Thx for al the cool replies :clap: , i'll post some more enclosure pics tomorow when the light is better
This is my list of tarantula's it aint al that big but im working on it :worship: .
0.1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.1.0 Brachypelma Vagans
0.1.0 Brachypelma boehmei
0.0.1 Brachypelma auratum
0.1.0 Grammostola rosea
0.0.1 Lasiodora parahybana
0.1.0 Lasiodora difficilis
0.0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei
@Redknee_freak Dont know if my Auratum is a he or a she hope to find out in the next molt, the body size is about 3.5 / 4 cm
Greetings from The Netherlands.
This is my list of tarantula's it aint al that big but im working on it :worship: .
0.1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.1.0 Brachypelma Vagans
0.1.0 Brachypelma boehmei
0.0.1 Brachypelma auratum
0.1.0 Grammostola rosea
0.0.1 Lasiodora parahybana
0.1.0 Lasiodora difficilis
0.0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei
@Redknee_freak Dont know if my Auratum is a he or a she hope to find out in the next molt, the body size is about 3.5 / 4 cm
Greetings from The Netherlands.
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