They are over 20yrs old & have been in her tank for 4yrs. They are in the same condition as they were in 20yrs go. If they were in water then yes they would rot much faster.. but sitting on the bark stuff they don't get that wet.wouldn't the bones rot as time goes by?
Thats really great man, thanks for posting.Heres a little KK modification tutorial, as requested by a couple board members....enjoy!
Dude!...forgot to mention that i snip the threaded portion of the screws off wit side cutters...then a little blob of hot glue to dull the situationThats really great man, thanks for posting.
A coupla points: instead of using screws, use small bolts and nuts. Also, have the heads inside of the tank (that way the points of the screws/bolts aren't facing in where a spider might hurt themselves on them, especially in an arboreal setup.
Good stuff though!
That works tooDude!...forgot to mention that i snip the threaded portion of the screws off wit side cutters...then a little blob of hot glue to dull the situation....thanx for the reminder, almost, well actually forgot to post that..