Any New Additions?


Aug 13, 2019
G pulchra, about 2.5 to 3 inches across. Recently confirmed that she's a female from a molt. I already had a much bigger female and a male but when I came across this one I had to get it cause I can't have enough of these guys.


Jul 19, 2019
Received 3 tiny slings in the mail today. They're very small, but well hydrated and healthy.
-Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
- Clavopelma tamaulipas
-Theraphosinae sp. Adobe
The Theraphosinae sp. Adobe is a tiny firecracker, even at 2i! Very quick and even rose into an itty bitty threat posture for a split second. It was the cutest thing. I can't wait to see these slings grow with time. It's such a satisfying feeling to raise an ant-sized sling into a big, beautiful adult tarantula.


Mar 14, 2023
I've just pulled the trigger and bought a Xenesthis intermedia small juvenile female as a birthday present 😄

I am very excited about this one. Pictures to follow in due course!


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
I've just pulled the trigger and bought a Xenesthis intermedia small juvenile female as a birthday present 😄

I am very excited about this one. Pictures to follow in due course!
Happy birthday 🎂 and great choice 😉.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Is this one of yours? Experiences?
Yes I have one a these 😊 a little female named Xylia, she has been very skittish so far got her at about 2 inches big she's just hit 3.5/4 inch dls grown alot slower then I expected as I have had her about 2 years .
I have NEVER managed to get a pic in that time, she has lived in her burrow till this recent moult now she sits out alot but any shadow/light/movement within 2 ft of her n she's gone bk in her burrow. I plan on rehousing her soon into a much larger viv and am hoping with more space and burrow room she will be a little less skittish.
Good eaters though and extremely pretty. My girl seems to have no preference when it comes to damp sub she doesn't care if its dry or damp but I like to keep it 1/4 damp just incase she ever decides she needs it , I just overflow the water dish to do this nothing special. Tbh they have been pretty bullet proof n easy to keep, dispite her skittishness she loves her burrow so bolts straight there n stays there 🤷🏻‍♀️. They are a good sp hard on food but shy with ppl, or that's been my experience anyways 😊.


Mar 14, 2023
Yes I have one a these 😊 a little female named Xylia, she has been very skittish so far got her at about 2 inches big she's just hit 3.5/4 inch dls grown alot slower then I expected as I have had her about 2 years .
I have NEVER managed to get a pic in that time, she has lived in her burrow till this recent moult now she sits out alot but any shadow/light/movement within 2 ft of her n she's gone bk in her burrow. I plan on rehousing her soon into a much larger viv and am hoping with more space and burrow room she will be a little less skittish.
Good eaters though and extremely pretty. My girl seems to have no preference when it comes to damp sub she doesn't care if its dry or damp but I like to keep it 1/4 damp just incase she ever decides she needs it , I just overflow the water dish to do this nothing special. Tbh they have been pretty bullet proof n easy to keep, dispite her skittishness she loves her burrow so bolts straight there n stays there 🤷🏻‍♀️. They are a good sp hard on food but shy with ppl, or that's been my experience anyways 😊.
All good to know, thanks for taking the time for an extended response.

I've heard / read a mixture of experiences from keepers, so who knows what mine will be like, hopefully I get to see her out and about - she's apparently around the 3 inch mark at the moment.

Regarding space, yes, I'm going to go fairly generous, in part because I have heard about swift growth rates - or maybe not! - but also if this helps to limit the skittish behaviour then that'll be a bonus too.

I'm very excited about this one - I hope my experience lives up to my expectations! 🙏


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
All good to know, thanks for taking the time for an extended response.

I've heard / read a mixture of experiences from keepers, so who knows what mine will be like, hopefully I get to see her out and about - she's apparently around the 3 inch mark at the moment.

Regarding space, yes, I'm going to go fairly generous, in part because I have heard about swift growth rates - or maybe not! - but also if this helps to limit the skittish behaviour then that'll be a bonus too.

I'm very excited about this one - I hope my experience lives up to my expectations! 🙏
I was told they grow fast too, but I found out its like Theraphosa and because they put on huge size with each moult rather then coz they moult often . They probably size jump in one moult what other t's would do in 3 moults.
There was 10 months between Xylias last 2 moults, took 6 months between her first 2 , n I know 10 months isn't long in the grand scheme of things but it was longer then I expected from what I read .
My Aphonopelma chalcodes af Toffee moults every 11/12 months like clockwork so it shows how slow they really are but because of the size jump ppl say its fast 🤷🏻‍♀️. That's been my experience anyways..... could just be my girl being strange I tend to get strange t's, terrestrial that want to be arboreal and arboreal that live terrestrially ect ect, could easy just be my luck 😆.

I am sure they won't let you down, imo any shyness is well outshined by that carapace 🥰. Pics truly don't do them justice. Plus their food response is immense 😆 soon as food touches the sub legs shoot out the burrow, snatch it up before you can blink, n vanish into the void again 😂. Very fun to watch 😆.

Sorry another long reply, I can't help it I get talking about t's n I can't shut up lol 😆.


Mar 14, 2023
I was told they grow fast too, but I found out its like Theraphosa and because they put on huge size with each moult rather then coz they moult often . They probably size jump in one moult what other t's would do in 3 moults.
There was 10 months between Xylias last 2 moults, took 6 months between her first 2 , n I know 10 months isn't long in the grand scheme of things but it was longer then I expected from what I read .
My Aphonopelma chalcodes af Toffee moults every 11/12 months like clockwork so it shows how slow they really are but because of the size jump ppl say its fast 🤷🏻‍♀️. That's been my experience anyways..... could just be my girl being strange I tend to get strange t's, terrestrial that want to be arboreal and arboreal that live terrestrially ect ect, could easy just be my luck 😆.

I am sure they won't let you down, imo any shyness is well outshined by that carapace 🥰. Pics truly don't do them justice. Plus their food response is immense 😆 soon as food touches the sub legs shoot out the burrow, snatch it up before you can blink, n vanish into the void again 😂. Very fun to watch 😆.

Sorry another long reply, I can't help it I get talking about t's n I can't shut up lol 😆.
Well, a T putting on significant size from one moult to the next will be a new concept for me! 😆

That feeding response sounds fun - I'll watch my fingers! How would you compare it to a genic? (My closest current point of comparison).

And no worries - talk away 😁 I asked!


Sep 16, 2024
I’ve got a couple over the last month. Dolicothele Rufoniger sling who has already moulted succesfully but is tiny! I’m hoping it grows as fast as it’s friend in the next cup, D Diamentis. The D Rufoniger was spotted as only having 7 legs pre and post moult. The seller has offered me some credit. It seems to be ok health wise just down a limb. IMG_20250224_005823_Original.jpeg
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Sep 16, 2024
And my other new addition. Citharacanthus cyaneus. I hadn’t heard of this one before so I did some reading and it is waiting for a new enclosure etc. But she’s very pretty. I wasn’t well on the day of the show so my husband and daughter went to collect her, bless them. She is looking plump but she still devoured a worm.



Sep 16, 2024
I've just pulled the trigger and bought a Xenesthis intermedia small juvenile female as a birthday present 😄

I am very excited about this one. Pictures to follow in due course!
I have one, sub adult female. She seemed to be a bit of a hair kicker when I got her as she was pretty much bald but the seller is someone I consider a trusted seller and they confirmed that she wasn’t keen on the travelling experience and she had freaked out. Mine likes moisture. So I have a dryer hide at one end and a very full water dish at the other and it always sits at the damp end. She has molted out and has a full bottom of hair and when i open the lid to feed she just scoots into the hide and comes straight back out for the dinner. She’s very pretty.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Well, a T putting on significant size from one moult to the next will be a new concept for me! 😆

That feeding response sounds fun - I'll watch my fingers! How would you compare it to a genic? (My closest current point of comparison).

And no worries - talk away 😁 I asked!
Much more skittish then genic, my genics sit like rocks only moving for food or to protect me from that mean old waterdish as I fill it 😂, Xylias gone coz I thought about looking at her viv nm actually touching the viv 😆 , they also make genic look like picky eaters , my girl will just keep trying to stuff food in even if she's dropping stuff to grab the new 😆 .
I would compare them more to my Sericopelma, shy but very food driven.

My girl also isn't massively chunky it's more long old legs n a medium-sized body then genic proportionally chunky all over, but still a very impressive t over all, n as I said that carapace star and shade of black is worth every penny 😆. Just expect them at this size to be high strung huffy teen edgelords and you'll do fine 🤷🏻‍♀️.

I have one, sub adult female. She seemed to be a bit of a hair kicker when I got her as she was pretty much bald but the seller is someone I consider a trusted seller and they confirmed that she wasn’t keen on the travelling experience and she had freaked out. Mine likes moisture. So I have a dryer hide at one end and a very full water dish at the other and it always sits at the damp end. She has molted out and has a full bottom of hair and when i open the lid to feed she just scoots into the hide and comes straight back out for the dinner. She’s very pretty.
My sp bright af loved damp sub, but this girl seems not to care. I keep a quarter damp just incase because I was told they like humidity but she made her hide on the dry side n doesn't go near her dish, unless she's in premoult then I catch her there for a week or so before she moults out.
I love how individual t's can be even in the same sp 😊, so cool.
Hopefully once my girl puts on size she will do what your girl does n go in her hide to just come out again 😆🤞. She is only 3.5/4 inches dls atm so still a moody teen but just got her full adult colours properly and is so pretty I would love to be able to see her more often and for longer then i get to now, and maybe even get the pic I have been trying to get for nearly 2 years 🤣🤣🤣. We live in hope 😆.

You may get questions now @WolfieKate I didn't know anyone with an older one of these 😁 she's been fine so far but I know where to come if she is strange now 😉 I hope that's OK 😊.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
I just ordered a female subadult Cyriocosmus elegans, and I'm so excited! She's due to arrive sometime in mid-March, Canadian weather permitting.

I've had my eye on this species for quite a while and very nearly bought one back in the fall at an expo. Six months or so later, I'm still enamoured with them, so when another opportunity to preorder came up, I figured I'd take it. I've read so many mixed things about their habits--some people never see theirs and basically have a pet hole, and others say theirs web up a whole bunch and hang out topside most of the time. Obviously, I hope I get a webber I get to see a lot, but either way, I look forward to seeing how mine chooses to settle in and set herself up.
Feb 26, 2025
So I rescued these two gorgeous ladies within the last two weeks from an acquaintance who neglected them for various “reasons “.

Y’all I don’t think I have ever seen two (2) worse enclosures these girls were living in. They were filthy.. dry.. smelled. It was horrible. Two new enclosures later, they are vibin.

The GBB is a honey and a web artist as seen in her enclosure.

The A. Gen. is super chill. She molted two days after I got her. She is so pretty. Very chill. Honestly super calm even on take downs minus stuffing her face with six (6) large gut-loaded crickets at once 😂😂😂. Looking forward to watching them both get to full grown.

