Women and Roaches apparently dont mix


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I'm a woman BTW, but when I do get my T. (looking at either Avics or a pokie) I don't think my mom would like me buying roaches. Our last house got infested with them.

Right now I have a mealworm and waxworm cultures, will be purchasing crix. for my water dragon, too. Never getting soldier grubs, again. Had a lot go uneaten by Godzilla and they grew in the terrarium. Next thing I know - I have +30 wasplike flies buzzing around. Had to remove them daily until I took the decor apart getting ALL the grubs. :embarrassed: :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2006
This thread is funny. :)

1.) Calling them "Beetles" actually works. We've used this ruse on land lords and family members alike and though they can plainly see that it's a roach - calling it a beetle seems to take the "yuck factor" out of them. Go figure?

2.) Place a tub full of roaches next to a tub full of crickets and ask the offended/angry/stubborn party to take a whiff.

3.) Show the offended/angry/stubborn party a picture of a tarantula that has been eaten/killed by crickets left in the tank, right next to a picture of a tarantula with multiple roaches embedded in their substrate...then ask them which bug is dirty, dangerous and mean?

4.) Point out that you can sell the extra roaches when they over produce; and then point out that you will never be asked to sell your crickets; but in fact will be stuck paying for the crickets forever and ever, amen. (Not to mention drive time and gas, standing in line, waiting for a shmuck of a LPS clerk to count them out for you, yadda, yadda...)

4.a) Point out that over-producing roaches can be traded for expensive or rare T's, thereby freeing up cash for that super-groovy sale at Target or Khol's.

5.) Show her a picture of a "blinged out" hisser.
(How can that be yucky? It kind of makes one want to go out and buy a matching scarf. {D )
Click here --> http://www.insectgeeks.com/gallery/view/id_3811/field_time/

Best of luck to you!

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Old Timer
Oct 18, 2008
Reminds me in a way of back when I owned a few hissing cockroaches. I was going to be gone for a while and asked my sis to look out for my critters. Her response was that she'd feed and water my gecko, snake, and T but the roaches could just DIE!:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2008
I have killed about every kind of feeder rodent and insect but I cannot abide roaches. I grew up poor enough to have them in my house involuntarily, I'd never bring them into my home.

I know it's illogical but it is what it is. I'll give my big T's rat pinks anyday over having roaches in my home.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I have killed about every kind of feeder rodent and insect but I cannot abide roaches. I grew up poor enough to have them in my house involuntarily, I'd never bring them into my home.

I know it's illogical but it is what it is. I'll give my big T's rat pinks anyday over having roaches in my home.
No fuss, no muss I suppose. Everybody has their own way of feeding and raising their animals.


Old Timer
Mar 19, 2004
I grew up poor enough to have them in my house involuntarily, I'd never bring them into my home.

I know it's illogical but it is what it is. I'll give my big T's rat pinks anyday over having roaches in my home.
I grew up in Asia in an old house. Asian cockroaches fly quite well and run real fast. Making it to the bathroom and back in the dark without stepping on one is like walking through a minefield unscathed. Some nights they would fly into the ceiling fan and land on your face or bed- would not be able to sleep till I got up and found the damn thing. Ironically, I have a colony of dubias now. When I think of my childhood days I can't help but think of all the free T-food running around!:D


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2005
I have killed about every kind of feeder rodent and insect but I cannot abide roaches. I grew up poor enough to have them in my house involuntarily, I'd never bring them into my home.

I know it's illogical but it is what it is. I'll give my big T's rat pinks anyday over having roaches in my home.
You should think of "house pest" roaches and other roaches as very different animals. It's like the difference between a housecat and a bobcat or a venomous snake and a nonvenomous snake.