The real birdeater

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Old Timer
Jul 22, 2005
Asylum-6 said:
that was cool but what did that baby bird do to you to deserve that ?:embarrassed:
and so did the crickets we feed our Ts. what did they do to us too? :evil: :eek: {D


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2004
wow......... what a discussion. :eek:

If for some odd reason, I do decide (not that i have done so in the past nor paln to do so in the future) to feed one of my Ts a vertebrate (bird or otherwise), remind me not to post pics. :8o


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2004
This thread is like a Scottish Hogmany party, we all start off, die down a bit, start up again and so on and so forth, it also seems to last several weeks!:D


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2005
Crunchie said:
This thread is like a Scottish Hogmany party, we all start off, die down a bit, start up again and so on and so forth, it also seems to last several weeks!:D

or even months :D


Dec 17, 2005
I hate to interupt your arguement, but i just stumbled upon this thread. Its impressive yet sad at the same time. To see a T eat an actual bird is intriguing but at the same time it was the stupidity of the owner to capture the bird. Ive seen pics of T's eating mice (live and dead already) but never a bird. Way to go rocket scientist messing with the ecosystem. I could see if that area was over populated by a certain kind of bird an decided well why not feed my T itll eat the bird no problem and help bring the bird population down by 1 (o0o0o0o 1 big deal, still helps). Why argue though i mean whats done is done and at least you werent the ones feeding the T the bird. you can argue allllllll you want its a no win situation because everyone has thier own opinion and most wont budge on thier view.----Erick


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2005
i even read in one of the thread here, that they even feed their Ts fish :)


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2005
Look what I feed my X.intermedia....

Note: Tarantula does not actually live in sand... that is my photo tank
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Old Timer
Oct 13, 2005
I think I am going to throw up, I should have never opened this thread either. I guess my problem with it all is taking things out of the wild to feed to our captive animals, bugs, whatever. I feed my T's mice, but our rodents are raised for that purpose, as feeders. It's not intrupting the cycle of life. As with chickens, cows, pigs, etc etc. And I also understand hunting deer, turkeys, etc etc because we have elimated the predators that kept the populations under control. The balance of nature.

There is alot of good points on this thread, on both sides. But none of it is going to make anyone change their minds, you either like it, or you don't. If I would have known what the pictures contained, I wouldn't have opened it. But I did read all 11 pages. I think when you post anything on a public forum, you are open to both sides. It's not fair to say people can post hey great pics, but not eww I don't like that. If the mods don't like it, they would put a stop to it.

There are all types of people watching all forums like this one. From snakes, to T's to just about anything. Believe me, we know first hand how close they watch. It's not fun, take my word for it.

Once I posted a picture of a 6 foot snake on the floor and in the background there was one of the kids toys, I got flamed big time. I didn't even see the toy when I took the picture. It wasn't anywhere near the snake, just far off in the background. It doesn't really matter that the picture wasn't in the US, all they do is print the picture and use it against you. I have heard of it used in divorce cases to fight for the kids (with snakes not T's yet)

Sorry for the long post, I am not flaming anyone, just stating my opinion on the matter. I don't want to argue over anything, it's done and over with, and it is your T, do what you wish. But it would be nice to have a warning in the title or something....LOL.


Scott C.

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
to no one in particular...

If you are worried about the "balance of nature", or the "eco-system", then do yourself, and the above stated, a favor and throw yourself from a bridge. Feeding a wild bird to a tarantula is not even comparable to starting your car in terms of damage to our world. In fact, if you really give a hoot, the time you spent arguing with strangers about the right, and wrong regarding T feeding could definitely be better spent saving the world from much more harmful things. Go pick up some trash. At least your making a difference then, instead of just filling yourself with moral superiority.
This dead horse is ridiculous. Both sides are riddled with bad logic, or hypocricy, or both. Here is a simple checklist to determine what to feed your T's:
Will it sustain the T?
Is it going to harm the T?
Is the T going to eat all of it, or at least enough to not be needlessly wasteful?
Do I feel comfortable feeding it to my T based on my set of morals, and my preferences?
That should cover just about everything. Live, dead, invert, vert, cartoons, devils, etc..
As for the harm to the hobby..... Unless someone has a pic somewhere of a T eating a kitten, puppy, or human fetus I think we are safe.
Of couse all this is just my opinion, and "to each their own" is always prevalent. Have a happy new year everyone.:)


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2004
Scott C. said:
If you are worried about the "balance of nature", or the "eco-system", then do yourself, and the above stated, a favor and throw yourself from a bridge. Feeding a wild bird to a tarantula is not even comparable to starting your car in terms of damage to our world. In fact, if you really give a hoot, the time you spent arguing with strangers about the right, and wrong regarding T feeding could definitely be better spent saving the world from much more harmful things. Go pick up some trash. At least your making a difference then, instead of just filling yourself with moral superiority.
Doing volentary work at the Scottish wildlife trust for the past year and a half and don't have a car. By all means tell us all the bad logic in this thread instead of filling yourself with misplaced superiority. No point in having a pop at others opinions if you can't back up your own.
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Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
I think a really good point was made by Nivek much earlier in this thread. Wild birds (more often than not) carry mites. I'm not sure of all the different types of mites they carry, but they surely can't be good for the t.
Regardless of all the other hooplah, and the why and why nots, I wouldn't let a wild bird near my t. For all we know, most of the encounters of t's and birds in the wild could have led to mite infestations, etc. and killed the t.
Personally, I would stick to feeders that I know are "clean".


Old Timer
Aug 22, 2004
I agree with czal :eek: did I just say that? ;) {D

Parasites and pesticides, enough said.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
nightbreed said:
I agree with czal :eek: did I just say that? ;) {D
Haha - yes you did!

Maybe Czal does have a bit of logic in him. ;) I, too, agree with what he said regarding the parasites - no point in taking unnecessary risks.

Steve Nunn

Old Timer
Aug 30, 2002
You know, I heard T's will bite people if they stick their fingers in. Stick your fingers in, get bit, but get good pics ok?? I bet you used to hang your wang out for shock value as a child, sad that you're still doing it.

If I was mod here I'd cut this thread so damn quick, before wankers like PETA find it and get reason to ban keeping.

Good show on setting keeping back to the dark ages. Be proud of yourself shock boy. And no, I don't want to see your wang in the next thread.


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
If I was a moderator...

And since I highly doubt that anything could possibly beat the Aussie master's post... thread closed, kiled and cured.

NOT due to his point about PETA... as much as I personally loathe the idea of some insane animal rights group reading this thread I do not think it is our place to modify what initially a reasonable discussion.

What this thread has shown is that the feeding of birds in the hobby is incredibly rare - and a relatively accurate indicator of the attitude of hobbyists towards it.

Happy Near Year all! :)
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