Introduce Yourself


Dec 23, 2007
Kinda new here, finally gettin to the intros

Moved to So. Cal from New York City and oddly enough love my Roaches: B. Cranifer, B. Dubia, G. Portentosa, E. Posticus & B. Orientalis , soon to add a few dozen other species. Also Mantids, Pedes, & Mollusks. Only have 1 T right now my sweet G. Rosea. Want to get into the giant beetles & stick insects next. Besides the inverts I have many Herps, Fish, 3 dozen species of birds and several kinds of rodents and a cat that tolerates them all very well.
83 different species in total.
I've done business with a few members here and so far all has gone great. AWESOME SITE :clap:


Dec 23, 2007
Kinda new here, finally gettin to the intros

Moved to So. Cal from New York City and oddly enough love my Roaches: B. Cranifer, B. Dubia, G. Portentosa, E. Posticus & B. Orientalis , soon to add a few dozen other species. Also Mantids, Pedes, & Mollusks. Only have 1 T right now my sweet G. Rosea. Want to get into the giant beetles & stick insects next. Besides the inverts I have many Herps, Fish, 3 dozen species of birds and several kinds of rodents and a cat that tolerates them all very well.
83 different species in total.
I've done business with a few members here and so far all has gone great. AWESOME SITE :clap:


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2008
I'm new here and fairly new to ts. I have 4 right now, one with a surprise eggsac, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I also have two being shipped tomorrow and four or five more next week. I'm hooked!


Jan 21, 2008
How's it going! My name is Joe, I live here in Florida my whole life. I'm 24, I've got a pink toe species and a Heteroscodra Maculata-female. I've owned a Pterinochilus murinus, very fascinating mean little T. I'm lookin to start up a collection of my own. I'm so addicted, I spend hours surching, reaching about the Trantulas I talk about in my sleep. Since I'v discoverd Arachnoboards, my eyes can't be peeled from the computer.Yeah, I get nothing done from the time I get home from work till the time I go to bed. Day dreaming about spiders, is that an addiction????? Well I realy want a:

African red trapdoor (Gorgyrella sp.)
Gooty Saphire Ornamental (Poecilotheria Metellica)
Suntiger (Psalmopoeus Irminia)

There's more but, need to sell/trade some crested geckos, got 4. 1 stud of a male Dalmatian, 3 femals a red, cholate and a cream. They have been breading flawlessly.

I am glad and looking forward to talking to every one and thank you in advance for helping me with pointers.



Feb 9, 2008
Hi all. My name is Rado and Iam from Slovakia.
Iam 18 years old boy. I like rock, metal and pop music.
There is list of my spiders:
B.smithi L8
B.vagans L5
L.parahybana L4
C.huahini L5
P.murinus RCF L7
3x H.maculata L1
P.cambridgei L2
P.regalis L3
Thats all for this time. THX

Jason Baily

Feb 26, 2008
I am Jason bailey and I live in columbus, ohio. I love all all invertibrates period.
This is my first post so I will make it short and sweet. I love to buy and trade, and I mainly deal with arachnids but soon hope to branch out into centipedes. Arachnoboards puts some of the coolest people I have talked to together so I think this is the place for me!;P


Feb 20, 2008
I am a filmmaker and i own a film company called Exemplar Films LLC. I also work for a film company based out of Portland Oregon called Songo Films.

Hey man ... shameless self promo here ...

if you ever need any tunes for your flix ( royalty free of course )

then gimme a shout - my ex band was pretty misfitty / murderdollsy ... mostly horror rock n roll ... got a new project on the go now though thats gonna be like punky metal stuff ... so yeah ... it's there if ya need it !

( for props on the creds obviously :D ... lol )


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2008
Hi there. I'm Lewis, 23 from Sheffield in the north of England.

I've always had an interest in exotic pets, but it's my girlfriend who's spider-bonkers (I always fancied a fat-tailed Gecko:) ) so I'm basically here to learn as much as I can before I buy one, and to learn of any decent website out there to buy from, as I've heard bad things about the pet store here in Sheffield :(.


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
Hey guys!

I see this site has a pretty diverse community and I'm happy to start this hobby.

I'm 23 and live in Alabama in USA. My interests include music, mycology, computers/tech, auto performance, horticulture, and now tarantulas...among other things.

I ordered 2 mexican redknees but ended up getting shipped avicularia versicolors on accident. They're less than an inch at the moment and still have a nice blue color. I fed them each a cricket yesterday which they happily munched down on.

Excited about the new hobby.


Mar 1, 2008
I'm Adrian, 22 (in less than a week) from Tennessee. I have two Guyana Pink Toes that are a bit less than two inches long. I joined to get information on a little bleeding problem, Snuggles ripped the tips of two of her feet off walking across the screen too soon after molting (at least it appears that way). Tennessee so far does not seem the ideal place for buying Ts, and if anyone knows otherwise please let me know. Thanks!


Mar 2, 2008
New to the forum, veteran collector

Hello everyone,
I'm a middle school life science teacher and I probably enjoy my job a bit to much. I have most major and not so major species of tarantulas and scorpions and I love my giant vinagaroon. Most of my pets are kept in the classroom and my 120 7th graders are eager to help me care for them. I'm glad that I am joining the forum as there is much to learn from all of you and I have already enjoyed reading many of the posts. Just glad to be here and I look forward to being a part of the community.


Mar 2, 2008
Hello Everybody ( hi Dr. Nick),

I'm Joe and will be getting into the world of Arachnids pretty soon. A friend of mine (who is also a member here) is getting my a T as a bday gift since I showed interest in her collection. We already went to wally world at midnight after work and got my enclosure and substrate, hide, water dish.. etc.. Wal-Mart soo useful. I will post more upon recival of my T and she will be pretty helpful to me while I learn the tricks of the trade

Little about myself.

I go by "TheDon" and one other name(my email) on at ton of forums ranging from iPods to Deloreans(I will get one, one day). I currently hang out at at least 5 forums dedicated to Mercedes Benz cars and trucks since I own a 1985 300D Turbodiesel that I used to burn my own Biodiesel in. Now I am more interested in restoring it to my personal taste and upping the power out of the 5 banger diesel.

Also, great forum!!


Mar 3, 2008
hey der..

hey all.. my name is colin and im 4rm dublin, ireland.. have kept snakes for the past year or so but yesterday i decided to buy a tarantula as i have been looking into them for quite awhile now and have started to really like them.. until yesterday i never even had the nerve to handle a spider but now im in love with them..haha.. could some1 please have a look at the pics i took of my new Grammostola rosea (chilean rose)and tell me if its male or female coz im dying to name it... thanks.


Feb 25, 2008
Well, Gee. Hi.

Hello all. My name is Matt and I live in Southern Indiana just south of Bloomington. My husband Josh and bought our very first T about 2 weeks ago. It's a "starter" G rosea.

All of my life I've been terrified of spiders. I decided the best way to get over my fear was to take the plunge. I've held Rosalita a tiny bit and have no fear of her at all.

We just rescued our second T today. A client of mine's teenage daughter left it behind 3 years ago when she moved out. Poor thing was just being feed what could be caught outside and since winters in Indiana are a bit nippy, she hadn't had much for months.

Anyway, hello to everyone and thanks for all the great advice I've read. I hope to work my way up to owning more, but I'm taking it slow.



Old Timer
Feb 25, 2008
Hi group.

I live in NC. I’m lucky to earn my living as an artist, and no I’m not rich. I work in the forensics field. Ok/ I know. Being such a creative person, I wasn’t very creative in choosing my screen name. I create bloodstain pattern analysis and human decomposition models. *No worries moderators. I will not post photos on this board, as they are way too graphic.
Growing up in a large family and having a sister allergic to dogs and cats, probably spawned my loved of insects and spiders. For revenge, I brought everything I could find into the house as pets. I secretly had hermit crabs living in my bottom dresser drawer, summer green snake in the closet, along with turtles, mice, and frogs. I had a praying mantis cocoon hatch in my room to my mother’s horror, as she comes running into my room with vacuum frantically waving the wand of the vacuum trying to such them all in. The love for them has never left me. I collect T’s off and on. And you guessed it…it’s on! I am collecting pokies right now. I collect terrestrials as well. I have some T’s around the decade mark I raised from spiderlings.

Kumo Punch

Old Timer
Mar 4, 2008

Dont' own any T's yet but am very interested in the breeding side of it. I used to breed rare geckos and kept boas for about 8-10 years. Sold everything off maybe 2 years ago but am getting the breeding itch again. Thought I would try something low maintanence like T's. I'm also on another board but found this one by doing a google search. Hope to learn lots here and maybe pick up a few T's along the way.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2008
Dont' own any T's yet but am very interested in the breeding side of it. I used to breed rare geckos and kept boas for about 8-10 years. Sold everything off maybe 2 years ago but am getting the breeding itch again. Thought I would try something low maintanence like T's. I'm also on another board but found this one by doing a google search. Hope to learn lots here and maybe pick up a few T's along the way.
Welcome. You will soon be a hopeless addict like the rest of us:).


Mar 4, 2008
Hi all I dont have an tarantulas at the moment but I am waiting for a mexican red knee to be delivered, I had started out with rats, mice and gerbils and even have 2 cats.
My dad on the other hand has several T's his favourite being his trinidad chevron that i thought was dead :wall:
He also has a black king snake as well,
I guess you can blame him for me having an interest in spiders and stuff, :)