticed that it's impossible to only have one :D

So, this is what I currently have in my collection.

Anadenobolus monilicornis. I bought 4 juveniles and now I have...well, a lot :D.

Anastreptus sp. These were sold as Anastreptus strongylotropis constrictus, but what I got are two different species. One of them has babies, I'm not sure which one, because I had them in the same tank at first and the pedelings are two small to be identified.

Aphistogoniulus hova. My very first pede was A. hova, he passed away a year ago. He's in the first pic. At the moment I have one adult female, a juvenile female and a bunch of pedelings.

Archispirostreptus gigas, adult female and pedelings :).

Arthrosphaera cf. brandtii. I know this is a risky species, but I also know these have been previously bred in captivity, so I decided to try. At the moment I have two of these, one of them I've had for over a year and the other for 5 months I think. One time I happened to see some courting behavior, so hopefully I have both sexes.

"Cameroon giant millipede". It was tiny when I got it, has grown a lot.

"Cameroon grey/cream stripe millipede". These two are probably adults now, but they are never on the surface, so I don't have any newer photos of them :D.

1.0 Centrobolus sp

Tons of Centrobolus splendidus :D. I started out with one female and two males. I thought I had separated all the males from the females, but I have new babies again...

Chicobolus spinigerus, one female, two males and tons of babies :).

2.0 Colossobolus giganteus

Dendrostreptus macracanthus
, juvenile male.

0.1 "Ghana blonde legged millipede"

1.0 Ophistreptus guineensis

1.1 Spirobolus walkeri. I'm so hoping these will breed.

0.2 Spirostreptidae sp 8. I love their color <3.

0.1 Spirostreptus gregorius

1.0 Spirostreptus cf. ibanda

0.1 "Tanzanian black yellow leg"
some stunning specimens there! It’s interesting to see what species are readily available in the US compared to what you can get here in the UK. Seems to be a good selection available here. I’ve had a fair few different species of millipede but always found Asian species more sensitive to fluctuations in temperature! Even the slightest change! Atopochetus Dullfusi being one in particular! That said, Spirobolus Caudulanus is quite a hardy little pede! Gorgeous too!

Have you ever kept any Pelmatojulus Excisus? …Giant Fire Millipedes? They’re particularly tricky to care for too. Very very fussy eaters!

is it possible to keep them communally ? even with different sp?
Millipedes are very docile and do well being kept communally. Even different species! So long as they require the same temperature and humidity. They won’t attack or eat any smaller species given their detrivores. However, they can accidentally injure or kill any smaller species of millipede if they are burrowed away and moulting. Therefore it’s best to only keep millipedes communally if they are of a similar size and require the same environment.