User Hobo's photos


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Nice aquisition Hobo

Did U build an add-on to the cardboard complex....2 make room 4 ? :p - J


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Yep, saw my P. regalis doing the same thing. She'll do it with balls of dirt or boluses. She seems to like throwing them into her plant or her water dish :)
It blew my mind! I didn't actually think they would throw them... though it would make sense... I remember reading a thread where a guy's avic got it into a fake flower somehow. Hey, we should start a spider basketball team{D

Did U build an add-on to the cardboard complex....2 make room 4 ? :p - J
Yup! Gonna flip this cardboard box!

Oh man, those last three pics are so cool!
Thanks. I really lucked out on these ones.:eek: Wish I got the bolus in mid air though, that woulda been perfect.


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2009
She molted last night, and one of the irminia and I were lucky enough to see the whole thing.
"Bye, everyone, thanks for watching me undress myself!...
... you pervs."
lol hey hey... watch it now... were not the one's takin upskirt perverted pics and posting it on the net....;)... so who's the perv??? lol;P:D{D

Glad to see your t's are molting with no issue's congrats...



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I simply love this thread!

Congrats on the new addition.. what a pretty girl :)

And the picture of your irminia is really awesome!


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
if ya dont mind me aksin.....wich LPS did you get the Avic from.....she looks great BTW.

The bolus flick is hilarious! have seen my P. cambridgeis do of the glass, into the water dish....crazy aim!...couldnt believe it:cool:


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
if ya dont mind me aksin.....wich LPS did you get the Avic from.....she looks great BTW.
Gah! I meant to send you a pm, but forgot.
It was at Aquariums West. They got a bunch of new spiders in, and they're all really good deals. That girl was $30, which is why I couldn't pass her up! IIRC they had a couple of other A. avics (one female, and one freshly molted MM), a couple of female Lps ~3", A couple of P. regalis (I think one is female, judging from just the dorsal stripe... they appear to be about 3" too... didn't get a good look), E. murinus, and a T. blondi. There may be more, I dunno... I was pretty much pullin' em out of their little hotbox thing and going crazy. I'm sure you know how it is:)

There was also this "new" guy (used to work there but came back) who's a real spider head. Craig, I think his name was? Anyway, he knows his stuff, talked spiders with him for a bit, he used to keep tons of spiders. Says he'll try to get some of the more rare spiders in, and says he's gonna try and get some that I wanted in there. He said he can get them sexed sometimes too. I suggested L. violaceopes{D Nice guy.

Anyway, you should def. check 'em out if your in the area, though if you want any of the spiders I listed, better call to make your trip worthwhile!

The bolus flick is hilarious! have seen my P. cambridgeis do of the glass, into the water dish....crazy aim!...couldnt believe it
I'm telling you guys... SPIDER BASKETBALL TEAM! Kinda like Air bud, but with spiders.
I dub our new sport: Basketbolus.:clap:

I simply love this thread!

Congrats on the new addition.. what a pretty girl :)

And the picture of your irminia is really awesome!
Thanks! I bet my thread loves you too. And yeah, she is pretty. The MM at the store looked crazy though! And here I thought I'd never bother with any avics!
Btw, Mrs. Pennywort says "hi" to Contraband <3

lol hey hey... watch it now... were not the one's takin upskirt perverted pics and posting it on the net....;)... so who's the perv??? lol;P:D{D

Glad to see your t's are molting with no issue's congrats...

Haha well I guess you're right. I am a Hobo, after all!
And thanks. Other than those little hitchhikers, she's doing very well, and has already eaten.

And just so there will be some pictures to look at amid this sea of text, I give you Mr. & Mrs. Pennywort (Pay attention Mr. Pennywort, that silkworm might be YOU one day!):



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Thanks! I bet my thread loves you too. And yeah, she is pretty. The MM at the store looked crazy though! And here I thought I'd never bother with any avics!
Btw, Mrs. Pennywort says "hi" to Contraband <3

The MM Avic I knew was literally THE perfect spider... he was overwhelming cute, I couldn't stand it.

Contraband says howdy to Mrs. Pennywort.. and gives a little glare to Mr. Pennywort {D


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
Gah! I meant to send you a pm, but forgot.
It was at Aquariums West. They got a bunch of new spiders in, and they're all really good deals. That girl was $30, which is why I couldn't pass her up! IIRC they had a couple of other A. avics (one female, and one freshly molted MM), a couple of female Lps ~3", A couple of P. regalis (I think one is female, judging from just the dorsal stripe... they appear to be about 3" too... didn't get a good look), E. murinus, and a T. blondi. There may be more, I dunno... I was pretty much pullin' em out of their little hotbox thing and going crazy. I'm sure you know how it is:)

There was also this "new" guy (used to work there but came back) who's a real spider head. Craig, I think his name was? Anyway, he knows his stuff, talked spiders with him for a bit, he used to keep tons of spiders. Says he'll try to get some of the more rare spiders in, and says he's gonna try and get some that I wanted in there. He said he can get them sexed sometimes too. I suggested L. violaceopes{D Nice guy.

Anyway, you should def. check 'em out if your in the area, though if you want any of the spiders I listed, better call to make your trip worthwhile!

I'm telling you guys... SPIDER BASKETBALL TEAM! Kinda like Air bud, but with spiders.
I dub our new sport: Basketbolus.:clap:

Ya man, i know Craig....i used to buy spids from him, when he was there back in , like, 03-06.....def a good guy!....knows his stuff, fo sho!.....cant wait to go check out what they have!:cool:


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Omg you guys!!

So looks like my GBB molted out instead of laying an eggsac:8o
That's the bad news. Good news is that she molted! She was on her back about 8am yesterday, and waitied for me to fall asleep before actually molting (I work nights). Further proof that they will only molt when you are asleep, and even wait for it just to piss you off!

Here's her molt:

oops forgot her hat....

And just a couple of random shots of the B. insignis, Stubbs, who seems to be permenantly missing a leg..

Doesn't stop her from the killing though!

A shot of my H. lividum... She's out a whole lot at night. I'm waiting for her to become a pet hole.

...and I'll sneak in some of my Betta, "Siamese fighting fish the fish", because he's awesome. The color's off though, he's much more of a royal blue color. I'm just not smart enough to fiddle with my camera to get it to capture the color properly.



Old Timer
May 15, 2009
Second picture of the Betta is just fantastic. Is that body posture the result of him seeing his reflection in the aquarium glass?


Feb 27, 2010
Does your GBB have some sort of Davey Crockett fixation by any chance?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Second picture of the Betta is just fantastic. Is that body posture the result of him seeing his reflection in the aquarium glass?
I put a mirror up against the side so I could take photos of his fins. I forgot how much of a pain it is to take a picture of something that moves around. Score another point for tarantulas!

Does your GBB have some sort of Davey Crockett fixation by any chance?
Hah! That's immediately what I thought whn I first saw that.

Aww, cute betta!
Thanks. He's a diva. Only takes frozen food, won't touch the pellet stuff.:eek:

Anyway, more pics while I'm here! With all the fun picture threads in the WH, I almost forgot about this one!

The GBB, loking very nice. Very awesome blue and orange hues.

P. metallica. I almost never get a proper shot of this one. Enjoy!

The B. smithi with a face full of dirt. She's stopped actively digging, but is now just content moving her webbed up dirt clods from one end of her cage to the other. :?

...and, the B. boehmei finally decided to molt. Didn't even see her flip or anything, just came home to a new, bright orange spider. Her abdomen is still huge!

And on with the stretching! I love this pose.
Silly spider, stop doing that Superman pose. You're a spider. You can't even fly.

Thanks for visiting!


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
lookin good mang!....i went to AW on friday and checked out the selection...they still had a few left, so i grabbed the E. murinus....thanx for the heads up!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
lookin good mang!....i went to AW on friday and checked out the selection...they still had a few left, so i grabbed the E. murinus....thanx for the heads up!
Sweet! Went back last weekend to maybe pick up one of the LPs, both looked male so I passed. Almost all of the cool spiders were gone (So it was YOU who took the E. murinus!! lol) and all they had were 2 avics, the blondi, and the 2 lps. Hopefully that'll encourage them to get more spiders soon!


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
dude, that blondi was lookin good!...i was tempted fo sho....but passed on it for the murinus!......ya, im sure hes gunna stock up...i`ll be checkin back.


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2009
Great thread an pictures really !
love the way that you follow up ur spiders, many others are just taking random pics all the time.


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2009

Yup, finally got my hands on a female P. metallica! My pockets are still hurting though.... but it was worth it.:drool:[/QUOTE]

that is awesome ive wanted one for so long!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
That boehmei looks amazing!
Thanks Teal. She's such a fatass... and grew a ton too. She's almost as big as my N. chromatus when I first got her.
Great thread an pictures really !
love the way that you follow up ur spiders, many others are just taking random pics all the time.
Thanks. That's what I was going for, something blog-ish but not really. I shall never blog! Though if I had a ton more tarantulas, I'm sure my picture thread would end up just being a bunch of random pictures. It's way easier to keep track of 13 than 1300!
that is awesome ive wanted one for so long!
Save up, get one. I've heard they're a good starter pokie, if it wasn't for the price.