more caterpillars, we found a few groups like these, another place where you do not want to put your hand!
this is the biggest one I ever saw in my life, I have been told it is caterpillar of a moth, it has some skull patterns on it! It was about 7 to 8" long and about 1.5" wide!!!
last series of pictures for the moment until I resize some more
this velvet ant, I am very happy about. the picture itself is not great, but they are so difficult to take picture of, they move non stop! Gorgeous animals they are.
with plenty of caterpillars, you can expect plenty of buterflies, unfortunatly, these are not as easy to take pictures of!
this snake, I was happy to see, I lifted a small log and it burrowed, I only had time to see a bit of orange. Thankfully I was with my friend who is extremely knowledgeable about snakes of FG, he caught a glimpse and knew it what it was, more important that it was harmless, so he dug it up. I would have never been able to really see it if I would have been by myself.
this could have been the "shot" of the trip... but thanks to my lazyness and my stupidity, I decided that morning that I was fed up to carry all my other lenses that I never use, so I left them where I was staying. Result, I had only my 100 mm macro and this owl shows up! :wall: :wall: I think I will kick myself forever about that one. Still, the picture is salvageable, but you can imagine the result if I had my 300mm
two last pictures are taken in Guadeloupe, thanks to Air France's strike, we spent a night there unstead of Miami, cannot complain!
this last one is a funny one, I was trying to get a picture of a pelican. I was waiting for it to come back and suddenly on the corner of my eyes I realized that all that time there was a huge iguana not too far from me... I said screw the pelican! lol
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