This happen to you before???

Ether Imp

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2009
After reading more of the thread, I'm in continued agreement with the posters: This guy needs an All-American-Ass-Kickin'.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
While I'm sure it makes people feel great to claim they'd ride in on a white horse and punch the guy in the face (in my experience no one who says that would actually do it), that wouldn't actually accomplish anything but getting yourselves in legal trouble. Furthermore if this guy is on record as being mentally disabled, any of you doing a THING to him would make him look like a victim.

I don't know, this thread is very strange - but if this situation is real, the OP needs to be talking to the cops/various resources for abused women/not an arachnid hobbyist forum. They can help her. We of the internet cannot.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
While I'm sure it makes people feel great to claim they'd ride in on a white horse and punch the guy in the face (in my experience no one who says that would actually do it)

I would do it, and would smile while doing it. {D


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
While I'm sure it makes people feel great to claim they'd ride in on a white horse and punch the guy in the face (in my experience no one who says that would actually do it), that wouldn't actually accomplish anything but getting yourselves in legal trouble. Furthermore if this guy is on record as being mentally disabled, any of you doing a THING to him would make him look like a victim.
ADHD hardly classifies as "mentally disabled". Also, the OP described him as "autist". Yeah, right... Asperger at most. I'm guessing we are talking about a sociopath who was forced to go to a doctor by court. And suddenly... HE HAD ADHD!

Krazy Kat

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
While I'm sure it makes people feel great to claim they'd ride in on a white horse and punch the guy in the face (in my experience no one who says that would actually do it), that wouldn't actually accomplish anything but getting yourselves in legal trouble. Furthermore if this guy is on record as being mentally disabled, any of you doing a THING to him would make him look like a victim.

I don't know, this thread is very strange - but if this situation is real, the OP needs to be talking to the cops/various resources for abused women/not an arachnid hobbyist forum. They can help her. We of the internet cannot.
Good post and well said.... This is a little strange...

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Yeah, this is a bit strange.....but maybe the OP isn't comfortable reaching out to anyone else. In any case, Mushroom Spore makes a good point about the whole Damsel In Distress mentality of alot of people. Alot of people will say it, but few will act. And these types of people that are doing the abusing will play victim if violently confronted, and will attempt to frustrate you in hopes you'll do something stupid. I've been asked on a few occasions to help a friend remove some trouble, but rarely did it resort to violence....having 5 guys who all have been around a few dozen fairly rough blocks WILL lessen the violent streak in any @-hole wife-beater. LOL

On the point that the internet can't help.....I seem to remember a news story about some troubled kid who was torturing animals, posted something on YouTube, and within hours the internet community had enough information to call the local authorities and have him arrested. Anything is possible. Even getting the nice young men in those shiny white coats to come out to get this clown with a butterfly net.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
Yeah, this is a bit strange.....but maybe the OP isn't comfortable reaching out to anyone else. In any case, Mushroom Spore makes a good point about the whole Damsel In Distress mentality of alot of people. Alot of people will say it, but few will act. And these types of people that are doing the abusing will play victim if violently confronted, and will attempt to frustrate you in hopes you'll do something stupid. I've been asked on a few occasions to help a friend remove some trouble, but rarely did it resort to violence....having 5 guys who all have been around a few dozen fairly rough blocks WILL lessen the violent streak in any @-hole wife-beater. LOL

On the point that the internet can't help.....I seem to remember a news story about some troubled kid who was torturing animals, posted something on YouTube, and within hours the internet community had enough information to call the local authorities and have him arrested. Anything is possible. Even getting the nice young men in those shiny white coats to come out to get this clown with a butterfly net.
Don't underestimate the OP. You'ed be impressed what a small person with a couple of drink spikers, some sharp objects and a good enough imagination can do. :rolleyes:

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Oh underestimations here. Personally, I prefer to see a good snap kick in the sack. That will drop ANY guy no matter how big they are!!! But I like your idea much better, arachneman!! ;P OBT in the bed, anyone???


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
Anyone else notice that the OP hasn't commented since last evening even though her activity shows she was last around at about 6PM today?
Last edited:


Old Timer
May 25, 2009
Maybe he could read. Anyone who would not leave the situation over four years seems unlikely to leave it now sorry to say. She could have meant that he could not read it at the time as he was busy playing Xbox - rather than abusing.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
You're just jealous that it isn't you I'm stalking. :}.

Nah, I just noticed that she hadn't been around and was concerned. Had her activity not shown anything since she posted this thread, I would seriously consider calling her local authorities and making a report as lowlife cowards like the one she's described are capable of anything.
I've witnessed and felt first-hand how bad these situations can get.



Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
You're just jealous that it isn't you I'm stalking. :}.
LOL! Eww.. creepy.

Nah, I just noticed that she hadn't been around and was concerned. Had her activity not shown anything since she posted this thread, I would seriously consider calling her local authorities and making a report as lowlife cowards like the one she's described are capable of anything.
I've witnessed and felt first-hand how bad these situations can get.
I know, its no joke.


Jul 9, 2009
First, the problem with modern society is most people dont step in and help. I've seen this kind of situation a lot. This could be here way of asking for it. The problem is a buch of people from the US phoning in complaints that they cant prove is useless.
MushroomSpore- Notice I asked who had the bail money? The way to solve this is legally. How ever, I think if someone witness something like that they have a moral duty to step in. Thats how I met the mother of my child. But yes, all of us getting on a plane would only land us in jail.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
I was an abused wife at 19. Get out, NOW. It only escalates. Are there shelters for battered women out there? Check the internet, make some calls, but GET SOME HELP. No woman deserves to be hit, for any reason. You might have to give up your pets and possibly your home, but your life is worth it.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
While I'm sure it makes people feel great to claim they'd ride in on a white horse and punch the guy in the face (in my experience no one who says that would actually do it), that wouldn't actually accomplish anything but getting yourselves in legal trouble. Furthermore if this guy is on record as being mentally disabled, any of you doing a THING to him would make him look like a victim.
I've done it before and would happily do it again! And he has a learning disability, seems he's physically capable if he can beat his g/f.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I've done it before and would happily do it again! And he has a learning disability, seems he's physically capable if he can beat his g/f.

Someone should help him ''learn''. {D

Ether Imp

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2009
While I'm sure it makes people feel great to claim they'd ride in on a white horse and punch the guy in the face (in my experience no one who says that would actually do it), that wouldn't actually accomplish anything but getting yourselves in legal trouble. Furthermore if this guy is on record as being mentally disabled, any of you doing a THING to him would make him look like a victim.
While I understand the good intentions and wisdom behind what you're saying.. I am sure there are several people on these boards who would be more than happy to step up to an abusive spouse.

When I was about 4 years old I watched my father beat the hell out of and threaten to kill my mother infront of the Christmas Tree..

As an adult: Homey don't play that. If I see a guy smacking around his girlfriend in public, I consider it grounds for interference and worth risking going to jail. Most police officers are extremely leniant in those kinds of situations unless you seriously hurt the other person and assuming it wasn't premeditated.


Jul 9, 2009
In my State it is legal to stop someone from hurting someone else. And I have done it so I know how it works from both sides. Ussually these kind of people wont do it in public, but have had to knock on the neighbors door before and tell him what was about to happen. After I got my degree in LE and became a prison guard it became a lot easier.