G pulchra, about 2.5 to 3 inches across. Recently confirmed that she's a female from a molt. I already had a much bigger female and a male but when I came across this one I had to get it cause I can't have enough of these guys.
Received 3 tiny slings in the mail today. They're very small, but well hydrated and healthy.
-Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
- Clavopelma tamaulipas
-Theraphosinae sp. Adobe
The Theraphosinae sp. Adobe is a tiny firecracker, even at 2i! Very quick and even rose into an itty bitty threat posture for a split second. It was the cutest thing. I can't wait to see these slings grow with time. It's such a satisfying feeling to raise an ant-sized sling into a big, beautiful adult tarantula.
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