Introduce Yourself


Aug 23, 2019
I am Dave and have a huge love for horror movies, invertebrates, and reptiles. I have had a small collection before and am now returning back to hobby of one my first loves in life. In my youth I would catch just about anything I can find, bull snakes, horned lizards, alligator lizards, S.polymorphas, wolf spiders, scorpions, and black widows. I no longer have that open space available to me anymore and content anyways to buy or shop online for my pets which offers a much greater variety of exotic species, preferably captive bred.


Jul 18, 2019
Hello im Tuisto.
Looking forward to getting closer to this knowledgeable and seasoned community as a I dwell deeper into the hobby.

joshua Newbeck

Aug 26, 2019
Hi, I'm josh I currently own a G. Quirogai, B. Verdezi. and B. Vagans slings. As well as my E. Uatuman male I dubbed Norman. Dream species right now would be A. Chalchodes and P. Metallica, I've also given some thought to the asian forest scorpions.



Aug 26, 2019
Hi I’m Shadow (I don’t like giving out my real name) and I recently got my first T (juvie B.vagans) from a local pet store who knows a lot about exotic pets. I joined this forum cuz Ik I’ll have a lot of questions about T’s in the future, as well as to post pics of them


Oct 30, 2014
I'm Sam. Been looking through this forum for a while, and it helped me raise my Avic Versicolor from a sling over the last 5 years. I had a N. Chromatus and a A. Chalcodes, until they both hooked out and died after a few years
I recently inherited (what I think is) a P. Regalis(?) Not a T I ever really intended to have, (not a fan of the fast or particularly toxic) but I've got it now and plan to care for it well.
I'm here posting because I just picked up four more, and am super excited about them.
G. Pulchra (or G. Quirogai maybe, read a lot of debatable things about this recently)
B. Boehemei
A. Seemanni
A. Avic
I'm hoping I can get some advice on these, as soon as I figure out how to make a post! So, yay. Thank you to this forum, and this hobby, for existing.


Mar 30, 2017
Hello. I'm Chandra, aka Axolotl. I'm pretty new here, but I've been active on roachforum for quite awhile. Now that my interest in arachnids is officially more than a passing fancy, I thought I'd stop lurking and start contributing. I currently have 100+ species of invertebrates, everything from roaches and beetles to arachnids and myriapods. I recently had my first clutch of H. spinifer 'plings, and now I'm hooked. Can't wait to get into breeding more arachnids. Looking forward to joining the community.

Mono peludo

Sep 11, 2019
Hello everyone, I am Juan José, I live in Spain, city of Malaga, I am 26 years old and I like almost all types of insects, I have not been in the hobby for a long time, but I am willing To learn all I can, I have various types of insects, plasmids and isopods. Greetings.

Domenico Piero

Sep 10, 2019
Hi friends ;

Some probably already know me and others do not.

I live in Belgium and I maintain many reptiles and tarantulas (see my list).

I am 55 years old and I have fallen in the terrarium since 1998, a long time already lol

That's it, I'll see you soon, well and I would like to join ;)


Sep 7, 2019
New to the forum, and proud new owner of 2 C. cyaneopubescens slings and an H. villosella sling, as of this morning. All courtesy of Fear Not Tarantulas! Great first experience with them as a rookie to the hobby, and will definitely do business with them again in the near future! My family and I were forced to get rid of our black eyed leucistic ball python last week, and we were pretty devastated by it. Starting this collection has helped ease the pain of losing a snake I raised from a month old. Excited to grow my collection and meet new people!


Sep 8, 2018
Hi I'm Josh! I've been a lurker in these boards for a while now and have always wanted to jump in the conversation but felt like too much of a nobody to even begin to. So I figured it's about time I actually make a presence on here seeing that Facebook is trash.
I'll be around. Lurking even moreo_O


Sep 14, 2019
Hi all I'm Caiti. Long time lurker finally getting everything together and making an account! 24, female, Ohio native.

I love talking about Inverts so please feel free to chat me. I'm still getting use to everything so don't be afraid to help me out when I don't know how to do something.


Sep 17, 2019
Hello, my name is Shaina and my first spider is a wild caught Platycryptus undatus. He is missing a leg, and I am a sucker for animals that are struggling


Aug 31, 2019
Hi. I'm pyro, long time lurker, finally getting around to creating an account. I don't currently own any inverts but since my teen son convinced me to let him add his first OW and his first arboreal (1.5" dls P. metallica, after 9 years with various NW terrestrials) , I'm likely to have some questions - not least because I'm so fascinated with that little pokie (and my boy's so tired of me spending time in his room watching it) that I'm almost certain I'll be joining the hobby myself!


Sep 20, 2019
Hi, I’m Sarah, I’ve just recently got back into inverts I used to have wild caught inverts and kept them as a kid but I ended up getting more into mammals (mainly due to everyone else being scared of anything else)
I’ve recently got 2 Phidippus regius jumplings (I get them next week) and would love to get into jumping spiders and have several species they are so cute. I also really like Dwarf T’s but I wanted to research more before I got any. So possibly next year I wanna see how my cats are with the jumpers.

Besides that I’m currently owned by my bengals Noctis (Early Gen kitten) and Arya and I’ve had hybrid history cats for around 20 years now so I can safely say I know a bit. Also have my elderly Chihuahua Maiko.


Sep 22, 2019
Hey All,

Welcome to Arachnoboards. Please take a moment to introduce yourself. Let us know who you are and what brings you here.

Feel free to post a picture of yourself here.

This thread is for personal introductions only, please let us know what inverts you have here.

Hope you enjoy your stay :D

The Arachnoboards Team
Hello all!

I just got my very first sling this weekend at a reptile show and I'm super excited to learn all about them ! He or She is a Brachypelma Vagans .

Thinking about making him Bilbo Vagans but still working on the name , if it's a girl then maybe Madam Zeroni from the movie Holes cause he's a terrestrial lol

Cheers all !



Aug 25, 2019
Hi My name is Adam,
I'm a tarantula keeper and have been keeping tarantulas on and off for 15 years but I have just come off the back of a long hiatus and I already have 17 tarantulas. I have also started a youtube to document my progress and hopefully educate and entertain. I will leave a link at the bottom if anyone is interested. I used to have an account here a long time ago but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was which is a shame as it had a good standing and a large post count but I guess I'm starting again. Thanks for reading this if you got this far!



Sep 24, 2019
New to the boards but grandmom to my daughter's Chilean Rosehair for the last 6 years. Came on looking for info as he has become lethargic and has not molted for 2 years. Thought perhaps he might be end of life. Presently I am treating for dehydration in tarantula ICU as there is nothing visually wrong with him...just a little lighter than normal and very lethargic.
Hope to find a bit more information and some support


Jun 16, 2018
New to the boards but grandmom to my daughter's Chilean Rosehair for the last 6 years. Came on looking for info as he has become lethargic and has not molted for 2 years. Thought perhaps he might be end of life. Presently I am treating for dehydration in tarantula ICU as there is nothing visually wrong with him...just a little lighter than normal and very lethargic.
Hope to find a bit more information and some support
It's normal for this species to not move much and to have long periods between molts. Please get it out of the ICU, these are an arid species and ICUs tend to be stuffy deathtraps. If it is dehydrated, its abdomen will be shriveled.

It also may be helpful to start a new thread with pictures. :)

Adam Cochran

Sep 27, 2019
Hey there everyone. I'm Adam from southern Kentucky. Back in July I bought a south American Skeleton Leg tarantula and had it for a month and it seemed to do fine, then it quit eating and because I never had a tarantula before I didn't know how to help the poor fella'. It died because I didn't know how to take care of it properly, didn't provide the adequate habitat, or maybe it became dehydrated is my best guess. I figure I could just buy more tarantulas but they seem so difficult to care for compared to other inverts(except centipedes). I don't think it would be smart to buy another tarantula only for it to die as well. Not only that, I like to occasionally handle my pets and tarantulas just cannot be trusted, the risk of getting bit is not worth keeping a tarantula, for me.

Now, I care for native millipedes, which I am much more well-equipped to care for. I keep my pedes in a 20 gallon glass tank vivarium with my own substrate mix about 2-4 inches deep. I care for at least 4 different species of native pedes and they are all housed in the vivarium, and they do all get along fine. I keep Narceus americanus, Apheloria virginiensis, Auturus evides, and one other specie I haven't figured out what it is yet--all of my pedes are from the wild, and in the future I hope to breed my pedes or at least breed Narceus americanus and Auturus evides. I should probably head on over to the diplopod part of the forums and introduce myself over there as well so I could describe myself better.

I hope to be a substantial contributing member of this forum in the area of millipedes and centipedes of the western Appalachian region of Kentucky. Peace out.