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  1. Wolfchan

    Gambian Giant Pouched Rat

    They're great pets, though the temperement is not like a regular rat, they're not quite as social....a bit like a chinchilla really, at least the ones I've met. Where I live, ferrets are illegal, but you can take them to the vets around here and you won't get in maybe you can find...
  2. Wolfchan

    What have you named your scorpion?

    I got, my first, a little imperator, yesterday...her name is Fifi.
  3. Wolfchan

    Just curious.

    The explanation I was told for this behavior is that in the wild having dead animals around would attract predators so the mice eat their dead to insure that this doesn't happen. Don't know how valid that is, but it's what I heard. Also, when I was breeding rodents, I found it very helpful...
  4. Wolfchan

    HELP! T.Blondi is stuck in its exuvium

    I'm sorry to hear that. :(
  5. Wolfchan

    Western Hognose.

    Beautiful snake, I love hognoses!
  6. Wolfchan


    My solution to that is simple: The cat doesn't enter my room.
  7. Wolfchan

    Impending T Blondi molt and I'm nervous!

    Congrats, I'm glad the molt went well!
  8. Wolfchan

    What's your tank size, pet rock owners?

    G. Rosea in a 20 gallon. When I moved her from the 10 to the 20 I definitely saw an increase in her activity level.
  9. Wolfchan

    Bird feathers

    Regular ol' flea powder takes the mites out of feathers nicely. :) Great find!
  10. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    It's not just the angle, she is a PUDGE! She is the T that started my obsession originally, and even then I thought she had a "tick butt". :) I broke up with my ex over the pet issue, and we were engaged! I would never get rid of any of my animals for anyone, but I had agreed for the time...
  11. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    I've got a loooong two weeks to wait before I find out if she's mine, but here's Tumbleweed... That's a photo of a photo that's hanging on my wall. The quality could be better, I know, but it's the best I have right now. :)
  12. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    *nods* It's an ongoing discussion. He says the T doesn't bother him nearly as much as the bird does. I think it helps that my rosea is a pudgy pet rock....if food were dropped in front of her burrow every now and again I doubt she would wander off if she had the chance.
  13. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    *chuckles* He's not afraid of them, he feels that keeping animals in captivity is cruel.
  14. Wolfchan

    Ahaetulla prassinus

    If you have a good supply of house geckos around...I've had some luck raising up little lizard eaters on gecko tails. I do realize that not everyone has access to that many geckos to get tails from though. -_-
  15. Wolfchan

    Frozen feeder rodents

    Really? Eeew, I've never had that problem with Rodent Pro...I may have to try one of the others to compare the rodents, but I've always been happy with what I've gotten.
  16. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    *grin* That's actually a really awesome idea!! If I had the space I would have moved my hognose snake into a 60gallon long I will have the space, and her old tank would be lovely for something like a smithi... *ponder*
  17. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    I don't boyfriend didn't make his feelings about animals very clear until we started looking at apartments...I don't think I'll ever want to get a dog, but I DO want a cat we'll see what happens. If we get a place it will most likely be a one bedroom, so hiding the...
  18. Wolfchan

    *Sigh* Frustration

    Because I love him? If she can't go to Arizona with him, Tumbleweed will be mine! Actually, oddly boyfriend expressed interest in taking another of his T's also...maybe he's starting to realize that they're not miserable in captivity.
  19. Wolfchan

    Whats a "GOOD" price for a leucistic "patternless" leopard gecko?

    The store I used to work at currently has an adult female patternless in BEAUTIFUL condition for $89.99.