A few different species! P. sazimai, T. vagans, M. robustum. I had just watered the enclosures and the vagans tried attacking the water stream, resulting in his droplet monocle in this pic
A few different species! P. sazimai, T. vagans, M. robustum. I had just watered the enclosures and the vagans tried attacking the water stream, resulting in his droplet monocle in this pic
Young T. albopilosus (Honduran I believe)
Missed them taking the larger cricket, but a smaller one managed to hop in during the feeding, so got a pic of them being greedy with that!
Kendal Mint Cake the day I got her, she refused to come out
Then I dropped a worm in
Gotta love genics "never even setting foot in that enclosure!"....." Oooo it's food"
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