Why herpers shouldnt keep spiders


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2002
don't worry chris, you don't offend me. even if you do love your mother.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Originally posted by Chris
...I swear... I could say I love my mother and someone on this site would get offended!!!...

....but I should have known there would be people crying foul just like every other thread that has ever been started....

...Life must be a bitch when your skin is that thin eh?...

Frankly, I'm not sure why you're always so sensitive about people reacting to stuff... I'm glad all your friends are into total affirmation, but in the real world, people tend to disagree. The fact that we discuss matters and then let them go is what makes us civilized.

People than take offense unnecessarily already appear foolish... you don't have to point it out to people. Otherwise, you run the risk of appearing as foolish yourself.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I've basically grown up in front of a computer (online) with many people who insist on using "Net Speak" -- I've never had any urge to use it.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Valael
I've basically grown up in front of a computer (online) with many people who insist on using "Net Speak" -- I've never had any urge to use it.
I think using the "everybody does it" excuse is very bogus and commend you. I've been online since 1994 when web pages were grey with text on them and usenet was where almost all the discussions took place. All I've ever done to people who insist on deliberately looking like an uneducated fool is not pay any attention to what they have to say since their manner screams very loudly it's not worth reading. This forum has been blessed by a plethora of articulate posters and it would be nice to see it stay that way.

People who continue to post in netspeak even after having what a childish practice it is pointed out to them will find their voice goes unheard by a large portion of the users here. My tolerance for it lasts a very short time and then I just "tune out" anyone posting with it.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002

I understood the concept behind the thread and although I started at an early age with both inverts and herps, my focus up until the last couple of years was on herps. Since this is an invert site, I never felt your comments were directed to anyone on this site. Enough said on that subject.

Now for a different angle on the "netspeak" topic. When I was a sergeant on the streets, I was in a position to approve reports turned in by the street officers. I was referred to as the "English Professor" by the street officers because I would regularly kick back their reports marked up with a red pen.

The point is this, your written word is seen by many people who don't know you from Adam. Their opinion of you will be based upon what they read. If you come across as an uneducated fool, that is the opinion they will have of you. After that, you will seldom be taken seriously. That is not right or wrong, that's just the way it is. If you want to be taken seriously, at least make an attempt to communicate in an intelligent manner. If not, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Seems like this is a bit of a rehash of an old ebonics thread.



Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
Originally posted by Grael
i find proper english very boring if every1 uses it and has no personality
Don't mean to be a clever little bastard, but there is no such thing as 'proper', 'improper', 'good', or 'bad' english. There is standard english, and non-standard english. Sorry, but being an english language student teaches you things ;)


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2002
Originally posted by Chris
but I should have known there would be people crying foul just like every other thread that has ever been started.

Life must be a bitch when your skin is that thin eh?
'Every other thread that has ever been started'??


Who's skin is thin, the people who called you on your overgeneralization that herpers shouldn't keep spiders, or you for getting all defensive about your rather poor choice of subject headers? Chicken, meet egg. Or rather, Pot, meet kettle.



Old Timer
Mar 3, 2003
well code monkey and any1 else who doesnt like the way i type and doesnt want to read it then do it! its ur loss in the end take me as i am and im not changing my ways for any1 i dont care if i look stupid or less intelligent.

does it really matter to u how ingelligent a person is to read thier post?

anyway all end it with "u dont like it dont read it" simple and easy to understand any1 who wants to ignore me can, any1 who doesnt want to get to know me can its thier loss in the end.....

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Originally posted by Grael
anyway all end it with "u dont like it dont read it" simple and easy to understand any1 who wants to ignore me can, any1 who doesnt want to get to know me can its thier loss in the end.....

I think that you are missing the point... no one is making a judgement about how intelligent people who use Netspeak ARE, merely how intelligent they SEEM. Whether it's convenient for you or not, the only way you have to present yourself in an anonymous environment like the Internet is by the written word... since all you have is the written word, people are well within their rights to form almost their entire opinion of you from how you present yourself in your writings. Net-speak may be cool when speaking in a forum of 16-year old "hackers" :rolleyes:, but it's an unnecessarily mangled form of English, and is not necessary for everyday 'Net conversation. If you're really in that big of a hurry, post less content, not less letters.

You are absolutely entitled to keep posting in Netspeak... the board is based in the good ol' USA after all... ;) However, the danger of people possibly not taking you as seriously as you may like is very real when you choose to ONLY communicate this way. I did not speak "street" in my college classes.... why? Because you have to communicate different ways for different scenarios. There are certain communication mechanisms that are good only for VERY limited use such as ebonics (basketball, street talk), Net speak (certain computer forums and chat programs), and redneck (country western music). For most communication, is it generally a better idea to put your best foot forward. We are a multi-age, multi-experience, multi-national forum here, and the more "standard" everyone speaks here, the easier it will be for all to understand.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Very well spoken Mister Internet.
Tactful as well.
I commend you.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Originally posted by Grael
does it really matter to u how ingelligent a person is to read thier post?
Actually, yes. Think about it... not everyone's opinion of everything is automatically equal. If someone were to come across as intelligent and knowledgeable, and they presented their points well and succinctly, then I would be MUCH more apt to listen to their advice next time around. However, if someone's answer to a question went something like, "d00d!!! if shez moltin dont move her or u will be sorry cuz they dont like bein disturbed so u should just leave her alone and any1 can tell u thats the best way to handle a molt... molts r0x0rs my b0><0rs!!!!" then I would probably never take anything they have to say seriously again. Ever.


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet
Actually, yes. Think about it... not everyone's opinion of everything is automatically equal. If someone were to come across as intelligent and knowledgeable, and they presented their points well and succinctly, then I would be MUCH more apt to listen to their advice next time around. However, if someone's answer to a question went something like, "d00d!!! if shez moltin dont move her or u will be sorry cuz they dont like bein disturbed so u should just leave her alone and any1 can tell u thats the best way to handle a molt... molts r0x0rs my b0><0rs!!!!" then I would probably never take anything they have to say seriously again. Ever.
u know i dont speak like that the only netslang i only really use is "U","r","coz" and "any1" i dont use l33t or talk like an american....

and like i said im not being rude but if u dont like it dont read it no1 is forcing any1 to read my posts if u dont want my advice dont take it.....(even tho i havnt got much to give lol)


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet
Net-speak may be cool when speaking in a forum of 16-year old "hackers" :rolleyes:, but it's an unnecessarily mangled form of English, and is not necessary for everyday 'Net conversation. If you're really in that big of a hurry, post less content, not less letters.

... There are certain communication mechanisms that are good only for VERY limited use such as ebonics (basketball, street talk), Net speak (certain computer forums and chat programs), and redneck (country western music)....
Truth be known..it may be faster to type in simple letters or letternumber combinations for "netspeak" but it takes more time for ME to understand..ie; b4..IC..HUH? oh 'before'...' i see'..etcetc..

Then again, it may be because I am so redneckish...love my country music, where allll the english is drawn out in a slow southern drawl, and I don't need to comprehend much to understand it. ;P

kim...keeper of big-butt Tarantulas...


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet

I think that you are missing the point... no one is making a judgement about how intelligent people who use Netspeak ARE, merely how intelligent they SEEM. Whether it's convenient for you or not, the only way you have to present yourself in an anonymous environment like the Internet is by the written word... since all you have is the written word, people are well within their rights to form almost their entire opinion of you from how you present yourself in your writings. Net-speak may be cool when speaking in a forum of 16-year old "hackers" :rolleyes:, but it's an unnecessarily mangled form of English, and is not necessary for everyday 'Net conversation. If you're really in that big of a hurry, post less content, not less letters.

You are absolutely entitled to keep posting in Netspeak... the board is based in the good ol' USA after all... ;) However, the danger of people possibly not taking you as seriously as you may like is very real when you choose to ONLY communicate this way. I did not speak "street" in my college classes.... why? Because you have to communicate different ways for different scenarios. There are certain communication mechanisms that are good only for VERY limited use such as ebonics (basketball, street talk), Net speak (certain computer forums and chat programs), and redneck (country western music). For most communication, is it generally a better idea to put your best foot forward. We are a multi-age, multi-experience, multi-national forum here, and the more "standard" everyone speaks here, the easier it will be for all to understand.
ops didnt see this one ^_^ i get what your saying.....i still dont see why is it only here ( i use a lot of differant forums not just "hacking forums of 16 year olds" with pretty much the same multi age, mutli cultrial as here and i havnt had 1 complaint.....k i give up i still think you people are fussing over something so trivial and minor.........

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Originally posted by Grael
and like i said im not being rude but if u dont like it dont read it no1 is forcing any1 to read my posts if u dont want my advice dont take it.....(even tho i havnt got much to give lol)
hehe... that's fair. :) Really, I have no problem reading your version of "netspeak" ... as you say, it's fairly mild compared to some. However, I do not know your previous Internet forum background, and am only trying to alert you and others who tend to degenerate into Netspeak that this is not quite that kind of forum... a good number of people here would just as soon skip over your posts, whereas on a computer forum everyone would read it automatically because everyone talks that way on a computer forum.

Anyway, I hope you stick around... don't let a discussion like this drive you off... we'll get around to something that will REALLY piss you off eventually, I'm sure. :D


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2003
Originally posted by Mister Internet
hehe... that's fair. :) Really, I have no problem reading your version of "netspeak" ... as you say, it's fairly mild compared to some. However, I do not know your previous Internet forum background, and am only trying to alert you and others who tend to degenerate into Netspeak that this is not quite that kind of forum... a good number of people here would just as soon skip over your posts, whereas on a computer forum everyone would read it automatically because everyone talks that way on a computer forum.

Anyway, I hope you stick around... don't let a discussion like this drive you off... we'll get around to something that will REALLY piss you off eventually, I'm sure. :D
lol its ok i get what you mean and ill do it as much as i hate too ¬_¬ ok one thing am i allowed to use "lol" and my personal smilies!? IE ¬_¬, ^_^, o_O;, cause theres nothing smiliar to them on this forum.....


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Originally posted by Grael
i dont use l33t or talk like an american....
Whoah now honey.
I happen to be a rather intelligent american woman.
And I do mispell and I Do typo,, but I DO offer myself and my views in the most legible of ways I possiably Can.


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2003
Originally posted by Nixy
Whoah now honey.
I happen to be a rather intelligent american woman.
And I do mispell and I Do typo,, but I DO offer myself and my views in the most legible of ways I possiably Can.
lol you got the wrong idea i wasnt trying to say americans have bad spelling etc but "dude" or "d00d" is mainly an american term and i dont use it or anyone i use it ;) sorry if you took it the wrong way lol