Dating apps


Mar 24, 2017
Only made it to about a foot and a half before his tank mate of a 2 years (red eared slider) ate him I came home from work devastated
Youre telling me a turtle... ate an alligator. I. Am unsure how to process this information. Unless it was already dead... then i could understand it.


Aug 28, 2016
Youre telling me a turtle... ate an alligator. I. Am unsure how to process this information. Unless it was already dead... then i could understand it.
I have a feeling his red eared slider was either massive or not a red eared slider lmao. It would've been the other way around in a few years anyways so I guess props to the turtle.


Jul 23, 2017
Youre telling me a turtle... ate an alligator. I. Am unsure how to process this information. Unless it was already dead... then i could understand it.
Nope he was alive and well. that turtle was vicious he ate more mice than the alligator never had a problem with the gator before tho until that day I came home it was sad man
I have a feeling his red eared slider was either massive or not a red eared slider lmao. It would've been the other way around in a few years anyways so I guess props to the turtle.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2012
Back to the dating topic, I've honestly never had my spiders or whatever creatures I've kept get in the way of dating and relationships. I don't consider myself to be particularly attractive-looking or anything either. I've been married twice and have had my share of girlfriends over the years, and never once were my Ts a "deal-breaker" in that regard. (And i've often kept enclosures in my bedroom... :D)
Granted, their were some that didn't like spiders/scorpions/etc. But as long they didn't have to deal with them and the creatures stayed in their enclosures, they didn't care much about that aspect of me.

That said, I've never dated anyone that I met online before. All of my dates and relationships were people that I met in person. I don't necessarily have anything against dating apps or websites, I've just never used them. Then again, such technology didn't exist for the first half or so of my life either.


Feb 17, 2018
Funny story :p

I met the future hubbs on POF (plenty of fish). I had never used a dating app before and decided why not? :p If anything, maybe I'd make some new friends at least? Let me tell you, there are some perverted creepers out there lol. I never had any tarantula pics on my profile (at that time I didn't own any and wasn't back in the hobby yet) but I did mention that I liked them. Aside from the lame 'oh instead of actually messaging this girl, I'm just gonna send her my willy and hope for the best' (guys, no... that's NOT how you get a respectable woman in your life), I did chat with a couple of decent guys who were respectful.

I managed to stumble across one guy who's first picture was him holding a tarantula, a curly hair, if I remember correctly. I totally sent him a message, cause it's not often you find someone who, obviously, likes the little creepy crawlies outside of AB :p We chatted for 2 days before it became obvious he was one of those super high functioning anxiety guys who didn't know how to talk to anyone and made conversations really awkward and had no ambition to look for a job, still living at home with his parents at the age of 29.

Fortunately, my future hubbs actually sent me a message out of the blue that made me laugh and that's how we ended up chatting. It was cool that he was okay with spiders and scorpions and we just ended up clicking. Now we're living together, engaged to be married in the next few months (after winter is over) and it feels like we've known each other our whole lives lol.