the substrate looks wet but it is good to where i can clump it but if i touch the clumped up dirt it will just all fall apart.. well here he is i Just got him today
EDIT:This is the G.Pulchripes
I wanted to change the title of this thread to "10 years of Brachypelma Vagans" because I just remembered I got her before I got my licence. I was 18 back then and now almost 28. So make it ten years, wow...
When you have been together for such a long time you begin to regard the pet you have as something more than a pet, an extended part of your family.
Today I cleaned out her cage, and renewed the substrate. Put in some nice dried Tilantsia and gave her a grashopper.
I was overwhelmed again with the affection I felt for this animal, who has Lived beside me for such a long time.
I took this opportunity to make some photo's of her, and pray that I might have many more years with her to come.
I found some old papers and the receipt that I kept when I got here for free when I purchased 2 terrariums.
This coming June 20th I will have her 10 years!!!
She is probably somewhat older than that Awesome!
Its amazing the bond that can be built with these amazing creatures.
She is obviously mature by now, ever thought about getting her a boyfriend and having a go at breeding?
A bad picture of only little T, my B.vagans sling came to me as freebie from Taranrula Canada at 1/4 (honestly i was scared would inhale him when he arrived) but since in my has molted and eats regularly :biggrin:
congrats on the vagans! and yeah mine tunnels like he's getting paid lol he had four visible burrow entrances after the first 3 days and finished with a total of 4-5 before I changed his substrate a couple of days ago nows he's only at two
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