You got to see this!!! (Video of L.P Eggsac tutorial)


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
Sometimes I wish I was a scientist so I could have more knowledge about this stuff... But why cant it be both? When the eggs are ready maybe there is a reaction (enzyme or something or another I am not smart enough to know the proper term) that breaks the sperm packets down and they mix with the eggs... the fertilization spreads in and out while the eggs are dropping and the sperm continues to find its way to eggs while they are outside of the body in the soup. The soup is the road map and fertilization continues to happen until all of the sperm is "dead" or used. With thousands of possible eggs it just seems strange that it would happen within a short window...
Internal fertilization by definition refers to the INTERNAL mixing of eggs and sperm to form a zygote (fertile egg). So think mammals, birds and lizards (to my knowledge).
External fertilization refers to the dropping of the sperm onto already depositited eggs, like fish and frogs.

As was pointed out by Talkenlate, the sperm packet delivered by the male is a waxy hard lump - not surprising given that it has to hang out externally to the female for an indefinite period of time.

Most sperm undergoes a liquification over time, including most mammalian sperm deposits. Mice, would you belive, form some of the hardest little waxy plugs that I've ever seen - to the point where it can be hard to pick them out of a dissected female mouse - but they liquify after about 12-15 hours.

What I was wondering is precisely what you raise - does the female somehow get the sperm packet internally, then release fertile eggs, or does she liquify it somehow, and drop it onto the ready eggs, or does she just drop the sperm packet into the liquid goop before closing it up, and the liquid extracts the sperm which then fertilize the eggs.

Or something else.


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2007
Hey Rob. I just wanted to comment on your thread title (You already know that I was stoked about the vids). This actually came from Rich...He was wondering why anyone would want to learn how to lay an egg sac? Isn't that the Ts job? He was wondering how YOU were able to do such an amazing thing. You did say it was a tutorial LOL!!!;) ;) ;)


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
Internal fertilization by definition refers to the INTERNAL mixing of eggs and sperm to form a zygote (fertile egg). So think mammals, birds and lizards (to my knowledge).
External fertilization refers to the dropping of the sperm onto already depositited eggs, like fish and frogs.

As was pointed out by Talkenlate, the sperm packet delivered by the male is a waxy hard lump - not surprising given that it has to hang out externally to the female for an indefinite period of time.

Most sperm undergoes a liquification over time, including most mammalian sperm deposits. Mice, would you belive, form some of the hardest little waxy plugs that I've ever seen - to the point where it can be hard to pick them out of a dissected female mouse - but they liquify after about 12-15 hours.

What I was wondering is precisely what you raise - does the female somehow get the sperm packet internally, then release fertile eggs, or does she liquify it somehow, and drop it onto the ready eggs, or does she just drop the sperm packet into the liquid goop before closing it up, and the liquid extracts the sperm which then fertilize the eggs.

Or something else.
Thanks for the explanation... :) I need to go back to school...