Dating apps


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
I've never had a problem with a girlfriend not letting me have spiders, even the arachnophobic ones. I told my SO right away that I had this particular social flaw and she was highly arachnophobic. We've now been together for almost 5 years and I have a growing collection that she has started to embrace. I didn't start right away of course. I started with a rosie that someone gave me, then I got some avics and a pokie, then some widows and scorpions, etc. In the beginning it was rough. She had night terrors, waking up screaming that a giant spider was descending from the ceiling to eat her soul. Now, she likes to watch them and asks me all the time when the pokie will be making an appearance since she hasn't seen it in months and thinks it's the coolest one on the shelf.

I've had similar results with everyone I've dated over the years. They start out terrified and before you know it, they want one to call their own. I'm always up front about it and I've never had a breakup or non starter because of it. I can see how it might prevent a connection that might otherwise have been made. Although it might be something that starts a conversation that turns into more. There are a lot of people who keep alternative pets and that might be a common thread that would cause someone to respond to an ad they might not have otherwise. It's a hard call to make. Try it both ways and see what the response is.


Oct 6, 2016
Nah it's all about the spine crunked at unnatural angles to make your booty pop. Catch up
My brain doesnt care. If it sees something with that kind of proportionalty, it's gonna say "yes. That looks good."


Jun 7, 2017
Dating apps.. yeah.. Those never go well, either you post an honest picture and get creeps or you get a cute af black and white picture from a funky angle and get more creeps lmao, too many people sent me things I didnt want to see before saying hi to say the least


Staff member
Feb 22, 2013
My brain doesnt care. If it sees something with that kind of proportionalty, it's gonna say "yes. That looks good."
Ah, to be a teenager again. No job, acne, and angrily horny at all hours.

Wait. Teen years were terrible.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
A mistery room at my lovers house, Im prety sure Id sneak and break into it eventualy during the night!
That right there is more likely to hurt your dating than a tarantula on your dating profile.
Having come to the closet door, she made a stop for some time, thinking about her husband's orders, and considering what unhappiness might attend her if she was disobedient; but the temptation was so strong that she could not overcome it. She then took the little key, and opened it, trembling. At first she could not see anything plainly, because the windows were shut. After some moments she began to perceive that the floor was all covered over with clotted blood, on which lay the bodies of several dead women, ranged against the walls. (These were all the wives whom Bluebeard had married and murdered, one after another.) She thought she should have died for fear, and the key, which she, pulled out of the lock, fell out of her hand.


Oct 6, 2016
I wonder what @EulersK actually says to stop his girlfriend from going into his tarantula room. She probably thinks he keeps his sex toys in there.
Also, if she's ravenously afraid of spiders, then what's she doing living in Arizona? Place is crawling with more terrifying spiders and scorpions than the Outback.


Apr 21, 2016
This thread is hilarious! @BobBarley that's messed up lol. Most of the girls at my school were very surprised that someone that collects inverts actually existed so they asked a few questions and such and then I went back to being ignored. Heheh I've got my scorpions to love... 'sits in corner not caring because girls at my school are high maintenance anyways lol'. Regarding the original post. I guess I might have a pic of my scorpions to help weed out the ones who are phobes. Not sure how to go after that.


Jan 28, 2016
Having come to the closet door, she made a stop for some time, thinking about her husband's orders, and considering what unhappiness might attend her if she was disobedient; but the temptation was so strong that she could not overcome it. She then took the little key, and opened it, trembling. At first she could not see anything plainly, because the windows were shut. After some moments she began to perceive that the floor was all covered over with clotted blood, on which lay the bodies of several dead women, ranged against the walls. (These were all the wives whom Bluebeard had married and murdered, one after another.) She thought she should have died for fear, and the key, which she, pulled out of the lock, fell out of her hand.
This sounds really familiar. What set is it from? Is it a Grimm?

We both know those cautionary tales are mainly used just to keep girls in line. Be wary of the rich handsome stranger from outside the village cause he might be a murder. Instead agree to this local marriage we set up for you :p

I don't like anyone digging through my things and if a girlfriend did that without asking we wouldn't be seeing each other after that. To me going through anyone's personal things is a crap thing to do.

As far as the thread question goes: I doubt I would include keeping tarantulas on a dating profile. If I met someone and we went out, hit it off and were discussing pets I would likely toss that out then.


Jan 28, 2016
An English translation of Charles Perrault's version of "Bluebeard."
Ahh, I thought that sounded familiar. I saw this movie a while back while on a foreign movie kick.

Mom has a really old Mother Goose and Grim Fairy Tale book with a lot of the earlier versions of (graphic and harsh) tales that are close to the original ones.


May 22, 2016
My girlfriend of six months still has no idea about my tarantula room. So there's that. In my defense, she has a crippling phobia of both spiders and roaches. Pretty sure she'd stroke out if she saw my colonies or stacks of enclosures.
They are eight legged hamsters. That's what I told my wife at least.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
An English translation of Charles Perrault's version of "Bluebeard."

I was thinking of the "Bluebeard" story even before your excerpt. It was exactly the scenario I imagined on regard to a "forbidden" room.

So what one should do is keep two rooms. One that you suggest should not be entered. The other, with the spiders, you STRONGLY suggest should not be entered. In the first room, you have posters of Ouchie the Clown posters wall-papering he room, with a shrine to Ouchie in the center of it.

If she goes in there, it's a safe bet she won't enter the other room. Unless of course she is into Ouchie. In that case, she is a keeper. :D ;)


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
Why does everyone in this and other threads say girl/women specifically are afraid of spiders? The girls/women I know are not, at least not more than any man. I run a spider blog at work ('spider of the day') on our internal email system and 75% of the subscribers are women - several secretaries and the lone girl from IT included (whereas the guys are not). I don't know how many female teenagers I had over that were fascinated by my tarantulas, but there were several. I do encounter the 'Eeeek, a spider!!!' reaction from time to time, but just as often in men as in women. (Side note: our CFO (male) at work is terrified of snakes and won't enter my office with my boas.) Is it really that different in America?

To get back to the original question: I would put my keeping of tarantulas in the 'about me' part. If they can't deal with that they can't deal with me anyway. So why waste my time with them?

The wolf

May 6, 2017
If you have any reptiles I would have thought a photo of one of those would scare of less people who are compatible and don't like tarantulas


Feb 7, 2017
@boina, I know far too many females where I live who are dim wits when it comes to spiders. I know maybe..3 who actually like them.

I absolutely get the WTHiswrongwithyou look from more females than males; although, come to think of it, some of the guys are just as big of wusses; some are even worse than the girls.

Oh, man, the time my male cousin freaked out when a spider flew off his car door on a thread of silk towards him was the most hilarious thing- my stomach muscles were aching once I finished laughing for a good 10 minutes. :rofl::rofl::dead: