Pretty sure he injects them with steroids before sending them.I have some from @coldblood and they are growing like weeds.
What a handsome floof!My first ever tarantula,a male T. Albo,just molted mature.
Feel kinda sad,but proud at the same time.
I think that environmental cues play a big part.both of my Pokies molted (Regalis and Rufilata). Again, I wonder if they release a molting pheromone because doubles seem so common
Fine looking Molt. Great Spermithicae!Young 2.5" B. hamorii female coming out of her shell View attachment 369095
*twitch* *stretch* *twitch*
View attachment 369096
Her girly bits
View attachment 369097
Freshly molted pretty lady
View attachment 369098
it should be fine, just leave her be...good luckI found my b. hamorii juvie famale on her back an hour ago. I'm so nervous.
Hey, very cool!My A. Seemanni molted and regrew it's missing leg and pedipalp.
She's molted and back on her legs. It was the first time I saw one of my Ts molt. They either do it in the night or in their hides. Of course, it was fascinating, but also it was stressful, especially when she was lying motionless on her back. She was in heavy premolt for more than a week so I was telling her it's high time to do it but I meant that she should do it in private not show off in the should be fine, just leave her be...good luck