Introduce Yourself


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
Noob to the T's, but been keeping reptiles, mantids and other herps for over 20 years. From the south.


Jun 6, 2011
Hello I am new to these boards (obviously). I found them just by googling a lot about tarantulas so I decided to finally join. I've been a spider fanatic for about the last 3rd of my life (though I really liked Charlotte's Web when I was a kid :) ). Before spiders elephants were my favorite animal for some reason and when I was a kid it was black panthers, though I still like all felines (except lions).

I live in Calgary Alberta Canada but currently work in Saudi Arabia on a month on/month off basis. Where I'm from there aren't any exotic spiders native to the area so the coolest one I've held was a black and yellow garden spider, which was probably from B.C. the next province over.

I've always wanted a tarantula but was reluctant to get one while I still had my cat (she was a bit neurotic). She passed last year so now I'm seriously considering getting one. I've narrowed down my choices for a first T to Eupalaestrus campestratus or Grammostola pulcrhipes, leaning towards the PZB I think. I just have to find someone who'd actually be willing to feed it while I'm away, as I'm sure there are those who would never set foot in my house again if I get one (silly people).

I look forward to perusing the board more fully to hear of other's experiences with their T's.



May 29, 2011
Hi. :)

I'm Vicki, I live in Aberdeen Scotland but I'm from Leamington Spa England. Er I've got 2 tarantulas. I'm away to do my HND in Animal Care in September which will hopefully lead me onto veterinary medicine :).

Thats about as interesting as I get I'm afraid.


Jun 6, 2011
hello all

im Kree and i live in FL. im just gathering information to see if a tarantula was a good pet for me. a friend of mine let me hold theirs and i fell in love. (i think it was a Chilean rose.) i dont really care about looks, but the temperment of the animal. i want something thats calm and docile. any suggestions?
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Jun 6, 2011
im Kree and i live in FL. im just gathering information to see if a tarantula was a good pet for me. a friend of mine let me hold theirs and i fell in love. (i think it was a Chilean rose.) i dont really care about looks, but the temperment of the animal. i want something thats calm and docile. any suggestions?
I have yet to own one but see my post a couple above yours. From the research I've done the Pink Zebra Beauty and the Chaco Golden Knee are 2 of the tamest. Chilean Rose's are hit and miss from what I've read.


Jun 7, 2011
Hello everyone!
My name is Jamie. I am 30 years old and I hail from Connecticut. I have been an avid spider lover from the time I was a child and have been fascinated with arachnids from the first time I ever allowed one to crawl on my hand. I did what most kids do and put the little guy in a paper cup with a baseball card over the top, cleaned out whatever glass jar I could get my hands on, filled it up with twigs and leaves, poked some holes in the lid, and then transferred my new friend to his brand new lap of luxury! lol. Little did I know that what was about to take place would intrigue me to a point where here I am decades later and am still as amazed now as I was then with these beautifully, marvelous creatures!
Witnessing a spider construct a web from pure instinct with such architectural precision, damn near floored me and thus began my search for more spiders!!!
Well years have passed since that moment and I am now, FINALLY, preparing myself for my very first pet tarantula! I have finally convinced the wife (who is deathly afraid of spiders by the way) to accept one into our home. I have been researching all of the necessary precautions, safety guidelines, and proper etiquette before taking the plunge! I want to make sure that I know as much as I can before taking one of these little guys or gals in as a pet. I want to be absolutely certain that I will provide the safe and proper environment which is required for my new friend to live to its maximum capacity. Any foul care on my behalf would devastate me for the simple fact that this is a living thing and I want to give it the care in which it deserves.
I found this forum in a search with hopes of meeting a strong community on this subject, with members who might possibly be able to help me along in my quest for seeking out a new addition to my family. I look forward to becoming acquainted with you folks and I have soooo many questions. So many in fact, I will wait for the go-ahead before I bombard you all with the same ol questions that have probably been asked a gazillion times on this site. So in the meantime, I will read up on as many posts as I can before posting any of my many questions in order to limit any redundancy.
I thank you all for your time in getting to know a little about me. I look forward to hearing from you all!!

P.s Apologies for the long post!!! lol
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Jun 8, 2011
new to this

I am new to this forum stuff. However I do read these threads for info on my t. She is a chilean rose. She is my third one. I had a couple of them about 15 years ago. I was only 16 and don't quite recall what substrate I used... So I ask the reptile guy at petco and he gives me this wood chip stuff..She seemed to really like it but I was reading that it is really dangerous so I got some eco earth (not the brick, the already dried stuff in the bag). She hates it! Will not walk on it. When I put her back in her tank she clung to the glass for dear life. She will get on her log cover, but thats it. Why? Another question.. When I was bringing her home from the pet store she had clear drops of water like liquid dripping from her fangs. I DO NOT HANDLE HER. Last night when I put her back in her lovely, revamped, safe, enclosure, while clinging to the glass more of that liquid was coming from her fangs. Lots of it. Venom? She also climbs alot more than I remember my other t's climbing. Normal?


Jun 7, 2011
Hello All!
I've been using Arachnoboards for a while now and finally got around to making a profile. My name is Sarah and I'm a biology graduate student from Michigan. My first experience with tarantulas was a couple years ago, I worked in an area that had lots of B. vagans all over the place. I really got hooked though when I took an invertebrates course from an arachnologist at my university. My first T is a wonderful Paraphysa parvula named Ava.

Alexandra V

Jun 8, 2011
Hey everyone! Obviously I'm new he, and I'm still fairly new to tarantulas, but I'm loving them! My first T was an x. Immanis, and he (named Little Thor,though I'm not sure the sex - I just say he out of habit) has about a 2.5" leg span right now, and my second is a G. Rosea / G. Porteri (depending on how you see it lol) named Shelob, she's (again not certain of the sex, just a habit) got I'd guess about a 4" legspan.

I had loved tarantulas and snakes since I can remember, hence my growing collection on tarantulas and snakes now that I have a job and the money to pay for them :p aside from snakes and Ts I love singing and playing bass (upright and electric) and I love music in general. I'm also into sci fi and fantasy film and literature (practically have all of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings memorized :p) and a big comic and video game fan. I love to bike (road), kayak and longboard too.


Jun 5, 2011
Hello, Everyone!
It's nice to meet all of you. I'm located in Blountsville, Alabama. I am a Programming Librarian for the Oneonta Public Library. I am also an English teacher, and teach non-English speakers English or ESL classes. I am a current graduate student at the University of Alabama. I will finish my Masters in Library and Information Science in December. Only 3 classes to go!!! Whoo!!! Whooo!!
I love most animals. I don't currently have any inverts, but am learning alot! I hope someday to get a G. Pulchripes aka Chaco Golden Knee tarantula. I'm afraid of spiders, so hope that I can get my courage up. Right now I'm doing lots of research.


Jun 3, 2011
Hello all

Hi my name is Krystal and I am a proud new mom of a Chaco golden knee (Grammostola pulchripes)

This is not my first tarantula but its been awhile since I had one and it is my first chaco.

He/she is a spiderling about 3/4 inch. I have him/her in a clear 16oz placon deli cup with an insect style lid. his/her substrate is a 50/50 mix of Sphagnum Moss and Vermiculite. In the cup I also have the film canister thing he was shipped in for a hide.

Anything Im missing?

Food wise it is hard to get crickets small enough, can he eat wax worms till he gets a bit bigger? Or anything else besides crickets?


Jun 8, 2011

Hi everyone,

My husband and i have kept T's for over 20yrs along with other exotics. Have looked at this site for a while but never got round to joining.
We have about 60 T's now All various species.
Just thought we'd join for when we need some advice from across the pond.



Jun 9, 2011

hi!!! i love this very informative forum! i'm 29, from south africa and i'm relatively new to the hobby.
hope to learn a lot!


Jun 7, 2011
I live in Virginia and am new to this site but have been collecting Ts with my boyfriend for about 3 years, I think we have 12 at the moment, but are breeding our A. Avicularia, so hopefully we will have lots of slings soon! :D

Cuddly Cobalt

Apr 18, 2011
kind of late but HELLO, im 14 and i am from brooklyn. I have been collecting Ts for 2 years now


May 18, 2011
Hey whats up guys

I am 25 and live in San Antonio, Tx. I got my first T's when I was 9. Its kinda of a funny story. My mom and dad went through a nasty divorce. My dad knows my mom hates spiders. So a couple years after the divorce, he bought me two G. rosea lol ;P. The female live for 15yrs, and the male a surprising 8yrs. He had the attitude of a OBT. I just got back into T's and I'm addicted {D. I currently have 3 T's a P. Murinus, P. Muticus, and C. Fasciatum, and hopefully getting another 2" in P. Muticus next week from chad34. I would have a ton more, but my girlfriend gets super mad :embarrassed: every time I get a new one :8o. I love this site. Keep up the great work.

P.S. Getting a P. Regalis next, but don't tell my GF. lol ;)


Jun 10, 2011

Hello, I am a homeschooling mama of 3, ages 5 to 14. I just brought home our first T, a Chaco Golden Knee sling. The kids and I are very excited to watch our new little guy grow. We care for many different critters, from cows to dogs, to well many, many other critters (I listed them on my info page :)). I hope that through the information I find on this board our, Shelob, if it turns out to be a girl or Mirkwood, if it is a boy, will live a long "happy" life. I look forward to learning all I can about the care of our T. I am so excited, I had waited and waited until my boys, now 9 and 5, were old enough to help care for it without "ooops" loosing or hurting it.


Jun 11, 2011
I'm new here, been meaning to sign up for a while but it took a long time.

I'm not super new to tarantulas, though I'm at my height of Ts at the moment: 10.

I have:

GBB sling - well I think he's considered a juvie now. Still my baby and soon to be moved out of his sling cup.


Curly hair



Salmon Pink Birdeater

Mex Redrump

OBT sling

Bluefang sling

and a P Regalis juv

I also have 3 dogs, 3 pet rats and a ball python. :)


Jun 11, 2011
Howdy folks! I'm a complete and total noob when it comes to inverts, but today I took that first step and acquired an adorable little G. pulchri from Eight Legs Plus at the Hamburg Show today. Cute little sling!

Let's see ... male, 35, married for 12 years, and quite mad. I think we have around 15 or 20 snakes around the house, 5 lizards, a pair of tortoises, a dog, and a cat. It's a menagerie!

Aside from the critters, I read a lot, write some (anyone here do NaNoWriMo?), and game when I can (online and tabletop w/ dice). Also, I enjoy fishing whenever I can get out on the water. And putzing around online at odd hours is always fun for me.

I used this site to get an idea as to what the best first species of T should be as far as a pet I could handle, and the breeder was even recommended in one of the review threads. It's a bit of a change going from legless to 8 legs, but I'm loving the ride.

Glad to be here!