Monthly Southern California Hike and Hunt


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
I just received two of my UV lights in the mail today;) so a blacklighting trip is in the future for me;P......
And next weeks trip to them Hollywood Hills is probably a no go for me as that is my wifes and I 19th anniversery:D


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
I just received two of my UV lights in the mail today;) so a blacklighting trip is in the future for me;P......
And next weeks trip to them Hollywood Hills is probably a no go for me as that is my wifes and I 19th anniversery:D
whipped!!!!! just kidding warren. :p

maybe we should have a SCABIES H&H dedicated to you and your wife on the day of your anniversary? That way, everybody and your wife get to be together....AND we can catch bugs!!! :D

have a very happy anniversary man! :clap:


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
whipped!!!!! just kidding warren. :p

maybe we should have a SCABIES H&H dedicated to you and your wife on the day of your anniversary? That way, everybody and your wife get to be together....AND we can catch bugs!!! :D

have a very happy anniversary man! :clap:
Thanks and Dont forget the presents then:D


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2007
OK so what is the deal on the fridays hike? is it still on cause i really want to go!!! do we know where we are headed?

also is it ok if i bring a few friends??? well one friend who loves hiking and hunting and my dad who is an out-doorsman.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
OK so what is the deal on the fridays hike? is it still on cause i really want to go!!! do we know where we are headed?

also is it ok if i bring a few friends??? well one friend who loves hiking and hunting and my dad who is an out-doorsman.


Anyone is welcome on the hikes, provided they follow and respect the SCABIES guidelines and philosophies.......whatever they may be on that particular hike.

So, of course you can bring your buddy and your dad! The more the merrier.


SCABIES official something something


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
whoever is going is going to meet at caco's house 5:30-6 ish give him a call to confirm as he is haveing computer prob. if you dont have his # p.m. me or go to the yahoo page and i will give it to you. W


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
whoever is going is going to meet at caco's house 5:30-6 ish give him a call to confirm as he is haveing computer prob. if you dont have his # p.m. me or go to the yahoo page and i will give it to you. W
computer problems and i'm working graves at work for three days, heh

yup, meet at my house at 5:30-6 and we will do dusk and night hunting and hiking. so, even if you do (or don't) have a blacklight everyone coming should bring a normal flashlight too. there are a few other bugs that a white flashlight can potentially like, suss out easier... wolf spiders and others have eyeshine :eek:


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2007
I just talked to a guy in San Diego that I have to go and meet tomorrow about a snake, the only time eather of us can do this is tomorrow at 4 (I had it planned 4 2day but that fell through), so HOPEFULLY I will be home in time to make it to the hike, but I dout it.. there's now a 20% chance that I will make this dusk hunt, we will see

so just to be safe, count me out 4 tomorrow:( :(


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Hey everyone,

Count me and Earl in for tomorrow night!

I'll see y'all at Andrew's at 5:30-6PM



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I just talked to a guy in San Diego that I have to go and meet tomorrow about a snake, the only time eather of us can do this is tomorrow at 4 (I had it planned 4 2day but that fell through), so HOPEFULLY I will be home in time to make it to the hike, but I dout it.. there's now a 20% chance that I will make this dusk hunt, we will see

so just to be safe, count me out 4 tomorrow:( :(
dang, that's too bad. if you send me or warren(wburke) or neshan (nbond) a PM with your cellphone number or something maybe we can still work something out. both of them have cell phone numbers i expect they would share with you (i am sufficiently lame that i don't have a cellphone)

Hey everyone,

Count me and Earl in for tomorrow night!

I'll see y'all at Andrew's at 5:30-6PM


ah, nice. see you this evening

i forgot to get my snake some food so i have to shoot over to the LPS right after i get home from work. i don't expect this will impact meeting at my house in any way, but i just wanted to let anyone meeting there know, just in case


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Friday The 13th


B) Friday the 13th Night Hunt
C) Bug BBQ
D) Local Events

Warren (wburke17) has started a yahoo group for us!
It has a calender function and threaded posting... and
isn't under the jurisdiction of any of the other
forums, heh. This is the start of our move away from
using any one forum as our primary meeting area. It
is not that i dislike the forums or anything... i just
think it would behoove us to have one central location
to coordinate all SCABIES events :)
Please stop by and join. I don't *think* you need a
yahoo id to join, but i am not for sure on that.

B) Friday the 13th Night Hunt
Woohoo! Nothing better than a dusk and night hunt
with an almost new (dark) moon on Friday the 13th! I
am actually pretty excited... supposedly the phase of
the moon affects the habits of scorpions... and i
believe the dark moon is supposed to be one of the
best phases for hunting! That being said... it is
going to be DARK out there folks! Once the sun has set
there will only be light pollution and stars
illuminating us... so you should REALLLLY try to bring
a whiteflashlight in addition to any blacklights you
have. Earl, try and bring your first aid kit. i am
pretty sure i will walk into a tree or something... i
do it enough during the day it is almost a surety at
night. heh. meet at my house at 5:30-6pm. one tiny
little problem.... my housing tract is so new that you
can't use mapping programs to get there. map to

12201 Blue Spruce Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739
which is an older part of the tract but is on my

PM or email me or other SCABIES members for my actual house number and telephone number

C) Bug BBQ
We are still definitely going to have a Bug BBQ... the
where and the when are still being worked out, though.
There are a couple tentative possibilities as far as
location that are being investigated. A couple of the
possibilities will be at dry locations. If the BBQ
shakes out to be at a dry location (that's no drinking
of the alcohol) then we will try doubly hard to have
the next BBQ at a wet location :D

D) Local Events
there is an event at the Quail Botanical Gardens in
Encinitas. Basically an hour and change from LA. It is
July 14-15.
Quail Botanical Gardens Insect Festival
Come Celebrate the Wonderful World of Bugs with live
displays, hands-on observing and more!

Date/Time: July 14th & 15th, 2007, 10am - 4pm

Fee: Members Free; Non-members: Free with Garden
who loves you? SCABIES does! $1 coupon:

like always, this is the public consumption email. there are two other minitopics in the full group version. join today and find out what they are!!!


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
two things

first of all, i forgot to say... but bring a jacket or something! where we are going gets VERY windy and very cold sometimes... it sucks to be freezing!

second, i *think* this is the current standings if the hike tonight

 B) Drapion
 A) GQ.			nope
 0) cacoseraph		yes!
 1) Wburke17		i think so
 2) buthus		
 3) twirl and kill	
 4) DavidRS		
 5) nbond1986		yes
 6) russman		
 7) what		
 8) MizM		
 9) thiscordia		
10) ftorres		
11) cricket54		
12) Mudskipper		
13) Anette		
14) abyss_x3		
15) MeaninglessEnd	
16) Earl		yes
17) ronin		
18) Griff		
19) JMoran1097		
20) lizmotobike		
21) compnerd7		tiny chance (first timer!)
22) julesaussies	
23) Ryan L.		
24) kolomomma		
25) luis138		
26) jen650s		
27) ogershok		
28) Johnny		yes (first timer!)
29) Devon		
30) sick4x4		
31) JP


Old Timer
May 22, 2006
It's a negative for me tonight:8o for it's my anniversary tonight:D .
and im leaving early friday morning(7/20) to head out to new mexico till the following saturday, 9 days hopefully i'll be coming back with a car full of goodies{D . im gonna take my lap top and hopefully the hotel will have a connection, well see. W


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
How long are you planning to stay night hunting. It's most likly a no for me i'm lke 90 percent sure but with no supervisor for a week and the fact that I brought my own car I could probably sneak out of work early today. The only problem is me and my dad work at the same place so I would have to come up with an excuse. And Neshawn please get my scorp from Andrew's. And let me know if you still want to go scouting the hills these weekend I'm pretty much free.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
Friday the 13th Night Hunt

Hey, what all did you guys find last night? i would definitely like to make one of the night hikes - maybe if there is ever one on a Saturday so the late afternoon traffic isn't so bad. i think i'm feeling the need to add a centipede to my collection!! LOL


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
It's a negative for me tonight:8o for it's my anniversary tonight:D .
and im leaving early friday morning(7/20) to head out to new mexico till the following saturday, 9 days hopefully i'll be coming back with a car full of goodies{D . im gonna take my lap top and hopefully the hotel will have a connection, well see. W
dang, you told me about those and posted a bunch of times. i'll probably still forget again, too

have fun :D

How long are you planning to stay night hunting. It's most likly a no for me i'm lke 90 percent sure but with no supervisor for a week and the fact that I brought my own car I could probably sneak out of work early today. The only problem is me and my dad work at the same place so I would have to come up with an excuse. And Neshawn please get my scorp from Andrew's. And let me know if you still want to go scouting the hills these weekend I'm pretty much free.
nesh has it. scary ass monster of a parabuthus

Hey, what all did you guys find last night? i would definitely like to make one of the night hikes - maybe if there is ever one on a Saturday so the late afternoon traffic isn't so bad. i think i'm feeling the need to add a centipede to my collection!! LOL
scorpions! at least two genera (Anuroctonus and at least one Vaejovid) we had to keep moving areas cuz we were finding *too* many!

to those who have been to the Day Creek Canyon... the cliff with the holes, where i caught the first scorpion? we saw at least 10 on it! i think we caught like five. i caught either a very fat or very gravid female Anuroctonus sp. and twirl caught the cutest little juv Anuroctonus sp. John (one of the newest SCABIES and first time hiker) caught a Vaejovid species baby. Could be a Paruroctonus silvestrii... could be something else.

@everyone who went on the Night Day Creek Canyon Friday the 13th trip... did we actually catch 13 scorps as a group? i brought my one home...

also, check your scorps for mites! the one that i brought home is thick with them!


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
dang, you told me about those and posted a
@everyone who went on the Night Day Creek Canyon Friday the 13th trip... did we actually catch 13 scorps as a group? i brought my one home...

also, check your scorps for mites! the one that i brought home is thick with them!

I *think* that I alone brought something like 9 home.....(2 of which you gave me)

Then there's John's 1 (I think)

Your 1

David's....(dunno how many)

But it was a good number nevertheless.

And I actually didn't catch a good 5 or 6 scorpions that I saw.....
Either they got away, or I just didn't bother.

They were EVERYWHERE!!!!


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I *think* that I alone brought something like 9 home.....(2 of which you gave me)

Then there's John's 1 (I think)

Your 1

David's....(dunno how many)

But it was a good number nevertheless.

And I actually didn't catch a good 5 or 6 scorpions that I saw.....
Either they got away, or I just didn't bother.

They were EVERYWHERE!!!!
if david got two, which i think he did, then we caught 13 scorpions on Friday the 13th! that rocks!