Besides the two small bald patches, the big bald patches on the sides of her abdomen have been caused her legs rubbing up against it every time she moves. I am curious as to what she weighs...
I'm speechless. That poor sweetie does look uncomfortable, doesn't she? If you wouldn't mind, please add me to the list of wanting a sling. My blondi just got sexed as a male.........
I actually have another female that is on cycle to lay eggs as well. She is not nearly as fat, but she will develop in a few months. So far, as far as sacs are concerned, I am dealing with her, my X. immanis has a sac (knock on's been 4 weeks now...) another T. blondi, P. irminia, L. parahybana, 4x P. platyomma, and a P. nigricolor (need a male for her). So it will be a busy summer. For those interested, check out the X. immanis thread found in Tarantula Announcements. I have pictures up for her as well (with the sac.)
She has already been mated. She is developing eggs, which makes her so obese. Don't get me wrong, she was a fat-ass before, but now she is just colossal.
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