It it just me or does this tick u off?


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2004
Whats this about, I hunt to survive, and yes i do get a thrill from it, its love for the hunt, Just because i kill to feed my family meens i have a lack of intelligence and prowess, that's bull, I have love for all animals even the ones i hunt and eat....[/QUOTE]

I said torturing and killing. As in one act. I have now real problems with hunters. I live in MS! :}
As long as they follow the rules and use what they kill.


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2004
I say just leave the guy alone. sending him messages and emails isn't going to make him change his mind, infact he might like knowing that we don't like his site, which will give him another reason to add more pics to his site.


Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Just ignore that guy and his site! I don't even believe his "test list" he wrote!

Quote: "Spider jumps at attacker" & quote "Spider runs directly at nearest person"

I can't believe any of this stuff because I've not seen a spider which can do the above things. So I tend to not put too much weight on the rest of the site either.

Having a go at that guy will only make it worse or possibly really start a problem.


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I also left and awsome insult to him check it out

This in one thing I am good at doing....dissing someone :D

This guys is a loser :wall:
Last edited:


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
stubby8th said:
Go through your files and find the biggest scariest close-up defensive stance shot that you've got! There has got to be a way to shut this idiot down - right? Any hackers out there?
I am Computer Tech.....although I have been known to bebable to make self-executing viruses and parasites or atleats attach them.I havn;t sent them to anybpdy,mostly just messing around and having fun with it in a crappy computer. PM and I will tell ya how. I have a really good gag virus that when opened it opens a window and looks like it is deleteing your operating system files and when it is done then says "Now Come and Find You Idiot" it is completely harmeless never does anything :eek: :D


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2004
the person who put that website together is ignorant and probably had a bad experience with a recluse. has no idea about theraphosids and the benefits of T keeping. he or she should engage the brain before putting their mouth in gear.


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
This site came up a while ago, and I gotta say this time around the comments make me wince that are in his guestbook....Geez what are we, 5th graders?!?!?!?


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
well we will never change a stupid mind like that, even if wee try to educate him that will give nuttin, he does'nt respect us we dont respect him by our way ...


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
Hey people I totally agree with you all 100% this this guys a fool, but if you wanna keep the thread going I'd shush about hacking his site or sending viruses, don't think the board gods will be too happy bout that.


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2004
There is...

There is a hole in his armor! Sign the guest book. Add many comments. I'm still uploading stuff to it. Looks like we can fill'm up. ;P :evil: ;P

Greg Wolfe

Old Timer
Sep 13, 2003
Saddens me so...

Unreal... what an imbecile. Wandering in his cesspool of delusion.
He must of had a bad experience at one time. Poor soul.
I would like to see his eyes bulge out if I could strap him down and let my Blondi crawl on him. Such a tormented soul...
But you know, there are other dumb things out there too. Dead cop sites, dead this or dead that. Ignore it. They are attempting to portray themselves as heros to soothe themselves. When in fact they are revealing how frozen they are in ignorance.
I think I am going to go get my A. metallica out and play with her...
:razz: :D {D


Old Timer
Jan 16, 2005
Stupid people.

I've found that the best way to deal with stupidity on this level is to ignore it. They won't listen to reason, or education attempts, and arguing with them just encourages them. Fighting against willful stupidity is a pointless exercise in futility. The education resources are out there, and it's obvious this person doesn't want to learn anything at all about spiders, otherwise they would have.

All you can really do is hope that this person will eventually come to his/her senses, or get hit by a bus.

I'm hoping for the bus.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
monantony said:
This site came up a while ago, and I gotta say this time around the comments make me wince that are in his guestbook....Geez what are we, 5th graders?!?!?!?

I have to agree. It looks like the place got invaded by a bunch of PETA fanatics. :rolleyes:

Scott C.

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
The only thing more disturbing than that site was a majority of the guest book comments. 5th grade may be a little too much credit...... :(


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2005
What to say...

That site is just sick. I doubt that guy has ever had any real experience with spiders, except for killing them. If he was truly afraid of them he wouldn't dedicate a webpage about them, even if they are dead on it. It's not fear - it's unprovoked hatred. I don't think that most people that were even bitten by a dangerous spider are like that, they just tend to be more cautious from my experience (I have a family member in Texas who lost half of his leg due to a brown recluse bite). My mom is afraid of spiders - and only let me keep my first tarantula that I snuck home because I told her that if she wanted me to get rid of it she would have to find it a new home or kill it, and she was too afraid of them to even do that. Now she's more tolerant - but is still not comfortable around them.

It's one thing for him to squish every spider he sees (which is bad enough IMO), it's another to torture them and put their dead bodies on display. That's just sick. I personally think that people that find great fun in torturing ANYTHING mentally sick.

He must just die from the insect bites he gets - since there's no spiders around to help him out...


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Old Timer
Feb 14, 2005
I am just joking about the virus stuff. I would never ever send one to anyone. I can't hack I am stupid I barely know 20 lines of code for Windows. PLus it is illegal and I would go to jail and definatly not worth it:embarrassed: . I just was answering a question this one guy had. As fot this guy I think he needs a life and we need to ignore him. HE is just being childish. On that note don't worry I can't even hack. If i could I woulda gone to MIT or something, but I too stupid for that :? As I said just ignore him. We all had fun posting something on his guest book and lest leave it at that.


Old Timer
Mar 7, 2005
This guy is neither sick, nor ignorant, nor stupid, etc. He just has a right to have his own opinion. The truth is that the majority of people are extremely frightened by spiders. We are the minority. Just cuz we sit here day after day reading posts, doesnt mean that we represent what is right. "Right" is in the eye of the beholder. Bottom line...Its okay. Its just a website. No need to be outraged. {D Just the way we freak out about these people wanting to kill spiders for no reason but fear, they probably think that we are pretty weird for knocking a baby mouse on the head and then feeding him to a hairy spider. Or buying poor little crickets to feed our T's. I mean really, cricket, though kinda dumb, are really cute. Don't you feel sorry when they get eaten also? And little mice for crying out loud! Now Imagine Stuart Little getting caught, chewed up, and eaten by a big tarantula! What a horrible death for a living thing! Almost as bad as someone stepping on a spider. I mean, we all have our sensitivities...those images that make us cringe. Things we don't want to see or even think about. But the bottom line is that we are all different. And we are all covered by Free speech people. Remember, as long as it isn't illegal, its all considered opinion. I would hate to see my tarantula stepped on for no reason but fear. It would hurt a lot. But I also know that if I was a mouse lover, or an insect lover...or whatnot, I would be greatly hurt as well knowing that my favorite pet is being hurt and killed to provide life for another species. This website dude that you all hate is an arachnophobe. Which is more common than we think. And So he kills spiders to ensure his own survival or mental well-being. Just like we kill cute, little mice and crickets to ensure the survival of our favorite pets. It is all a matter of perspective. We are all right, no matter what side we are on.


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
cool, then i'll start a site that say how to cut the throat of dog's without making too much blood on my carpet, its legal right ? does it make me sick