Search results

  1. Meribre

    Moulting Tarantula and Crickets

    Hi, That's true enough. However, it can be quite awkward to catch the cricket if the tank contains plants. Then your chances to get hold of the cricket is diminutive, unless you significantly disturb your t. Cheers, Mario
  2. Meribre

    Moulting Tarantula and Crickets

    Hello! I've been reading in a couple of books and forums that crickets etc. should not remain in the enclosure while the tarantula is moulting. Frankly, as for myself, I never witnessed that a cricket harmed a moulting tarantula. Has anybody else here seen this? Thanks and best regards, Mario
  3. Meribre

    Tarantula bites VS dog bites

    Hello! You won't lose your bet :clap: However, I can't imagine of any official statistic, neither in the US nor elsewhere which would support this view. Nevertheless, I know people who have been keeping tarantulas for the past 20 years and they weren't bitten a single time. When dealing...
  4. Meribre

    Sterilizing Substrate

    Hello! I never had a situation where I had to sterilize my substrate, although it's abounded with small organisms. I'd like to emphasize that in nature tarantulas live in a substrate that isn't sterile either. Even if one sterilizes his t's substrate, it won't stay sterile for long ;)...
  5. Meribre

    Looking for Latin name..

    Hi! It couldn't be expressed in a better way :) I'm adding here an interesting Link on "Binomial nomenclature" which gives additional / useful information relevant to this subject. No, it's definitely no hair-splitting it's just precision which in my opinion is essential in any dialogue...
  6. Meribre

    Information on Lasiodora striatipes sought

    Hi folks! Can anyone give me some comprehensive information on care and housing of subject species (both spiderlings and adult individuals). I am particularly seeking information on - ideal enclosure size - recommended temperature - receommended humidity - pattern of behaviour - any...
  7. Meribre

    I have to leave for a trip,feeding problem..

    Hi "duente"! Adult tarantulas can survive without food for many months if all other conditions like temperature and humidity are fine. As already recommended above, you should just feed them up before you leave. Best regards, Mario
  8. Meribre

    Pet Holes

    Hello, I fully understand your point. Tarantulas have evolved since the past 300 million years and during this long period of time they managed to find the most ingenious way to survive, which means that if they don't move, nobody (neither enemies nor preys) takes notice of them. If a tarantula...
  9. Meribre

    red knee turatula tips.

    Hi, I fully agree with what "Metzegerzoo" recommended. It reflects exactly my own experience. Don't worry when your Brachypelma smithi doesn't move for a while. This is absolutely normal for Tarantulas. What benefit would it get from running around relentlessly like mice or hamsters ;) In...
  10. Meribre

    larger tank for rosea

    Hello! I agree with the aforesaid. When considering to offer your Grammostola rosea a larger tank, you shoud realise that in nature this species does not require much space. They sit on the bottom of their holes during daytime and come up to the surface at night time. That's it, more or...
  11. Meribre

    Dubias - Do your T's eat them?

    Hi, I think Blaptica dubia is a good alternative to locusts and crickets. Their nutritive value for the Tarantula is in my opinion higher than those of an equally sized locust. I've never seen any of my spiders refusing B. dubia, providing the prey is not much larger than the T itself ;)...
  12. Meribre

    Acanthogonatus franckii

    Hi, Can anyone give me some information about this specy, particularly about the magnitude of its poison? Thanks. Cheers, Mario
  13. Meribre

    H. lividum sling Question

    Hi, Basically same exprerience as Varden (see above). Sometimes I use a pencil to create an artificial tunnel, whereby it can happen that the sling doesn't accept/inhabit it and builds his own tunnel instead :rolleyes: Cheers - Mario
  14. Meribre

    soil for H. lividum

    Hi everyone! I'm using 3/4 potting soil plus 1/4 sand as suggested by Volker von Wirth / Martin Huber. As H. lividum lives in deep holes in nature, I keep them in tall containers where they have sufficient space downwards. Cheers - Mario.
  15. Meribre

    Help bitten

    @ Donk Hi, You can check this link which I consider trustworthy for some detailed bite reports by species. Cheers, Mario P.S. In essence I agree with the others that the effect of the bite should be minimal.
  16. Meribre

    What's Your Favorite T?

    I favour all my T's ;) but am particularly fascinated by Poecilotherias, Avicularias, C.c.'s, Psalmopoeus pulcher and Haplopelma lividum. Cheers, Mario
  17. Meribre

    Tarantula angered by flash?

    @kornordie ....which I wasn't aware of until these nice forum colleagues brought me up to date (still learning). Thanks anyway, Mario :razz:
  18. Meribre

    Tarantula angered by flash?

    Hi :) Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It appears that the T's are less worried by a flash than I initially thought, which means that I will be less worried when taking pictures of them in the future :cool: Cheers Mario :razz:
  19. Meribre

    Tarantula angered by flash?

    Hello, I'm relatively new to this forum. Can anybody tell me how tarantulas usually react on flashes? Do different species react differently on a flash, i.e. did anybody observe an agressive response (e.g. from Poecilotherias etc.) while others might just run away? Or are T's totally...
  20. Meribre

    Introduce Yourself

    Hi All! My name is Mario and I live near Frankfurt/Germany. I joined this magnificent forum :worship: a few days ago to meet T. fans from all over the world. My interests are: tarantulas, reptiles, aquarium and Egyptian history. A few months ago I started with 1 B. emilia which was supposed to...