Any New Additions?


Active Member
Jul 19, 2019
My new slings came today all the 1-2 cm expected except the sp roatan which was tiny, literally swimming in a vile lol. No Nhandu though as they had ran out .
New babys ;
Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus
View attachment 456185
Psalmopoeus cambridgei
View attachment 456186
One tiny tiny Theraphosinae sp roatan View attachment 456187
swimming in a dram vile
View attachment 456188
And my first ow ever 2 Augacephalus ezendami
View attachment 456189
View attachment 456190
All were super skinny but we will soon fix that. Welcome to the family little ones, super excited your here ❤
They're so cute and fuzzy! Especially the little Psalmopoeus.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Ooooh that roatan is adorable!!
And the A ezendami are going to be stunning. I have to read up more on those.
💯 adorable and tiny lol 😆 have to shine a torch in to see it 🤣 I was really happy to find the ezendami they aren't common here so I got 2 lol dry burrowers as far as I can tell but the adults are stunning the black n gold carapace was my reason for watching for the sp 😊

They're so cute and fuzzy! Especially the little Psalmopoeus.
I fell in love with the pulcher and now I need the other sp in the genus to see what they are like 🤣 psalmopoeus slings are cute though, never seen a bad looking one yet 🥰


Aug 28, 2022
Big boy delivery today! Penultimate male Hysterocrates gigas. From the descriptions the previous keeper sent me I was prepared to deal with the devil himself when opening the package. But no, just a skittish, stressed out tarantula that wanted to bolt out of there. He was safely put into his new enclosure with zero defensiveness from his part. He was just freaked out and wanted to escape.

It made me quite sad, actually. This is the second T in a row that I've bought that I was warned about before purchasing. The other was a Psalmopoeus irminia AF that scared the living daylight out of her keeper. He told me he literally had to work up the courage to even try packing her up for delivery, that she used to jump around her enclosure, jump at him and try to attack him at a fequent basis. Yikes, I thought, and expected the worst. But just like this H. gigas, what I recieved was not a monster out to destroy me but a scared, stressed out and bolty T. Now that she's settled in she's a curious, brave gal who stays out in the open most of the time, often coming out to investigate when I'm doing maintenance around her. Only problem I have with her is that she's quite fat so she's off food until further notice.

I feel so sorry for these guys, labelled as monsters when all they want is to be left alone and treated right. I hope I can give them a new, calmer rest of their life here with me.



Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Big boy delivery today! Penultimate male Hysterocrates gigas. From the descriptions the previous keeper sent me I was prepared to deal with the devil himself when opening the package. But no, just a skittish, stressed out tarantula that wanted to bolt out of there. He was safely put into his new enclosure with zero defensiveness from his part. He was just freaked out and wanted to escape.

It made me quite sad, actually. This is the second T in a row that I've bought that I was warned about before purchasing. The other was a Psalmopoeus irminia AF that scared the living daylight out of her keeper. He told me he literally had to work up the courage to even try packing her up for delivery, that she used to jump around her enclosure, jump at him and try to attack him at a fequent basis. Yikes, I thought, and expected the worst. But just like this H. gigas, what I recieved was not a monster out to destroy me but a scared, stressed out and bolty T. Now that she's settled in she's a curious, brave gal who stays out in the open most of the time, often coming out to investigate when I'm doing maintenance around her. Only problem I have with her is that she's quite fat so she's off food until further notice.

I feel so sorry for these guys, labelled as monsters when all they want is to be left alone and treated right. I hope I can give them a new, calmer rest of their life here with me.

View attachment 456225
You can do it np 😊 you already settled your girl this little boy will be a push over 😉 I believe like you any t can be calm given the right care n setup, such a handsome boy too ! Glad both of them went from clearly the wrong owner to the 💯 right one 😊 congratulations on your new boy 🤞 he makes you lots of little gigas 🥰


Aug 28, 2022
You can do it np 😊 you already settled your girl this little boy will be a push over 😉 I believe like you any t can be calm given the right care n setup, such a handsome boy too ! Glad both of them went from clearly the wrong owner to the 💯 right one 😊 congratulations on your new boy 🤞 he makes you lots of little gigas 🥰
Aw thank you! That means a lot. ❤ He's gorgeous, isn't he? I hope he can charm my girl Max. She's very special to me as she was part of the mystery box that got me started on Ts (it's a long story lol) and I grew her up from a tiny sling. She was also the first T I ever managed to sex. All in all, she's a treat. Incredibly easy to deal with, very gentle and shy. I would be devastated if I lost her any time soon. So the plan is first and foremost to produce some daughters for my own keeping so that her legacy may continue. 😊


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Aw thank you! That means a lot. ❤ He's gorgeous, isn't he? I hope he can charm my girl Max. She's very special to me as she was part of the mystery box that got me started on Ts (it's a long story lol) and I grew her up from a tiny sling. She was also the first T I ever managed to sex. All in all, she's a treat. Incredibly easy to deal with, very gentle and shy. I would be devastated if I lost her any time soon. So the plan is first and foremost to produce some daughters for my own keeping so that her legacy may continue. 😊
Awwww very special girl then! I hope even more now that you get baby's the fact that they aren't for profit they are for the shear joy of your girl is one of the best things I have seen on here 🥰🥰🥰 my little boy keeps shouting to get h. gigas, he likes to say it with a Russian accent for some reason 😆 kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ , I have only just gotten my first ow though so he may have to wait a bit longer .... at least till the ezendami I got moult 😂


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
They tend to stay out more if the enclosure is humid. At least mine did.
Mine was out 100% until molt prep. She has molted and comes out sometimes, but now seems to be a fan of the ambush from the hide versus straight out chasing them as she did before, lol.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2014
Went to the local expo (Muncie, IN) yesterday. Wasn’t a great haul as the expo had only a few inverts in general this time.

I ended up with:

P. cambridgei 0.1.0 (a thick one)

A. avic 0.1.0 (confirmed female by me)

Orthoporus ornatus millipedes x5 (getting heavily into millipedes)

Enclosure decor


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
I may have been naughty .... Harpactira pulchripes 4inch female, hopefully comes round the 11th, name given Hera 😊 pics will come soon as she does 😉


Apr 2, 2018
Jealous! I've been wanting one, but too timid to get an OW. I just love love the way they look! Share ALL the pictures please!


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Jealous! I've been wanting one, but too timid to get an OW. I just love love the way they look! Share ALL the pictures please!
I have only just started with ow but my SO's friend was selling her and I couldn't resist 😊 she will be my 3rd ow but my biggest ow. My other 2 are 2 tiny ezendami slings, after I got them my plan was all the Harpactira because I adore the genus, and even though my plan was to wait a while, the spider gods made me an offer I couldn't refuse 😁

And of course I will share pics soon as I get her 😊


Active Member
Jun 3, 2023
I picked up this new baby at an expo recently:
I missed the sling stage with my older GBB girl, so I'm excited to see the color changes on this baby as it grows.


Mar 30, 2021
Just got a few slings at an expo. Up to 23 different species now!

Ceratogyrus Darlingi
Pseudhapalopus sp. Columbia
Psalmopoeus Victori


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
My big male Psalmopoeus cambridgei matured and will be going off to sow his wild oats next week, so I bought his replacement today (maybe a bit early, but that's how it goes)...

This is what the rookie has to live up to (although I'm thinking/hoping the rookie is a female):


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
My big male Psalmopoeus cambridgei matured and will be going off to sow his wild oats next week, so I bought his replacement today (maybe a bit early, but that's how it goes)...
View attachment 457067

This is what the rookie has to live up to (although I'm thinking/hoping the rookie is a female):
View attachment 457068
Everything crossed your male makes you lots of baby's n your newbie is the female you hope for 🤞🤞🤞


Oct 2, 2023
I got a T. albo on Saturday. Getting a new spider was very much overdue, I've only had one L. parahybana for years now as my only T.

Isopods others

Dec 11, 2022
Got a lovely dwarf pumpkin patch tarantula, though not my first invert, definitely my first tarantula! So much fun! And so little stress!