cross-breeding t's


Jul 22, 2008
hybrid curly rose

please post the results of your cross between the male curly and the rose im egar to see what comes out:drool:


Feb 4, 2008
If you want to cross-breed tarantulas you better be ready to catch serious hell from the community. Ask some of the big names in the hobby. It is seriously a big no no to do so. I would recommend you don't cross breed T's.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2008
No, what about?

I will just hang my head in shame, and put down the keyboard.

I think a lot of people here need to do a lot of research. So far I have read very little here that is actually true, but this topic has been beaten to death, the search function will give you all the information you will want to read.

Now we need a mod to come through here.
Yeah there is a whole lot of half truths and half myths and half opinions being thrown around like it is fact.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2008
No one is saying you're advocating playing god or anything like that:eek: but you seem very uninformed to be handling such an experiment. :( I just think that a lot of people feel uncomfortable with what would happen with the potential offspring, especially since you keep bringing up selling them.:embarrassed: That shows that you are interested in monitary gain and not the science behind it. No matter what your best intentions may be, once those animals leave your hands, you have no way of knowing or controlling what would happen with any potential offspring. Letting ANY of those animals out to anyone other than an expert would be VERY VERY irresponsible in my opinion. That being said I'm sure there are several qualified, respected, professionals that would be happy to pay a reasonable amount to take that potential egg sack off your hands.:)


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2007
I wonder if that female ever laid a sack. The OP is still around, maybe he'll have an answer for us.


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2007
:? Who best guess is that if it *did* happen, there would be no sack, because I'm pretty sure different genera of any animal have different numbers of chromosomes. Just like a fox can't breed with a dog. It's like trying to open a house with a car key. It just doesn't work. Please correct me if I'm wrong...


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2008
I think within a species the chromosome numbers are the same (ie all humans have the same number regardless of race however other mammals have different numbers)... obviously all sex cells are not compatible aswell


Jun 22, 2008
If this happened or not, I cannot say. But I do know cross Genus reproduction is possible. There are Ligers in this world. Ligers are the cross of a Male Lion (Panthera Leo) and a Female Tiger (Panthera Tigris). A Male Tiger and a Female Lion can produce a Tigon. That being said Males of these Hybrids are almost always Sterile, while females the Sterility rate is about 50%. While it would be hard, if not almost impossible to have happen, cross Genus mating can occur.



Taken from my Biology book

-In biology, hybrid has two meanings.[1] The first meaning is the result of interbreeding between two animals or plants of different taxa. Hybrids between different species within the same genus are sometimes known as interspecific hybrids or crosses. Hybrids between different sub-species within a species are known as intra-specific hybrids. Hybrids between different genera are sometimes known as intergeneric hybrids. Extremely rare interfamilial hybrids have been known to occur (such as the guineafowl hybrids).


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
If this happened or not, I cannot say. But I do know cross Genus reproduction is possible. There are Ligers in this world. Ligers are the cross of a Male Lion (Panthera Leo) and a Female Tiger (Panthera Tigris). A Male Tiger and a Female Lion can produce a Tigon. That being said Males of these Hybrids are almost always Sterile, while females the Sterility rate is about 50%. While it would be hard, if not almost impossible to have happen, cross Genus mating can occur.
This is a bad example because "ligers" were produced by humans through in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination. A male lion did not mate with a female tiger. Additional they are both in the Felidae family with Pantherinae being a sub family of Felidae. Pantherinae contains both lions and tigers. Additionally Pantherinae contains Jaguars and Leopards.
Apples and oranges comparison to the topic in my opinion.
Could offspring come from two different genus of Ts?……………Yes in theory maybe and I only say that because I don’t think it is known for sure if it can or can’t occur.
But would it ever happen without us doing some serious meddling………..very, very doubtful.


Old Timer
May 28, 2008
I may be new but I don't understand the problem . Unless you introduce one back into the wild whats the difference ? You are not showing them like pure breed dogs so there is no set standard . They are being kept for personal entertainment so if someone can create a bigger more beautiful T whats the difference ? If someone comes up with a 10" G. PULCHRA I want 2 . Maybe I'm missing something ?


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
This is a bad example because "ligers" were produced by humans through in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination. A male lion did not mate with a female tiger. Additional they are both in the Felidae family with Pantherinae being a sub family of Felidae. Pantherinae contains both lions and tigers. Additionally Pantherinae contains Jaguars and Leopards.
Apples and oranges comparison to the topic in my opinion.
Could offspring come from two different genus of Ts?……………Yes in theory maybe and I only say that because I don’t think it is known for sure if it can or can’t occur.
But would it ever happen without us doing some serious meddling………..very, very doubtful.
The initial ligers were from a tiger having sex with a lion. AI of cats is not really easy nor cheap. They are induced ovulators so you either need to augment their cycles hormonally or just track them really meticulously. We just AI'ed a Brazilian Oceleot at work last week and it was not something I can see someone doing for fun or just to see what the offspring look like. A popular breed of "domestic" cats right now is Savannah cats, which is the pairing of a serval and a domestic cat. Once again, I am pretty sure they are not AI'ing all of them.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Are the lynx / domestic feline hybrids seen on the market today from actual breeding?

So I guess my question for you then would be do you think that Felidae inter family breeding is the same as inter genus breeding in tarantulas?

I guess it could be…… all genus fall under the arachnid classification. I am just thinking out loud. My baseline knowledge about this is feeble at best.

The initial ligers were from a tiger having sex with a lion.
Cool I did not know that. I will go look it up some more. The few articles I read said that it was not occurring naturally.