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Ever been to spay/neuter clinic, or one of the popular mobile versions that roam large metropolitan areas? Same thing, just different body parts. Instead of cutting off parts of ears, they snip out testicles and remove overies and uteri, which of course involves abdominal surgery. Animals are lined up like on an assembly line, knocked out, cut open, glued shut, and laid out like cordwood to recover from anesthesia. I assisted at a cat s/n clinic once, and the people working there didn't wear surgical gloves or wash/disinfect their hands between surgeries. There was no time. As soon as one cat was removed to wake up, another was put on the table in its place, and the same hands bloody from the prior surgery would open up the next cat. There's no way in hell I'd ever put one of MY animals through that, no matter how "cost effective" it is!Back to the original topic. Re: the 6 AKC Great Dumbs. I accompanied my former mother in law who got one of them to the ear cropping establishment. It was a registered veterinarian. In the back room, which dog owners and their friends were free to wandering through, there were about 8 tables with people whacking away at ears on an assembly line basis. Scissors were the main weapon of choice, and soldering irons for cauterizing. There was nothing remotely resembling sterility. The lighting in the room was very poor. As we waited for her dog to come out from under the anesthesia I wandered the place. It was legit. The ear cropping version of a puppy mill. It was one of the most popular and cheap places to get ear cropping done in the entire Los Angeles area. I wasn't impressed.
Here in the South, very few dogs and even far-fewer cats that wind up in shelters are purebred anythings, and I've volunteered in two shelters. By far, most of the dogs are of such mixed ancestry that even someone well-educated in dogs and dog breeds cannot look at one and distinguish the overt traits of any one or two distinct breeds. These dogs are NOT THE PRODUCT OF DOG BREEDERS; they are the product of dogs simply being allowed to run loose, 24/7, to mate, fight, hunt and do what they do without any human intervention, because their owners could care less. Yes, they have owners, in the loosest sense of the word. They have a place to go and hang out and someone who puts out food for them, maybe even has a dog house in the back yard, who pets them once in awhile and perhaps even has given them a name, but they receive no veterinary care, no vaccines(even though it is illegal not to vaccinate against rabies) and of course they are allowed to reproduce. When the resulting puppies get too big and become too much aggravation, they are carried off to the pound. Going after legitimate dog breeders and purebred dogs will do absolutely NOTHING to prevent or curb that. When a purebred DID show up, it either was a genuine case of someone's dog having gotten loose and being picked up by animal control, or a dog with a behavioral issue that had made living with it difficult. To be honest, most of the behavioral issues had started out as normal dog behaviors, but had been allowed to escalate, and had they been "nipped in the bud" in time, would have never gotten to that point, but the typical dog owner is not savvy enough to be able to pick up on the cues and quite honestly expects a dog to act like a human being from the start. It's easy to blame breeders again, for not "educating" puppy buyers, but I know from experience in having bred Catahoula Leopard Dogs and Akita Inus, two of the most difficult breeds for the average pet owner to live with due to their normal behaivors, that people often ignore you when you try to explain to them what to expect and how to handle it. The numbers of "purebred" dogs and cats in shelters is horribly, horribly overinflated by the AR crowds; just pick a pure breed you're very familiar with and go to Petfinder.org and type it in the search box, and you'll see what I mean. OR go to any online rescue site, or Craigslist. You will see dogs that do NOT, in any way, shape or form, resemble the breed in question, labeled as such. Supposedly it makes these dogs more adoptable, but it also misleads people into thinking that most of the dogs in shelters are purebreds and are the products of deliberate breeding practices, thus denigrating legitimate dog breeders and painting them all with the same ugly brush. That's no mistake, folks. The AR groups like HSUS and PETA have made one of their goals to eliminate ALL breeding and ownership of animals, period. They are doing this by using emotional rhetoric to convince the public that breeding purebred animals is cruel and unnecessary and causes horrible suffering and that the only ethical way to obtain an animal is to get a mutt from a shelter or rescue. They are succeeding at accomplishing this, and through restrictions on dog breeding, will eventually whittle the population of purebred animals to nil, while spaying and neutering the mutts, and THEN what? Now, if you want to live in a world with no pets, that's you. It's clear that most of you here already have fallen for this, just as many of you believe that owning any animal YOU would not personally want is cruel and/or dangerous. You can go on about you don't support HSUS or PETA or ASPCA or any of the other AR groups all you want, but the truth is, if you believe them and their propaganda, and agree with at least part of what they believe, you DO support them and you ARE AR! You are a willing recipient of their message and beliefs, a message coming from people who do not own animals of any kind and have no hands-on, real-world experience with them, for the most part, and yet you'll choose to believe them over people with decades of animal experience in many different situations. It's almost laughable when some of you say, "I'm not an Animal Rights activist! I don't support PETA or HSUS", when you are regurgitating their rhetoric, especially about how horrible all dog breeders and purebred dogs are. You are falling for what the AR's WANT you to fall for, and then you'll be B&M'ing when they succeed in getting some ban or restriction on YOUR animals passed where you lived, like you didn't see it coming.