The real birdeater

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Old Timer
Feb 9, 2004
solaceofwinter said:
LOL crickets dont have brains? :rolleyes:
Kinda sorta. They have ganglion (nerve bundles, I think) but not really brains like higher animals do.

fyrburn said:
bugs feel pain too y'know.....
Not really. They probably feel something that lets them know they're in a position they don't want to be in but as far as the emotions that we associate with pain, no, they don't feel pain.

With all the crap that gets thrown around about people feeding their tarantulas vertebrates I'm surprised no one has tried to get their tarantulas on a vegan diet. {D

Pretty cool pics.


Old Timer
Aug 10, 2005
My 2 Cents

Though the thought feeding a T a bird or any other vertebrate isn't the least bit repulsive to me. What I don't understand is posting pictures of it. It would be like me taking a picture of somebody stuffing a big, fat, greasy cheeseburger in their mouth and posting it. It 's a fact of life but we don't always really want to see it. :?

On a lighter note they are good pictures (composition, lighting etc.) and that is one beautiful T.


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
well I dont see ANY good points in doing that, except for the show so now we know why your friend really have its Tarantula, just for the show

its stupid imo, way to many risk for the spider for NO REASON

**If you don't like it ...... don't look.
Is it too hard not to post negative responses?**

Oh yeah its very veyr very hard, I would like to say a LOT more things of what I think about this , but it will get edited by the admin
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Old Timer
May 2, 2005
The main reason i get upset when I see these pictures is because it shows the dark side of the hobby; the hobbyist who just wants to get the cheap thrill of watching their pet kill something. The T itself is put in unnecessary danger of being killed by its prey, and just some random animal was forced to endure an excrutiating demise. Do T's eat vertebrates in the wild? Yes, of course they do. but that is an open environment where the prey has a sporting chance and its "kill or be killed". Doing it in a closed environment is essentially a canned hunt with only one possible outcome. Well, two if the bird or rat or lizard or chihuaha gets a hold of the T and kills it.Basically when I see this sort of picture I imagine a pretty sadistic mind along with a total apathy or just plain ignorance of what their pet needs to survive.

To everyone else who has a picture of this nature, don't post unless you want to hear some criticism or hate mail. This is one of the touchiest subjects of the arachnoculture world.


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
ChrisNCT said:
People feed different things to different animals....... Frankly its none of our business what they feed them. They feed whatever they want so give the guy a break.
I won't comment on this topic but I find what your saying in the quote to be very untrue.

If this person is posting what they feed their tarantulas on a public forum then it becomes EVERYONES business not just his(or hers) anymore. If they didn't want it to be anyone elses business then they wouldn't have posted it (or shouldn't have).

If they don't want people critizing what they do then don't post it (especially if its a hot topic like this).

Your claim has no grounds.
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Old Timer
Nov 13, 2005
There is no reason to do this other than self satisfaction, or perhaps to show off to your friends. The spider does not know the difference and would have been just as happy with something else. It seems that there are more of us that disagree with this practice and would not ever think of trying this at home. :embarrassed:


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2005
very cool pics {D {D {D

i'll should try to feeding my T. blondi with a small bird too :} :} :}


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
Ill take this as an opportunity to ask...Does a varied diet effect inverts at all? With a lot of reptiles, I constantly hear "variety, variety, variety" but I have always heard that just inverts for inverts is the best way to go. My question is this: In any way, will a varied diet benefit an invertebrate in any way at all?


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
I would'n't find a problem so much if it was a few days old or something *personally i wouldn't*, but to feed one thats survived the first few months well and healthily *certainly lookd in good health* is just unneccessary, whats wrong with a 'bred as feederpet' frozen pinkies or something?
Use some sense in what your using to feed.
Seems to me too few people actually have repect for life...
YES, i feed my tarantulas crickets and other invertebrates, im ok with this because theyr kept very well until that point.
TBH, you, and so many others quite simply need to learn some respect for life.
i'm sure this will go right through your head so don't expect a response:p
have fun;) ;)


Old Timer
Dec 1, 2004
that is kind of disturbing? did you watch it die? if so, that is even more disturbing to me. I agree with survival of the fittest, but when humans are sticking it in a cage, where it cant escape and the bird doesnt know where it is at and scared stiff, that is not survival of the fittest. Wild and captive are two different things.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
What no grounds? To what?

He posted it. It is his pet and his pics. Not your pics or pet. As it is his photo....taken by is not public property (everyones business) now. He didn't ask for your comments. I find it that allot of people thrive off of making remarks to be funny or just wanna stand out to make a point.

I don't think he asked any of you for opinions. Whether allot of you frown on such give life some may have to take it. It is nature no matter how you look at it.

What baffles me is that all these complaints are from people who also eat a variety in a controlled environment. So in other words its okay for you to eat a variety in yours but not okay for others.

All that you say the more you type contradicts your way of life. Since when did you decide its okay to give a cricket or roach to a T? Some may frown on that as well.

Now that I have seen that this bothers you......I may start to raise birds! I can take really good macro shots!

Ennoozunu said:
I won't comment on this topic but I find what your saying in the quote to be very untrue.

If this person is posting what they feed their tarantulas on a public forum then it becomes EVERYONES business not just his(or hers) anymore. If they didn't want it to be anyone elses business then they wouldn't have posted it (or shouldn't have).

If they don't want people critizing what they do then don't post it (especially if its a hot topic like this).

Your claim has no grounds.
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Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
ChrisNCT said:
What baffles me is that all these complaints are from people who also eat a variety in a controlled environment. So in other words its okay for you to eat a variety in yours but not okay for others.
The next time you have a burger, why not just take a bite out of a full-grown cow instead? :) I'm sure it wouldn't be any more dangerous...


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
becca81 said:
The next time you have a burger, why not just take a bite out of a full-grown cow instead? :) I'm sure it wouldn't be any more dangerous...
you should take a bite from a rhinoceroce, it represent more the risk taken for a simple show, personally, whats what bugging me.

**Not your pics or pet. As it is his photo....taken by is not public property (everyones business) now. He didn't ask for your comments. I find it that allot of people thrive off of making remarks to be funny or just wanna stand out to make a point.**

let take in exemple the movie producter who create movies that everybady all around the world judge, but its the propriety of the movie producter anyway .... same thing for its pic, yeah he own them, but he post them on public forum, he will get judge, thats for sure, we judge when its good, we also have to judge when its bad (bad is just my opinion, some ppl seem's to like that)
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Old Timer
Feb 9, 2004
:eek: That poor hotdog! :eek: I can't believe you'd be so cruel. :eek:

Watch out, soon you'll get the "Do you know how many starving children in ________ would like to have that hotdog? That's so wasteful! You know spiders can't eat bread!" speech.

Give the spider a bird; I want the hotdog! {D


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2004
ChrisNCT...where did you get those miniature hot dogs??? I need to get me some of them!



Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
ChrisNCT said:
What no grounds? To what?

He posted it. It is his pet and his pics. Not your pics or pet. As it is his photo....taken by is not public property (everyones business) now. He didn't ask for your comments. I find it that allot of people thrive off of making remarks to be funny or just wanna stand out to make a point.

I don't think he asked any of you for opinions. Whether allot of you frown on such give life some may have to take it. It is nature no matter how you look at it.

What baffles me is that all these complaints are from people who also eat a variety in a controlled environment. So in other words its okay for you to eat a variety in yours but not okay for others.

All that you say the more you type contradicts your way of life. Since when did you decide its okay to give a cricket or roach to a T? Some may frown on that as well.

Now that I have seen that this bothers you......I may start to raise birds! I can take really good macro shots!
Please don't take this in the wrong way but I really would like you to see where I'm coming from when I say that. I'm certainly not trying to make enemies with you. Just a friendly argument :)

The pics are his but he posted it on a public forum where the public posts(and reads) opinions good and bad. By posting it on a place where everyone can see it he is making it so its everyones business(anyone who reads it anyways). A forum is where everyone can post opinions good and bad.

If he didn't want everyone to read it he should have PMed it to people he wanted to see it(not possible I know just using it to make a point) or just not posted it at all. The second he posted this knowly on a public forum(where anyone can view it) that excuse of "Since when is it everyones business what i do" just went out the window. He is knowly making it everyones business by posting it publicly. No one is peaking into his private life he has opened the door and invited everyone in. So it is now everyones business.

Now I'm not saying everyone should go post thier opinions and start flaming , starting arguments and going off topic. I'm saying that he should know by posting this on this forum he is opening this up to everyone and making this everyones business thereby opening himself up to this(or a possibility of this).

So I do see where your coming from. Maybe your right that people shouldn't have started jumping on him so quickly but I'm simply saying he should have expected this could happen and that he did make this everyones business by posting it on a public board.

When I say "did" I mean in my opinion of corse. You don't have to believe what I believe(and I'm not going to think any less of you if you don't believe what I believe) but I just thought I should fully explain my comment so everyone knows what i mean.

I don't think the original topic maker ment for this to end up in a big war of the opinions. So I suggest we lock this topic and avoid further arguments and flames.
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Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
Well stated Ennoozunu!

I know that I would not feed bird to mine but it's just me. I just don't like all the attacks that seem to happen on these boards. I can suggest that they should give another approach to this and make suggestion as to why he shouldn't offer birds. Take the more educated route to suggest the T's safety if the tables were to turn in the birds favor and not just to "attack" the man for the pics. I'm not pointing you out..........just all those who are so quick to post them in these and other forums. So many people out there are so quick to make "attack" posts. just be more informative.......thats all.

Nothing personal taken....just a discussion.
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