Why not just get another rosie. Besides he could still live three or four more years.
Many folks have their G.rosea males live for a couple of years after their ultimate molt. Enjoy him while you have him, and just to double check, look under his front pair of legs at the second joint for a hook on each leg. It should be pretty obvious. You can see what they look like here: http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2005/09/07/brachypelma-vagans-tibial-apophysis.jpg or here: http://bugguide.net/images/cache/BZ4LWZ5L8ZWHAH4HRREHZR9HUZILWZ7LHRWHWZNHNZ8LAZ7LZR5H6Z4LWZZL4ZIH1H4HBHSLBZ9HRRGHBHXHFHIL.jpgI thought they only live 6-18 months after sexual maturity?