Dating apps

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
It seems like the men I bring home are much more likely to be freaked out by my fuzzies than the women I bring home.
If I bring somebody home the first thing I do is show them my fuzzies. If they don't freak out and run from the house, then and only then do I show them my spiders.



Aug 16, 2017
I'm very happily taken, and have never used a dating app in my life, but I think people use their animals in their pictures because it's an easy conversation starter, yet for the right or wrong reasons is simply down to the picture itself and the person running the account.

I have seen screenshots of dating apps and heard stories from friends who use them, one of whom sports a picture of his Rottweiler on one. Pictures with animals that are universally recognised, like dogs and cats, do tend to get noticed quite often because it's the norm for them to be cute. Reptiles and inverts, not so much, but you can guarantee that whoever speaks to you with an 'unorthodox' animal in your picture, or mentioned somewhere on your profile, at the very least is somewhat comfortable with the idea of you having them, or they wouldn't bother contacting you. That or they're just blind, ignorant, stupid, or a combination of all three.

I have no doubt there are experienced and passionate keepers out there who love their animals and wouldn't want to end up with someone who doesn't like said animals and tries to make them revoke all the blood, sweat and tears they have shed for their hobby over the years. In that case, showing your animals off is a good thing. Yet as others have mentioned, perhaps the right person is out there. To show them these animals may outright drive them away for good, when all they need would be coaxing into the idea and looking after and having these animals. Knowledge is power, and it relinquishes fear. My SO is terrified of spiders, and I adore them, yet he knew this about me when we ended up together after being friends for so long. With a bit of persuasion, the 'definitely not' has turned into 'maybe sometime in the future, if you can keep them secure enough'!

I'd avoid the douchy images of snakes dangling precariously from finger tips and tarantula's plastered on people's faces, and go for the images of animals contently sat in cages or safely, undisturbed, on laps, beds, or other places where no harm should come to them. When you meet people on these apps, I think people should indulge the other's passions. To turn your nose up at them makes you seem prudish and unable to accept new ideas, which is the worst thing you could do when trying to meet new people, especially to date! Excluding hobbies that are the veeeery screwed up and twisted kind (that I doubt any sane person would even expose), there's no reason not to entertain them about it, since they are, you know, human, and have their own interests besides yours.

Unless your idea of screwed up and twisted is keeping tarantulas. :troll:


Jun 17, 2016
This is a bit of an odd thread, but I'm really curious here... xD
It's known that pet pics are a plus on dating apps. They look cute, they are a conversation starter and they show a bit of yourself and your life. Or at least this is very true with dogs and cats, etc... But how well does it work with tarantulas and such?
It sure makes you stand off, which is what you want and spikes their curiosity at the very least. But will it scare a lot of people right from the start, or not really?
Did anyone try it yet? What were your results?
I post pictures of my tarantulas on my dating profiles. It does not seem to have an effect on who messages me other than a few other invert/reptile lovers start a conversation about it. Other than that, still lots of creepy desperate people.

Swede Baboon

Baboons are life
Jul 29, 2017
People freaking out about spiders ?

Personally i would be more worried about alligator or comodo dragon keeping people (not on farms, i mean as pets. LoL.) :sour:


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2012
Pete, really?? Sausage party? Lol.
There are all kinds of chics on here. Granted, the vast majority of them are inactive as far as posting goes; but so too are the guys.
I agree. In fact, it seems like there are more active female members here now than there was several years ago.


Arachnosupporter +
May 27, 2017
I agree. In fact, it seems like there are more active female members here now than there was several years ago.
I don't have years of membership on this forum for reference, but I will say that there's definitely a fair amount of women on here. Some are even quite prominent members.

Grace Cannell

Aug 19, 2017
How could people not swipe right on a bunch of tarantula photos?! :cool:
A bunch of tarantula pictures would be something I would swipe right on, perhaps that's why I never had much luck with Tinder in the past. I mean someone who loves tarantulas and doesn't particularly like cats? Not exactly an online catch haha.

I got my T's when I was already in a serious relationship and although my partner is still REALLY jumpy around them, he's developing an interest. If were to become single, it would be a case of my T's and I come as a package, take it or leave it.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
If you think getting rejected is bad try getting rejected by the one woman in ten thousand who isn't terrified of your hobby. A million fish in the sea ? Really ?
Makes it feel all that much better ...


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
Pete, really?? Sausage party? Lol.
There are all kinds of chics on here. Granted, the vast majority of them are inactive as far as posting goes; but so too are the guys.
Doesn't matter. Distance is a factor plus most (all) are already in a relationship.