Women and Roaches apparently dont mix


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
LOL Jade sounds like you've done this before haha!
You can tell her there beetles lol!
Yes i have! And its funny you said 'beetles' i actually used that one too...

"They are not roaches, they are banana bugs, from S.A. .... related to beetles...."


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2009
I must be really lucky. My wife even lets me keep a tub of forzen crickets and roaches in the freezer.

I haven't tried to setup a breeding colony since I dont need that many, But I am hoping she wouldn't mind if I ever do. She is also starting to appreciate the T's and I have also spotted her checking up on them when she thinks I am not looking :D

As to the comments about the 18year olds always making statments like that. I think us older people need to realise that we also made those statements when we were younger. Its only after a few years of marriage and getting older that you realise in order to live happily together you need to work together as a team. If you try steam roll your partner by forcing them to live your way.. you aint going to be married very long

Good luck convincing the Wife though, Maybe try their stratagy, Sit back with puppy dog eyes and burst out crying, telling her that if she really loved you she would let you do it. NB: Please note this can backfire if any of your friends ever hear, and she could also slap you on the back of the head and tell you to sleep on the couch anyway


Jan 9, 2009
Mr. Internet there brought up a good point. Don't piss her off. Instead see if she'll compromise. Do you have a shed that isn't attached to the house? A lot of people who's spouse isn't really estatic about living w/ roaches keep them in the shed.

Mr. Internet also brings up another good point and makes me think that he may be a lawyer in disguise.... :? But he said that it's "highly unlikely" that they will procreate and infest. Although this is a great point and I'm not being fecicious at all, I would say that you'd have a better chance of getting struck by lightning or bitten by a shark.

Most species of feeder roach are Tropical and come from The rainforests. Therefore they won't last very long in North America w/ the exception of The Everglades. They also need fresh water and can't go too long w/ out it. In all reality you live in Wisconsin and they are a Tropical bug. Even if you had a small colony get loose, come the first freeze.... They are all history.

Now I know none of that helps your current situation but my suggestion is the whole shed idea.

Good Luck!


Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Mr. Internet there brought up a good point. Don't piss her off. Instead see if she'll compromise. Do you have a shed that isn't attached to the house? A lot of people who's spouse isn't really estatic about living w/ roaches keep them in the shed.

Mr. Internet also brings up another good point and makes me think that he may be a lawyer in disguise.... :? But he said that it's "highly unlikely" that they will procreate and infest. Although this is a great point and I'm not being fecicious at all, I would say that you'd have a better chance of getting struck by lightning or bitten by a shark.

Most species of feeder roach are Tropical and come from The rainforests. Therefore they won't last very long in North America w/ the exception of The Everglades. They also need fresh water and can't go too long w/ out it. In all reality you live in Wisconsin and they are a Tropical bug. Even if you had a small colony get loose, come the first freeze.... They are all history.

Now I know none of that helps your current situation but my suggestion is the whole shed idea.

Good Luck!

I'm not a lawyer, but I've always wanted to play one on TV. :) Your assertion that because they are "tropical" that the first freeze will kill them is not that strong... it doesn't freeze INSIDE the house, so if they have in fact taken up residence in an inner/insulated wall, they will not be exposed to the temps outside, whatever those might be. My whole point was that if you live in a leaky house where they can find moisture and your interior temps are generally above 50F, it's not an impossible scenario. Remember, our houses are micro-climates that in many ways are independent of outside temps.


Jan 9, 2009
I'm not a lawyer, but I've always wanted to play one on TV. :) Your assertion that because they are "tropical" that the first freeze will kill them is not that strong... it doesn't freeze INSIDE the house, so if they have in fact taken up residence in an inner/insulated wall, they will not be exposed to the temps outside, whatever those might be. My whole point was that if you live in a leaky house where they can find moisture and your interior temps are generally above 50F, it's not an impossible scenario. Remember, our houses are micro-climates that in many ways are independent of outside temps.

Point taken. My train of thought while I was typing lead me to not explain myself that well and I apologize for any misleading statements. I was still on the shed issue (in my head) and keeping the roaches away from the house. Usually sheds aren't too insulated and I do know a couple people who actually have these heated tub contraptions. That way they don't have to keep their shed heated all winter long. Keeping them out in a shed also cuts down on a fire hazard as well.

On the other side of the coin (and I don't mean to argue w/ you by any means) it is still only a theory of yours that Blaptica Dubia could survive a winter inside the walls of a house here in North America, and not only that, infest a house here in North America as well. There hasn't been one case that I've ever heard of this happening. Not saying that there couldn't be that one in a million shot but like I said, I think you'd get struck by lightning before this happens, especially in Wisconsin.



Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
I had to stop calling them roaches when I was trying to convince my wife to let me start my colony. For the first year I had to call them "feeders"...for the first week I had to refer to them as beetles.


Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
I tried to tell my gf that they were Dubia beetles but apparently she is opposed to every insect but crickets.:mad:


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2005
People stubbornly averse to any insects piss me off, roaches or otherwise. I can't believe theres a man, woman or child on earth who can look at -ANY- species of Arthropod and think it looks gross or scary.

If someone said they thought flowers or birds or music were disgusting, the rest of the world would think they're crazy and be rather irritated by their behavior. I go through life feeling this way about 99% of people.


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2009
People stubbornly averse to any insects piss me off, roaches or otherwise. I can't believe theres a man, woman or child on earth who can look at -ANY- species of Arthropod and think it looks gross or scary.
Two months ago.. I was one of those people. My feeling was the only good spider, is a dead one.

Still getting over my fear of them to be honest, But learning more and more all the time. My point is, I can understand how people can be like that towards them. Learning how to react differently to them is never easy, but for me at least, it has been really enjoyable learning more about them as I overcome my own fears. I am sure it can be the same for other insects. Hell my Dad is scared of bats like you can not believe. If one even flies over his head he runs away screaming.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Great choice of roach specie, i'd stick with it and maybe try a different woman. Eventually you'll find a combination that will work for you. ;)


Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
If someone said they thought flowers or birds or music were disgusting, the rest of the world would think they're crazy and be rather irritated by their behavior. I go through life feeling this way about 99% of people.
I am scared of the Back Street Boys. {D


Old Timer
Sep 13, 2008
I remember years ago when I was 16 and I bought my first ever starter colony of roaches(lobsters) from Kelly Swift. My dad found out I had roaches that very night and made me put them outside in the snow to get rid of them, lol I was so sad. Then about 2-3 hours later I brought the cage back inside and all of them were dead on their backs so I left the cage in the basement. Shortly after my mom was doing laundry and called me down, their legs were twitching. And lo and behold ITS ALIIIIVE I felt like an accidental doctor frankenstein and was very happy, after that I hid them in my room and had that colony for years rofl. Now after getting older and moved back home they dont seem to mind what I keep(except my dad is terrified of snakes and I have a 13ft retic), but they know about the roaches and tons of spiders. So, freezing probably wont kill them unless theyre frozen for long periods of time maybe? Or maybe Nauphoeta are downright hardy cockroaches! I dont think bigger species can handle being frozen solid can they? Id be very interested to learn if Blaptica or Blaberus can handle a drastic temp change like that, I have none at the moment so I have no way to experiment.


Jan 9, 2009
I still can't believe people would rather have crickets over roaches as feeders. My girl isn't thrilled that I have tens of thousands of roaches. As a matter of fact she does not like it one bit. However... These words came out of her mouth just the other day.

"I'd rather have those roaches than those damn crickets in the house any day! I hate the way crickets smell! I hate the way crickets don't shut up, And I hate finding them running around the house!"

It also helps my roach cause because I sell them and she likes to go shopping.... After years and years of crickets I finally switched to roaches a bunch of years ago and my animals have never looked better!

As far as phobia's go, I can understand them. I gotta say that a few of my customers have Giant Centipedes. I think that their pretty cool looking but I'll tell you right now. Just the sight of a centipede big or small makes the hair on my neck stand up. My palms start to sweat. I don't kill them... As a matter of fact I catch them and put them out. But man, those Giant ones geek me out! I like them right where they are... At my customers houses.



Old Timer
Feb 23, 2009
I really would like to be comfortable with roaches... I'm getting better having to deal with them outside on daily basis. I guess I just dislike how they crawl over everything and their size, at least the ones outside/inside my house. I had one that was just over 2" body on the countertop yesterday (NOT kidding)... I had never seen any wild beatle-like-thing that size anywhere before. Freaked me out. And they are so fast!!!:eek:

Crickets at least stay on the ground for the mostpart...and can't fly. I just I just need to get used to them... I'm getting over it, but I'm miles ahead of most people I know who dislike them.

Felt good to see a huge huntsman take one down though! I posted pics in the true spiders thread...


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Reading this thread again makes me want to get a few pet exotic roaches again. I think I'll tell my man to suck it up, and go order a few giant cave roaches again. Or maybe those cute little domino ones or harlequin?

He finally OK'd me getting a couple rhino/giant australian burrowing roaches the other day, only to find out they're not available anymore. *sigh*

It's like he KNEW!!

Also, I understand fear when it comes to centipedes. They're probably the ONLY creature in the world that seriously freaks me out. It's their legs and movement (which is strange, since I'm obsessed with millipedes, but they're gentle plant-eaters). EVEN THEN, I've caught and held house centipedes, and I can look at them with admiration. I just don't think I'd own one personally.


Jan 9, 2009
I really would like to be comfortable with roaches... I'm getting better having to deal with them outside on daily basis. I guess I just dislike how they crawl over everything and their size, at least the ones outside/inside my house. I had one that was just over 2" body on the countertop yesterday (NOT kidding)... I had never seen any wild beatle-like-thing that size anywhere before. Freaked me out. And they are so fast!!!:eek:

Crickets at least stay on the ground for the mostpart...and can't fly. I just I just need to get used to them... I'm getting over it, but I'm miles ahead of most people I know who dislike them.

Felt good to see a huge huntsman take one down though! I posted pics in the true spiders thread...
Honestly once you get a species that suits you inside a nice sealed container... N/p and your animals will love you for it!



Dec 16, 2008
Amen to all of the comments. I hear you loud and clear. :wall: I would state my experiences but sounds like they are no different.

My girlfriend will crush the head of a cricket and feed it to a tarantula, but if somebody held a gun to her head she would still not touch a millipede nor roach :? :mad:
It took me FOREVER to be able to kill those crickets and I've held several of the roaches and millipedes. And you've have to drag me away from the Hissers!

I like to watch them fight :D

agent lead

Old Timer
Sep 16, 2008
who wears the pants in this household?

seriously is she gonna divorce you if you get roaches?

just get them and deal with it