What species are you keeping currently?


ArachnoViking, Conqueror of Poikilos and Therion
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2010
0.1.0 Brachypelma hamorii
0.1.0 Caribena versicolor
0.1.4 Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati
1.2.0 Omothymus violaceopes
0.0.3 Omothymus schoeidtei
0.0.3 Ornithoctoninae sp “Phan Cay Red”
0.0.5 Ornithoctoninae sp “Maltai”
0.1.0 Lampropelma nigerrimum
0.1.2 Poecilotheria rufilata
0.0.2 Phormingochylus sp. Akcaya
0.0.3 Phormingochylus sp. Sabah Blue
0.0.3 Pterinochilus murinus
0.0.2 Typhoclaena seladonia

Other Inverts

0.1.0 Phrynus sp.
0.1.0 Callobius sp.


Nov 22, 2022
As my username suggests, I have a heavy Asian focus....

0.0.1 Cyriopagopus schmidti (Golden CF, "Ke Bang" locality)
0.1.0 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Haribon" (in my avatar and the only one of my Ts to have a name)
0.0.2 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Phan Cay" (blue form)
0.0.1 Omothymus violacepes "Malaysian Blue" (IIRC this is just a different locality of the standard O. violacepes, if this is wrong please tell me)
0.0.1 Poecilotheria metallica
0.0.1 P. regalis (freebie sling after I saw it running around the shop of the breeder where I get all my Ts and much of my feeder insects from)


ArachnoViking, Conqueror of Poikilos and Therion
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2010
As my username suggests, I have a heavy Asian focus....

0.0.1 Cyriopagopus schmidti (Golden CF, "Ke Bang" locality)
0.1.0 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Haribon" (in my avatar and the only one of my Ts to have a name)
0.0.2 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Phan Cay" (blue form)
0.0.1 Omothymus violacepes "Malaysian Blue" (IIRC this is just a different locality of the standard O. violacepes, if this is wrong please tell me)
0.0.1 Poecilotheria metallica
0.0.1 P. regalis (freebie sling after I saw it running around the shop of the breeder where I get all my Ts and much of my feeder insects from)
The top three I’m hella jealous of haha. If you can get pics of the Omothymus violaceopes “Malaysian Blue” somewhere I can help ID. I have owned tons of O. vio over the years.


Nov 22, 2022
The top three I’m hella jealous of haha. If you can get pics of the Omothymus violaceopes “Malaysian Blue” somewhere I can help ID. I have owned tons of O. vio over the years.
Sadly that sling is my second-shiest T (I see the "pet hole" Cyriopagopus far more often, as it's almost always waiting just outside its burrow and will eat anything I throw in there) so I doubt I can get a decent picture of it anytime soon. Maybe when it has to be rehoused....


ArachnoViking, Conqueror of Poikilos and Therion
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2010
Sadly that sling is my second-shiest T (I see the "pet hole" Cyriopagopus far more often, as it's almost always waiting just outside its burrow and will eat anything I throw in there) so I doubt I can get a decent picture of it anytime soon. Maybe when it has to be rehoused....
Either way, O. vio is found I. Both Malaysia and Singapore so the “country of origin “blue”” wouldn’t necessarily mean much unless we were worried about morphological differences. O. vio is pretty well established as its own species. And I can’t really think of any tarantula that looks quite like O. vio either. How big are they?


Nov 22, 2022
Either way, O. vio is found I. Both Malaysia and Singapore so the “country of origin “blue”” wouldn’t necessarily mean much unless we were worried about morphological differences. O. vio is pretty well established as its own species. And I can’t really think of any tarantula that looks quite like O. vio either. How big are they?
I don't even know how big this sling is ATM, due to the fact it molted right after being rehoused a couple months back and the most I've seen of it since are the tips of its legs. The following is a good indication of how visible it is on a rare good day:

Edit: If you mean how big the O. cf. violacepes "Malaysian Blue" is, apparently the same size as O. violacepes.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2008
Tarantulas :

  • 0.1 Avicularia purpurea
  • 0.1.1 Brachypelma albiceps
  • 0.1 Brachypelma boehmei
  • 0.1 Brachypelma emilia
  • 0.0.2 Bumba cabocla
  • 0.1 Caribena versicolor
  • 0.0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
  • 0.0.1 Ceratogyrus darlingi
  • 0.0.3 Chaetopelma olivaceum
  • 0.0.4 Cyriocosmus elegans
  • 0.1 Cyriocosmus perezmilesii
  • 0.1 Grammostola anthracina
  • 0.1 Grammostola grossa
  • 1.1 Grammostola pulchra
  • 0.0.1 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla
  • 0.0.2 Heteroscodra maculata
  • 0.0.3 Kochiana brunnipes
  • 0.0.2 Pelinobius muticus
  • 0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia
  • 0.0.2 Pterinochilus lugardi
  • 0.0.2 Theraphosinae sp Piura
  • 0.0.2 Tliltocatl albopilosum
  • 0.1 Tliltocatl vagans
  • 0.0.1 Ybyrapora diversipes


Nov 25, 2016
I’m new to hobby about 4 months , and have racked up 12 so far, and I woke up this morning to find that my curly hair has a huge egg sack,I was thinking that she was getting ready for a molt.. boy was I wrong lol..I just hope everything goes to plan for her and it doesn’t end up food.. so potentially my collection is going to boom in size.. can’t say the wife will be happy..
I’ve got.. excuse the spelling and use of common names .
1 Choco golden knee ..
View attachment 381509 View attachment 381509
Love how you have them in the kitchen for your wife to see. Maybe try hiding the slings in the drawers she won’t know. 🤣🤣🤣

me and my Ts

Mar 20, 2021
Aphonapelma hentzi 0.1
Aphonapelma seemanni 0.0.1
Bumba horrida 0.0.1
Chilobrachys sp. electric blue 0.0.1
Chilobrachys sp. kaeng krachan 0.0.1
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Ephebopus uatuman 0.1
Grammostola actaeon 0.1
Grammostola grossa 0.1
Grammostola pulchra 0.0.1
Grammostola pulchripes 0.0.1
Heterothele gabonensis 0.0.1
Holothele longipes 0.1
Iodethele mira 0.0.1
Kochiana brunnipes 0.0.1
Orphenaecus phillipinus 0.0.1
Pamphobeteus machalla 0.1
Psalmopoeus irminia 0.0.1
Psalmopoeus victori 0.0.1
Theraphosa stirmi 1.0
Tliltocatl albopilosus 0.1
Tliltocatl schroederi 0.0.1
Tliltocatl vagans 0.1

Also have an O. sp. Vietnam silver on the way


Dec 17, 2021
[Updated as of 12/17/2022]

0.1.0 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
0.1.0 Acanthosurria geniculata
0.1.0 Harpactira pulchripes
0.1.0 Pterinochilus murinus
0.1.1 Theraphosinae sp. "Blue"
0.1.0 Ornithoctoniae sp. "Bakan"
0.1.0 Ornithoctoniae sp. "Ho Chi Minh"
0.0.1 Ornithoctoniae sp. "Vietnam Silver"
0.0.1 Haploclastus devamatha
0.0.3 Chilobrachys liboensis (Mid-Hechi locality)
1.0.0 Selenocosmia kovariki
0.1.0 Chilobrachys liboensis (Maolan & North-Hechi locality)
0.1.0 Aphonopelma sp. "Diamondback"
0.1.0 Bonnetina tanzeri
0.1.0 Harpactira namaquenensis
0.1.0 Phormictopus sp. "Dominican Purple"
0.1.0 Idiothele mira
0.0.1 Megephobema robustum
0.0.1 Hapalopus sp. "Columbia Large"
0.1.0 Birupes simoroxigorum
0.1.0 Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
0.1.0 Pseudohapalopus sp. "Colombia"
0.1.0 Aphonopelma bicoloratum
0.0.2 Cyriopagopus schimidti (China)
0.1.0 Ornithoctonus sp. "Khao Sok"
1.1.0 Euathlus sp. "Hermosa"
0.1.0 Encyocratella olivacea
1.0.0 Hapalopus sp. "Guerilla"
0.1.0 Taksinus bambus
0.1.0 Omothymus sp. "Sumatran Tiger"
0.0.1 Caribena versicolor
0.1.0 Hysterocrates gigas
0.0.3 Selenocosmia anubis
0.1.0 Bistriopelma lamasi
0.0.3 Theraphosinae sp. "Oscars"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Magma"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Fire Stripe"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Chuskapi"
0.1.0 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi
0.1.0 Eucratoscelus pachypus
0.0.1 Thrixopelma sp. "Cajamarca Orange"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Mora"

0.0.3 Theraphosinae sp. "Oscars"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Magma"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Fire Stripe"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Chuskapi"
0.0.3 Theraphosidae sp. "Mora"
The above 5, plus Theraphosidae sp. "Subaureum" and Theraphosidae sp. "Sevilla" are all undescribed species from South America that have not entered the hobby worldwide yet. Might make a thread about them in the near future.


Dec 17, 2022
Some are multiples / males / females / mostly unsexed slings
In the order of sequence

Brachypelma hamorii
Brachypelma baumgarteni
Brachypelma klaasi
Caribena versicolor
Dolichothele diamantinensis
Tliltocatl schroederi
Encyocratella olivacea
Pamphobeteus antinous
Harpactira pulchripes
Pterinochilus murinus
Thrixopelma ockerti
Grammostola iheringi
Orphnaecus philippinus
Chilobrachys sp electric blue
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
Aphonopelma bicoloratum
Aphonopelma mooreae
Bumba horrida
Aphonopelma joshua
Cyriocosmus elegans
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Brachypelma boehmei
Phormictopus cancerides
Brachypelma smithi
Brachypelma auratum
Pamphobeteus sp paisa
Tliltocatl albopilosum
Brachypelma albiceps
Tliltocatl vagans
Psalmopoeus victori
Cyriocosmus leetzi
Homoeomma chilensis
Pterinopelma sazimai
Haploclastus devamatha
Citharognathus hosei
Pterinochilus murinus (DCF, Kigoma)
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Nhandu chromatus
Aphonopelma chalcodes
Pterinochilus murinus (DCF, Botswana)
Chilobrachys huahini
Poecilotheria rufilata
Chilobrachys dyscolus blue
Cyriopagopus sp bach ma
Monocentropus balfouri
I am so absolutely jealous of all the slings you have. I currently only have a juvenile B. hamorii. I’m limited in my college dorm but I also have enclosures for Dubia Roaches and Superworms. My tarantula doesn’t move around much and he’s my child but he can be frustrating so I like looking at the Superworms.


ArachnoViking, Conqueror of Poikilos and Therion
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2010
I don't even know how big this sling is ATM, due to the fact it molted right after being rehoused a couple months back and the most I've seen of it since are the tips of its legs. The following is a good indication of how visible it is on a rare good day:

Edit: If you mean how big the O. cf. violacepes "Malaysian Blue" is, apparently the same size as O. violacepes.
I meant your spider, once it grows out of its baby colors it’s pretty easy to tell. There isn’t a single spider that looks like O. violaceopes except O. violaceopes. Lol


Jul 31, 2018
0.1 Augacephalus breyeri
0.1 Birupes simoroxigorum
0.1 Caribena versicolor
0.3 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
0.2 Citharognathus tongmianensis
0.1 Cyriopagopus schioedtei
0.0.4 Cyriopagopus sp. Sumatran tiger
0.2 Haploclastus devamatha
0.1 Haplopelma doriae
0.1 Haplopelma hainanum
0.2 Haplopelma lividum
0.5 Haplopelma schmidti
2.3 Haplopelma sp. Bach ma
0.0.1 Haplopelma sp. Big Black
0.1 Haplopelma sp. Langson
0.1 Harpactira namaquensis
0.2 Hysterocrates sp.
0.3 Ornithoctoninae sp. ho chi minh
1.3 Ornithoctoninae sp. nhen dep
1.5 Ornithoctoninae sp. phan cay
0.3 Ornithoctoninae sp. Silver
0.2 Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam highland
0.1.4 Pamphobeteus cf. antinous (Big black)
0.1 Pamphobeteus cf. petersi
3.4 Pamphobeteus sp. mascara
0.1 Phormictopus cancerides
0.1 Phormictopus sp green femur
0.0.5 Phormictopus sp. dominican purple
0.2 Poecilotheria metallica
0.0.3 Poecilotheria regalis
2.2 Sericopelma sp. Darien
1.4 Theraphosa apophysis
2.2 Theraphosa blondi
3.3 Theraphosa stirmi
2.2 Xenesthis cf. immanis (long hair)
0.0.2 Xenesthis intermedia

Meant to focus on South American giants but for some reason I kept getting more earth tigers lol. More to catch in 2023!


Aug 13, 2019
I'm pretty picky when it comes to what pets I keep in general. I won't keep a T just cause it's easy or inexpensive or because it's a usually pricey and rare species that I happened to find for a bargain. It has to be a species that be I like either because of looks and size, attitude, feeding response etc.

Even if I'm interested in the species I won't get it as a sling if it grows stupidly lol. Yeah I think some Ts don't just grow slowly, they kinda grow stupidly slow! Most Brachypelma and Aphonopelma genus comes to mind. I love B emilia but I only bought one when I located a subadult female for a decent price.

My list is:

- G pulchra (3, my first ever species, only slow growing T I raised from a sling).
- G pulchripes (purchased as adult female).
- G rosea (also purchased as adult female).
- A geniculata (6 of em)
- L parahybana (1 juvenile female 1 adult 8 or 9 inch female)
- T albopilosum (bought as a subadult female).
- T apophysis
- B emilia (bought as adult female)
- B klaasi (bought as a juvi)

Arachnid Addicted

Apr 16, 2019
Been a while since I last update my list so, here we go. :)

Oct/2022 Updated List



0.2.0. Acanthoscurria chacoana
0.2.1. Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.2.0. Acanthoscurria gomesiana
2.1.0. Acanthoscurria juruenicola
0.0.1. Acanthoscurria insubtilis
0.1.1. Acanthoscurria musculosa
0.1.0. Acanthoscurria natalensis
1.2.2. Acanthoscurria paulensis
0.0.3. Acanthoscurria simoensi
0.1.5. Acanthoscurria theraphosoides
0.0.1. Aphonopelma bicoloratum
0.0.2. Aphonopelma chalcodes
0.1.0. Aphonopelma crinirufum
0.0.2. Aphonopelma seemanni
0.0.1. Aphonopelma sp. "Diamondback"
0.0.1. Augacephalus breyeri
1.0.1. Avicularia avicularia M2
0.1.2. Avicularia avicularia M6
1.1.2. Avicularia avicularia M7
0.1.0. Avicularia hybrid A. avicularia x A. rufa
0.0.1. Avicularia juruensis M1
0.1.0. Avicularia juruensis M2
0.0.1. Avicularia minatrix
0.1.0. Avicularia rufa
0.1.2. Avicularia taunayi

1.0.0. Bacillochilus xenostridulans
0.1.0. Brachypelma albiceps
0.0.1. Brachypelma baumgarteni
1.1.0. Brachypelma auratum
1.1.0. Brachypelma boehmei
1.1.0. Brachypelma emilia
0.1.1. Brachypelma hamorii
0.1.0. Brachypelma klaasi
1.0.0. Brachypelma smithi
0.1.0. Bumba horrida
0.1.0. Bumba cf. tapajos

1.0.0. Cardiopelma mascatum
0.1.0. Caribena versicolor
0.1.0. Catanduba flavohirta
0.1.0. Catanduba peruacu
1.1.0. Catumiri parvum
0.0.1. Cerarogyrus brachycephalus
1.1.1. Ceratogyrus darlingi
0.1.2. Ceratogyrus marshalli
0.1.0. Ceratogyrus sanderi
0.1.2. Chilobrachys dyscolus
0.2.0. Chilobrachys fimbriatus
0.1.0. Chilobrachys sp. "Electric Blue"
0.1.3. Chilobrachys sp. "Kaeng Krachan"
0.1.0. Chilobrachys sp. "Prachuap Khiri Khan"
0.1.2. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
1.1.0. Coremiocnemis hoggi
0.0.2. Cyclosternum schmardae
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus aueri
1.1.0. Cyriocosmus bicolor
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus elegans
0.1.3. Cyriocosmus hoeferi
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus leetzi
0.1.0. Cyrioscosmus perezmilesi
1.1.4. Cyriocosmus ritae
0.1.0. Cyrtogrammomma monticola
0.0.5. Cyriopagopus hainanus
0.0.1. Cyriopagopus lividus
0.1.0. Cyriopagopus vonwirthi
0.0.2. Cyrtopholis cursor

0.1.2. Davus pentaloris
0.1.0. Dolichothele bolivianum
1.1.9. Dolichothele diamantinensis (Green/Blue/Black)
0.1.0. Dolichothele exilis
0.2.0. Dolichothele mineirum
0.1.0. Dolichothele mottai
0.1.1. Dolichothele rufoniger
0.0.3. Dolichothele sp.

0.0.2. Ephebopus foliatus
0.2.0. Ephebopus murinus
0.0.2. Ephebopus uatuman
0.1.2. Euathlus manicata
1.1.0. Euathlus truculentus
0.1.0. Euathlus sp. "Metropolitana"
0.1.0. Euathlus sp. “Tigre Esmeralda”
0.0.3. Eupalaestrus campestratus
0.1.2. Eupalaestrus crassimetatarsis
0.1.0. Eupalaestrus weijenberghi

0.0.1. Grammostola actaeon
0.1.0. Grammostola anthracina
1.1.1. Grammostola grossa
1.0.1. Grammostola iheringi
0.2.1. Grammostola pulchra
1.1.2. Grammostola pulchripes
0.1.2. Grammostola quirogai
0.3.0. Grammostola rosea (NCF/RCF)
0.4.0. Grammostola vachoni
1.1.0. Grammostola sp. "Formosa"
0.0.2. Grammostola sp. “Longimana”
0.1.0. Guyruita cerrado

0.1.0. Hapalopus butantan
0.0.3. Hapalopus formosus
0.1.1. Hapalopus sp. "Colombia Groß"
0.1.0. Hapalopus triseriatus
0.1.0. Haplocosmia himalayana
0.0.1. Harpactira baviana
0.0.6. Harpactira pulchripes
0.2.0. Heteroscodra maculata
0.2.0. Heterothele gabonensis
0.0.3. Heterothele sp. “Villosella”
0.2.0. Holothele longipes (Dark/Red)
0.1 2. Homoeomma cf. villosum
0.1.1. Hysterocrates gigas

0.1.0. Iridopelma hirsutum
0.1.0. Iridopelma vanini
0.1.0. Iridopelma zorodes

0.1.0. Kochiana brunnipes

0.2.0. Lasiodora isabellina
0.2.0. Lasiodora itabunae
2.2 0. Lasiodora klugi
1.2.0. Lasiodora parahybana
0.1.0. Lasiodora pleopectra
0.0.1. Lasiodora striatipes
0.1.2. Lasiodora subcanens
1.0.1. Lasiodora sp.
0.1.0. Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
0.0.2. Lyrognathus giannisposatoi

1.1.0. Megaphobema robustum
0.0.1. Megaphobema velvetosoma
0.2.9. Monocentropus balfouri
0.1.0. Munduruku bicoloratum

0.1.0. Neischnocolus sp. “Bonfire”
0.1.0. Neischnocolus sp. “North”
0.1.0. Neischnocolus sp. “Orange Legs”
0.1.2. Nhandu carapoensis
0.1.2. Nhandu cerradensis
0.1.0. Nhandu chromatus
0.1.0. Nhandu coloratovillosus
0.1.0. Nhandu tripepii
0.1.0. Nhandu sp. "Red"

0.2.0. Ornithoctoninae sp. "Hati Hati"
1.2.0. Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
1.0.1. Orphnaecus sp. "Quezon Blue"

0.1.0. Pamphobeteus fortis
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus cf. insignis
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus cf. petersi
1.1.0. Pamphobeteus ultramarinus
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. “Cascada”
0.2.0. Pamphobeteus sp. "Ecuador"
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. “Manabi”
0.1.0. Pamphobeteus sp. "Mascara"
0.1.0. Pamphobeteus sp. “Platyomma”
2.0.0. Pelinobius muticus
1.0.0. Phormictopus atrichomatus
0.1.0. Plesiopelma longisternale
0.1.0. Poecilotheria formosa
0.1.0. Poecilotheria hanumavilasumica
0.2.0. Poecilotheria metallica
0.2.0. Poecilotheria miranda
0.0.2. Poecilotheria ornata
1.2.1. Poecilotheria regalis
0.1.0. Poecilotheria smithi
0.2.0. Poecilotheria striata
0.1.0. Poecilotheria subfusca
0.1.2. Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli
0.1.0. Proshapalopus amazonicus
0.0.1. Proshapalopus multicuspidatus
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus cambridgei
0.2.0. Psalmopoeus hybrid P. cambridgei x P. irminia
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus irminia
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus pulcher
0.1 0. Pterinochilus chordatus
0.1.0. Pterinochilus lugardi
0.1.9. Pterinochilus murinus
0.2.0. Pterinopelma sazimai
1.1.0. Pterinopelma vitiosum

0.0.2. Selenocosmia crassipes
0.1.0. Selenocosmia javanensis
1.0.0. Sericopelma generala
1.0.0. Sericopelma rubronitens
0.2.0. Sickius longibulbi
0.1.3. Stromatopelma calceatum

0.1.2. Tapinauchenius plumipes
0.1.0. Theraphosa apophysis
1.2.0. Theraphosa blondi
0.0.2. Theraphosa stirmi
0.1 0. Thrixopelma lagunas
0.1.0. Thrixopelma pruriens
1.2.1. Tliltocatl albopilosus (Honduras/Nicaragua)
1.1.0. Tliltocatl epicureanus
0.1.0. Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
0.1.0. Tliltocatl sabulosus
0.1.0. Tliltocatl schroederi
1.1.2. Tliltocatl vagans
1.1.0. Tliltocatl verdezi
0.1.0. Tmesiphantes cf. obesus
1.1.0. Tmesiphantes sp.
0.1.1. Typhochlaena seladonia

0.1.0. Umbyquyra cf. paranaiba

1.1.0. Vitalius buercheli
0.2.0. Vitalius dubius
0.3.0. Vitalius longisternalis
0.1.0. Vitalius lucasae
1.0.0. Vitalius nondescriptus
0.1.0. Vitalius paranaensis
1.2.0. Vitalius roseus
1.2.0. Vitalius sorocabae
0.1.0. Vitalius vellutinus
0.1.0. Vitalius wacketi

1.1.0. Xenesthis immanis
1.0.0. Xenesthis sp. "Blue"

0.0.1. Ybyrapora diversipes

0.1.0 Actinopus rufipes
0.1.1 Actinopus sp.

0.1.0. Fufius sp.

0.1.0. Diplura paraguayensis
0.1.0. Diplura sp.
1.2.2. Harmonicon sp.
0.1.0. Linothele sericata
1.2.3. Linothele sp.
0.1.0. Trechona sp.

0.1.0. Ischnothele annulata
0.1.0. Ischnothele guianensis

Other spiders



0.1.0. Liphistius cf. ornatus


0.1.1. Isoctenus coxalis

1.1.2. Epicadus heterogaster.


1.1.3. Androctonus australis garzoni
0.0.1. Androctonus gonneti
0.1.0. Hottentotta hottentotta
0.1.3. Hottentotta jayakari
0.0.1. Hottentotta tamulus
0.1.0. Jaguajir rochae
0.0.1. Leiurus hebraeus (Yellow)
1.2.2. Leiurus quinquestriatus
1.1.0. Parabuthus capensis
0.0.1. Parabuthus transvaalicus
0.x.0. Tityus confluens
0.1.2. Tityus fasciolatus
0.1.2. Tityus matogrossensis
1.1.0. Tityus obscurus
0.1.0. Tityus serrulatus
0.1.0. Tityus stigmurus
1.0.0. Zabius fuscus

0.0.1. Nebo omanensis

0.0.2. Opisthacanthus cayaporum

1.1.0. Pandinus imperator
0.0.1. Gigantometrus swammerdami

0.1.2. Paravaejovis spinigerus

Other arachnids


0.0.2 Heterophrynus longicornis


1.1.0. Thelyphonidae sp. “Dwarf”

Other exotics



0.1.0. Otostigmus rex
0.1.0. Scolopendra viridicornis



0.1.0. Pantherophis guttatus

0.1.0. Phelsuma quadriocellata



1.0.0. Ameerega hahnile
1.0.0. Ameerega flavopicta
1.0.0. Ameerega picta
1.0.0. Ameerega trivittata

Plus roaches and beetle worms, of course. 😂



0.0.1. Acanthoscurria cf. insubtilis
0.2.0. Acanthoscurria chacoana
0.2.2. Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.2.0. Acanthoscurria gomesiana
2.2.0. Acanthoscurria juruenicola
0.1.1. Acanthoscurria musculosa
0.1.0. Acanthoscurria natalensis
1.2.2. Acanthoscurria paulensis
1.1.1. Acanthoscurria simoensi
0.1.5. Acanthoscurria theraphosoides
0.0.1. Aphonopelma bicoloratum
0.0.2. Aphonopelma chalcodes
0.0.2. Aphonopelma seemanni
0.0.1. Aphonopelma sp. “Bosque Primavera/Encinos”
2.1.0. Aphonopelma sp. “Chapala”
0.0.1. Aphonopelma sp. "Diamondback"
0.0.1. Augacephalus breyeri
1.0.1. Avicularia avicularia M2
0.0.2. Avicularia avicularia M6
1.1.2. Avicularia avicularia M7
0.0.2. Avicularia juruensis M1
0.1.0. Avicularia juruensis M2
0.0.1. Avicularia minatrix
0.1.0. Avicularia rufa
0.1.2. Avicularia taunayi

1.0.0. Bacillochilus xenostridulans
0.1.0. Brachypelma albiceps
0.0.1. Brachypelma baumgarteni
1.1.1. Brachypelma auratum
1.1.0. Brachypelma boehmei
1.1.0. Brachypelma emilia
0.1.1. Brachypelma hamorii
0.1.2. Brachypelma klaasi
1.1.0. Brachypelma smithi
0.1.0. Bumba horrida
0.1.0. Bumba cf. tapajos

1.0.0. Cardiopelma mascatum
0.2.0. Caribena versicolor
0.1.0. Catanduba flavohirta
0.1.0. Catanduba peruacu
0.1.0. Catanduba simoni
1.1.0. Catumiri parvum
0.0.1. Cerarogyrus brachycephalus
1.1.1. Ceratogyrus darlingi
0.1.2. Ceratogyrus marshalli
0.1.0. Ceratogyrus sanderi
0.1.2. Chilobrachys dyscolus
0.2.0. Chilobrachys fimbriatus
1.1.0. Chilobrachys sp. "Electric Blue"
0.1.3. Chilobrachys sp. "Kaeng Krachan"
0.1.0. Chilobrachys sp. "Prachuap Khiri Khan"
0.1.2. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
1.1.0. Coremiocnemis hoggi
0.0.2. Cyclosternum schmardae
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus aueri
1.1.0. Cyriocosmus bicolor
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus elegans
0.2.0. Cyriocosmus hoeferi
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus leetzi
0.1.0. Cyrioscosmus perezmilesi
1.1.4. Cyriocosmus ritae
0.1.0. Cyrtogrammomma monticola
0.0.5. Cyriopagopus hainanus
0.1.0. Cyriopagopus vonwirthi
0.0.2. Cyrtopholis cursor

0.0.1. Davus fasciatus
0.1.2. Davus pentaloris
0.0.2. Davus sp. “Oaxaca”
0.0.2. Davus sp. “Tehuantepec”
0.1.0. Dolichothele bolivianum
1.1.9. Dolichothele diamantinensis (Green/Blue/Black)
0.1.0. Dolichothele exilis
0.2.0. Dolichothele mineirum
0.1.0. Dolichothele mottai
0.1.1. Dolichothele rufoniger
0.0.3. Dolichothele sp.

0.0.2. Ephebopus foliatus
0.3.0. Ephebopus murinus
0.0.2. Epheopus uatuman
0.1.2. Euathlus manicata
1.1.0. Euathlus truculentus
0.1.0. Euathlus sp. "Metropolitana"
0.1.0. Euathlus sp. “Tigre Esmeralda”
0.0.3. Eupalaestrus campestratus
0.1.2. Eupalaestrus crassimetatarsis
0.1.0. Eupalaestrus weijenberghi

0.0.1. Grammostola actaeon
0.1.0. Grammostola anthracina
1.1.1. Grammostola grossa
1.0.1. Grammostola iheringi
0.2.1. Grammostola pulchra
1.1.2. Grammostola pulchripes
0.1.2. Grammostola quirogai
0.3.0. Grammostola rosea (NCF/RCF)
0.4.0. Grammostola vachoni
1.1.0. Grammostola sp. "Formosa"
0.1.0. Guyruita cerrado

0.1.0. Hapalopus butantan
0.0.3. Hapalopus formosus
0.0.1. Hapalopus sp. "Colombia Groß"
1.1.0. Haplocosmia himalayana
0.1.5. Harpactira pulchripes
0.2.0. Heteroscodra maculata
0.2.0. Heterothele gabonensis
0.0.3. Heterothele sp. “Villosella”
0.2.0. Holothele longipes (Dark/Red)
0.1 2. Homoeomma cf. villosum
0.1.1. Hysterocrates gigas

0.1.1. Iridopelma hirsutum
0.1.0. Iridopelma vanini
0.1.0. Iridopelma zorodes

0.1.0. Kochiana brunnipes

0.2.0. Lasiodora isabellina
0.2.0. Lasiodora itabunae
2.2 0. Lasiodora klugi
1.2.0. Lasiodora parahybana
0.1.0. Lasiodora pleopectra
0.0.1. Lasiodora striatipes
0.1.2. Lasiodora subcanens
1.0.1. Lasiodora sp.
0.1.0. Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
0.0.2. Lyrognathus giannisposatoi

1.1.0. Megaphobema robustum
1.1.0. Megaphobema velvetosoma
1.2.1. Monocentropus balfouri
0.2.0. Munduruku bicoloratum

0.1.0. Neischnocolus sp. “North”
1.0.0. Neischnocolus sp. “Orange Legs”
0.1.2. Neoholothele incei (Gold/Olive)
0.1.2. Nhandu carapoensis
0.1.2. Nhandu cerradensis
0.1.0. Nhandu chromatus
0.1.0. Nhandu coloratovillosus
0.1.0. Nhandu tripepii
0.1.0. Nhandu sp. "Red"

0.2.0. Ornithoctoninae sp. "Hati Hati"
0.0.1. Ornithoctoninae sp. "Silver"
1.2.0. Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
0.2.0. Orphnaecus philippinus
1.0.1. Orphnaecus sp. "Quezon Blue"

0.1.0. Pachistopelma bromelicola
0.1.0. Pachistopelma rufonigrum
0.1.0. Pamphobeteus fortis
0.1.0. Pamphobeteus crassifemur
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus cf. insignis
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus cf. petersi
2.1.0. Pamphobeteus ultramarinus
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. “Cascada”
0.2.0. Pamphobeteus sp. "Ecuador"
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. “Manabi”
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. "Mascara"
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus sp. “Platyomma”
2.0.0. Pelinobius muticus
1.0.0. Phormictopus atrichomatus
1.0.0. Phormictopus cancerides
2.0.0. Phormictopus sp. “Salinas”
0.2.0. Phormingochilus sp. "Rufus"
0.1.0. Plesiopelma longisternale
0.1.0. Poecilotheria formosa
0.1.0. Poecilotheria hanumavilasumica
0.2.0. Poecilotheria metallica
0.2.0. Poecilotheria miranda
0.0.2. Poecilotheria ornata
1.3.1. Poecilotheria regalis
0.1.0. Poecilotheria smithi
0.2.0. Poecilotheria striata
0.1.0. Poecilotheria subfusca
0.1.2. Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli
0.2.0. Proshapalopus amazonicus
0.2.1. Proshapalopus multicuspidatus
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus cambridgei
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus irminia
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus pulcher
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus reduncus
0.1.0. Psednocnemis brachyramosa
0.1 0. Pterinochilus chordatus
0.1.0. Pterinochilus lugardi
0.1.9. Pterinochilus murinus
0.3.0. Pterinopelma sazimai
1.1.0. Pterinopelma vitiosum

0.1.0. Reversopelma petersi

0.0.2. Selenocosmia crassipes
0.1.0. Selenocosmia javanensis
1.0.0. Sericopelma generala
1.0.0. Sericopelma rubronitens
0.2.0. Sickius longibulbi
0.1.3. Stromatopelma calceatum

0.0.3. Tapinauchenius plumipes
0.1.0. Theraphosa apophysis
1.3.2. Theraphosa blondi
0.0.2. Theraphosa stirmi
0.1 0. Thrixopelma lagunas
0.1.0. Thrixopelma pruriens
1.2.1. Tliltocatl albopilosus (Honduras/Nicaragua)
1.1.0. Tliltocatl epicureanus
0.1.0. Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
0.1.0. Tliltocatl sabulosus
1.1.2. Tliltocatl vagans
1.1.0. Tliltocatl verdezi
1.1.0. Tmesiphantes janeira
0.1.0. Tmesiphantes cf. obesus
0.1.1. Typhochlaena seladonia

0.1.0. Umbyquyra cf. paranaiba

1.1.0. Vitalius buercheli
0.2.0. Vitalius dubius
0.3.0. Vitalius longisternalis
0.1.0. Vitalius lucasae
1.0.0. Vitalius nondescriptus
0.1.0. Vitalius paranaensis
1.2.0. Vitalius roseus
1.2.0. Vitalius sorocabae
0.1.0. Vitalius vellutinus
0.1.0. Vitalius wacketi

1.1.0. Xenesthis immanis
1.0.0. Xenesthis sp. "Blue"

0.0.1. Ybyrapora diversipes

0.1.0 Actinopus rufipes
0.1.1 Actinopus sp.

0.1.0. Fufius sp.

0.1.0. Diplura paraguayensis
0.1.0. Diplura sp.
1.2.2. Harmonicon sp.
0.1.0. Linothele sericata
1.2.3. Linothele sp.

0.1.0. Ischnothele guianensis

Other spiders


0.1.0. Liphistius cf. ornatus


0.1.1. Isoctenus coxalis

1.1.2. Epicadus heterogaster.



1.1.3. Androctonus australis garzoni
0.0.1. Androctonus gonneti
0.1.0. Hottentotta hottentotta
0.1.3. Hottentotta jayakari
0.0.1. Hottentotta tamulus
0.1.0. Jaguajir rochae
0.0.1. Leiurus hebraeus (Yellow)
1.2.2. Leiurus quinquestriatus
1.1.0. Parabuthus capensis
0.0.1. Parabuthus transvaalicus
0.x.0. Tityus confluens
0.1.2. Tityus fasciolatus
0.1.2. Tityus matogrossensis
1.1.4. Tityus obscurus
0.1.0. Tityus serrulatus
0.1.0. Tityus stigmurus
1.0.0. Zabius fuscus

0.0.1. Nebo omanensis

0.0.2. Opisthacanthus cayaporum

0.0.1. Gigantometrus swammerdami
1.0.1. Pandinus imperator

0.1.2. Paravaejovis spinigerus

Other arachnids


1.1.2. Heterophrynus cf. batesii
0.0.2 Heterophrynus longicornis


1.1.0. Thelyphonellus cf. amazonicus

Other exotics



0.1.0. Otostigmus rex
0.1.1. Scolopendra viridicornis



0.1.0. Pantherophis guttatus

0.1.0. Phelsuma quadriocellata



1.0.0. Ameerega hahnile
1.0.0. Ameerega flavopicta
1.0.0. Ameerega picta
1.0.0. Ameerega trivittata

Plus 4 species of roaches and beetle worms 😂
Last edited:


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019



0.0.1. Acanthoscurria cf. insubtilis
0.2.0. Acanthoscurria chacoana
0.2.2. Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.2.0. Acanthoscurria gomesiana
2.2.0. Acanthoscurria juruenicola
0.1.1. Acanthoscurria musculosa
0.1.0. Acanthoscurria natalensis
1.2.2. Acanthoscurria paulensis
1.1.1. Acanthoscurria simoensi
0.1.5. Acanthoscurria theraphosoides
0.0.1. Aphonopelma bicoloratum
0.0.2. Aphonopelma chalcodes
0.0.2. Aphonopelma seemanni
0.0.1. Aphonopelma sp. “Bosque Primavera/Encinos”
2.1.0. Aphonopelma sp. “Chapala”
0.0.1. Aphonopelma sp. "Diamondback"
0.0.1. Augacephalus breyeri
1.0.1. Avicularia avicularia M2
0.0.2. Avicularia avicularia M6
1.1.2. Avicularia avicularia M7
0.0.2. Avicularia juruensis M1
0.1.0. Avicularia juruensis M2
0.0.1. Avicularia minatrix
0.1.0. Avicularia rufa
0.1.2. Avicularia taunayi

1.0.0. Bacillochilus xenostridulans
0.1.0. Brachypelma albiceps
0.0.1. Brachypelma baumgarteni
1.1.1. Brachypelma auratum
1.1.0. Brachypelma boehmei
0.1.1. Brachypelma hamorii
0.1.2. Brachypelma klaasi
1.1.0. Brachypelma smithi
0.1.0. Bumba horrida
0.1.0. Bumba cf. tapajos

1.0.0. Cardiopelma mascatum
0.2.0. Caribena versicolor
0.1.0. Catanduba flavohirta
0.1.0. Catanduba peruacu
0.1.0. Catanduba simoni
1.1.0. Catumiri parvum
0.0.1. Cerarogyrus brachycephalus
1.1.1. Ceratogyrus darlingi
0.1.2. Ceratogyrus marshalli
0.1.0. Ceratogyrus sanderi
0.1.2. Chilobrachys dyscolus
0.2.0. Chilobrachys fimbriatus
1.1.0. Chilobrachys sp. "Electric Blue"
0.1.3. Chilobrachys sp. "Kaeng Krachan"
0.1.0. Chilobrachys sp. "Prachuap Khiri Khan"
0.1.2. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
1.1.0. Coremiocnemis hoggi
0.0.2. Cyclosternum schmardae
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus aueri
1.1.0. Cyriocosmus bicolor
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus elegans
0.2.0. Cyriocosmus hoeferi
0.1.0. Cyriocosmus leetzi
0.1.0. Cyrioscosmus perezmilesi
1.1.4. Cyriocosmus ritae
0.1.0. Cyrtogrammomma monticola
0.0.5. Cyriopagopus hainanus
0.1.0. Cyriopagopus vonwirthi
0.0.2. Cyrtopholis cursor

0.0.1. Davus fasciatus
0.1.2. Davus pentaloris
0.0.2. Davus sp. “Oaxaca”
0.0.2. Davus sp. “Tehuantepec”
0.1.0. Dolichothele bolivianum
1.1.9. Dolichothele diamantinensis (Green/Blue/Black)
0.1.0. Dolichothele exilis
0.2.0. Dolichothele mineirum
0.1.0. Dolichothele mottai
0.1.1. Dolichothele rufoniger
0.0.3. Dolichothele sp.

0.0.2. Ephebopus foliatus
0.3.0. Ephebopus murinus
0.0.2. Epheopus uatuman
0.1.2. Euathlus manicata
1.1.0. Euathlus truculentus
0.1.0. Euathlus sp. "Metropolitana"
0.1.0. Euathlus sp. “Tigre Esmeralda”
0.0.3. Eupalaestrus campestratus
0.1.2. Eupalaestrus crassimetatarsis
0.1.0. Eupalaestrus weijenberghi

0.0.1. Grammostola actaeon
0.1.0. Grammostola anthracina
1.1.1. Grammostola grossa
1.0.1. Grammostola iheringi
0.2.1. Grammostola pulchra
1.1.2. Grammostola pulchripes
0.1.2. Grammostola quirogai
0.3.0. Grammostola rosea (NCF/RCF)
0.4.0. Grammostola vachoni
1.1.0. Grammostola sp. "Formosa"
0.1.0. Guyruita cerrado

0.1.0. Hapalopus butantan
0.0.3. Hapalopus formosus
0.0.1. Hapalopus sp. "Colombia Groß"
1.1.0. Haplocosmia himalayana
0.1.5. Harpactira pulchripes
0.2.0. Heteroscodra maculata
0.2.0. Heterothele gabonensis
0.0.3. Heterothele sp. “Villosella”
0.2.0. Holothele longipes (Dark/Red)
0.1 2. Homoeomma cf. villosum
0.1.1. Hysterocrates gigas

0.1.1. Iridopelma hirsutum
0.1.0. Iridopelma vanini
0.1.0. Iridopelma zorodes

0.1.0. Kochiana brunnipes

0.2.0. Lasiodora isabellina
0.2.0. Lasiodora itabunae
2.2 0. Lasiodora klugi
1.2.0. Lasiodora parahybana
0.1.0. Lasiodora pleopectra
0.0.1. Lasiodora striatipes
0.1.2. Lasiodora subcanens
1.0.1. Lasiodora sp.
0.1.0. Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
0.0.2. Lyrognathus giannisposatoi

1.1.0. Megaphobema robustum
1.1.0. Megaphobema velvetosoma
1.2.1. Monocentropus balfouri
0.2.0. Munduruku bicoloratum

0.1.0. Neischnocolus sp. “North”
1.0.0. Neischnocolus sp. “Orange Legs”
0.1.2. Neoholothele incei (Gold/Olive)
0.1.2. Nhandu carapoensis
0.1.2. Nhandu cerradensis
0.1.0. Nhandu chromatus
0.1.0. Nhandu coloratovillosus
0.1.0. Nhandu tripepii
0.1.0. Nhandu sp. "Red"

0.2.0. Ornithoctoninae sp. "Hati Hati"
0.0.1. Ornithoctoninae sp. "Silver"
1.2.0. Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
0.2.0. Orphnaecus philippinus
1.0.1. Orphnaecus sp. "Quezon Blue"

0.1.0. Pachistopelma bromelicola
0.1.0. Pachistopelma rufonigrum
0.1.0. Pamphobeteus fortis
0.1.0. Pamphobeteus crassifemur
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus cf. insignis
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus cf. petersi
2.1.0. Pamphobeteus ultramarinus
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. “Cascada”
0.2.0. Pamphobeteus sp. "Ecuador"
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. “Manabi”
0.0.1. Pamphobeteus sp. "Mascara"
1.0.0. Pamphobeteus sp. “Platyomma”
2.0.0. Pelinobius muticus
1.0.0. Phormictopus atrichomatus
1.0.0. Phormictopus cancerides
2.0.0. Phormictopus sp. “Salinas”
0.1.0. Plesiopelma longisternale
0.1.0. Poecilotheria formosa
0.1.0. Poecilotheria hanumavilasumica
0.2.0. Poecilotheria metallica
0.2.0. Poecilotheria miranda
0.0.2. Poecilotheria ornata
1.3.1. Poecilotheria regalis
0.1.0. Poecilotheria smithi
0.2.0. Poecilotheria striata
0.1.0. Poecilotheria subfusca
0.1.2. Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli
0.2.0. Proshapalopus amazonicus
0.2.1. Proshapalopus multicuspidatus
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus cambridgei
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus irminia
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus pulcher
0.1.0. Psalmopoeus reduncus
0.1.0. Psednocnemis brachyramosa
0.1 0. Pterinochilus chordatus
0.1.0. Pterinochilus lugardi
0.1.9. Pterinochilus murinus
0.3.0. Pterinopelma sazimai
1.1.0. Pterinopelma vitiosum

0.1.0. Reversopelma petersi

0.0.2. Selenocosmia crassipes
0.1.0. Selenocosmia javanensis
1.0.0. Sericopelma generala
1.0.0. Sericopelma rubronitens
0.2.0. Sickius longibulbi
0.1.3. Stromatopelma calceatum

0.0.3. Tapinauchenius plumipes
0.1.0. Theraphosa apophysis
1.3.2. Theraphosa blondi
0.0.2. Theraphosa stirmi
0.1 0. Thrixopelma lagunas
0.1.0. Thrixopelma pruriens
1.2.1. Tliltocatl albopilosus (Honduras/Nicaragua)
1.1.0. Tliltocatl epicureanus
0.1.0. Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
0.1.0. Tliltocatl sabulosus
1.1.2. Tliltocatl vagans
1.1.0. Tliltocatl verdezi
1.1.0. Tmesiphantes janeira
0.1.0. Tmesiphantes cf. obesus
0.1.1. Typhochlaena seladonia

0.1.0. Umbyquyra cf. paranaiba

1.1.0. Vitalius buercheli
0.2.0. Vitalius dubius
0.3.0. Vitalius longisternalis
0.1.0. Vitalius lucasae
1.0.0. Vitalius nondescriptus
0.1.0. Vitalius paranaensis
1.2.0. Vitalius roseus
1.2.0. Vitalius sorocabae
0.1.0. Vitalius vellutinus
0.1.0. Vitalius wacketi

1.1.0. Xenesthis immanis
1.0.0. Xenesthis sp. "Blue"

0.0.1. Ybyrapora diversipes

0.1.0 Actinopus rufipes
0.1.1 Actinopus sp.

0.1.0. Fufius sp.

0.1.0. Diplura paraguayensis
0.1.0. Diplura sp.
1.2.2. Harmonicon sp.
0.1.0. Linothele sericata
1.2.3. Linothele sp.

0.1.0. Ischnothele guianensis

Other spiders


0.1.0. Liphistius cf. ornatus


0.1.1. Isoctenus coxalis

1.1.2. Epicadus heterogaster.



1.1.3. Androctonus australis garzoni
0.0.1. Androctonus gonneti
0.1.0. Hottentotta hottentotta
0.1.3. Hottentotta jayakari
0.0.1. Hottentotta tamulus
0.1.0. Jaguajir rochae
0.0.1. Leiurus hebraeus (Yellow)
1.2.2. Leiurus quinquestriatus
1.1.0. Parabuthus capensis
0.0.1. Parabuthus transvaalicus
0.x.0. Tityus confluens
0.1.2. Tityus fasciolatus
0.1.2. Tityus matogrossensis
1.1.4. Tityus obscurus
0.1.0. Tityus serrulatus
0.1.0. Tityus stigmurus
1.0.0. Zabius fuscus

0.0.1. Nebo omanensis

0.0.2. Opisthacanthus cayaporum

0.0.1. Gigantometrus swammerdami
1.0.1. Pandinus imperator

0.1.2. Paravaejovis spinigerus

Other arachnids


1.1.2. Heterophrynus cf. batesii
0.0.2 Heterophrynus longicornis


1.1.0. Thelyphonellus cf. amazonicus

Other exotics



0.1.0. Otostigmus rex
0.1.1. Scolopendra viridicornis



0.1.0. Pantherophis guttatus

0.1.0. Phelsuma quadriocellata



1.0.0. Ameerega hahnile
1.0.0. Ameerega flavopicta
1.0.0. Ameerega picta
1.0.0. Ameerega trivittata

Plus 4 species of roaches and beetle worms 😂
As always, just no words lol. I could've sworn you had Phormingochilus sp Rufus at one point.


Oct 9, 2022
Lasiodora parahybana sling
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens female juvenile
Brachypelma smithi sling
Grammostola pulchra sling
Holothele longipes mature female
And I have no more room for more!!
I forgot my Tliltocatl vagans sling, BBT