User Storm76's picture thread


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Once again, I enjoy looking at how my babies will look like when they grow up :D
Here's some more slings / juvies for you then, buddy:

GBB sling #1, unsexed, ~2" - "Hey, it's day! I'd like to hide again if you don't mind?!"

GBB sling #1, unsexed, ~2" - "Fine, one full body picture - be quick!"

GBB sling #1, unsexed, ~2" - "Dude! With flash? Seriously?!"

GBB sling #2, unsexed, ~2" - "Ha! He's leaving me be! Hiding..."

GBB sling #1, unsexed, ~2" - "Uhoh...guess he saw me..."

GBB sling #1, unsexed, ~2" - "Damn...definitely did."

GBB sling #1, unsexed, ~2" - "To any whom it may concern: I'm being tortured to show up in bright daylight! HELP?"

Poecilotheria miranda, suspect female, ~2" - "If you'd sit still, he'd just leave again. Works like a charm for me."

Poecilotheria miranda, suspect female, ~2" - " least it did work. Just gotta work up your venom, he's gonna be more careful then!"

Poecilotheria fasciata, suspect male, ~2.5" - "I call BS! He urged me out of my burrow! Damn human!"

Poecilotheria fasciata, suspect male, ~2.5" - "...and getting closer...just a little bit more..."

Poecilotheria fasciata, suspect male, ~2.5" - "I think I scared him by moving a little! HAHA! Watch me!"

Poecilotheria fasciata, suspect male, ~2.5" - "Great! Now he's hovering above me..."

Poecilotheria fasciata, suspect male, ~2.5" - "Mission failed - the human is still blitzing me with that damn flash! I swear, one more and..." *moves fangs*

"4of4", Euathlus sp. "red", ~1.5" - "You guys need to chill more...oh hey! Wait! Leave the lid open!"

"4of4", Euathlus sp. "red", ~1.5" - "Partypooper! You guys are so hectic and here I'm so slow and even get a chance to walk out sometimes...see how it works?"

"Firali", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5" female - "If you people don't shut up, I'm gonna come over there!"

"Firali", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5" female - " the way: HUMAN! GET LOST!"

"Firali", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5" female - "Fine. Come your own peril! You have been warned..."


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
A few videos...

Long time no vids...thought I'd update:



NOTE: I'm currently uploading another one showing my GBB MM preparing a spermweb and loading his palps (got some great footage there), but I'll edit that in later once the upload is done!

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Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Time for some updates! (A. geniculata / E. sp. "red" / Avics and more)

Looks like I've got some serious competition with the captions :D
Haha, you reminded me how fun it can be! :)

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - yep, she really gained that much size! Love it! 7.75-8" stretched out (sadly I couldn't take the pic of her stretching out!)

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - she's eating again, which was awesome to see!

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - close-up

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - *nomnomnom*

"Medeia", Acanthoscurria geniculata, ~8" female - enclosure view for size comparison, she's a big, chunky girl now

"Spot", Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, ~4.5" mature male - creating spermweb (white line in the webbing)

"Spot", Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, ~4.5" mature male - ...and loading his palps :)

Unnamed, Avicularia geroldi, ~2" suspect female - they're very active with the high temps in the app during the hot days we had over here

Unnamed, Avicularia geroldi, ~2" suspect female - a better view of the suspect girl

Unnamed, Poecilotheria fasciata, ~2.5" suspect male - he's hell on legs currently got lucky he sat still for a moment

Unnamed, Avicularia versicolor, ~1.25", unsexed - electric-blue, so adorable!

Unnamed, Avicularia versicolor, ~1.25", unsexed - but loves to run out when the lid is opened *sigh* :D

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~1.5", unsexed - these have to be THE slowest growing Avics ever! This one is 1 year old...hardly any growth :)

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~1.25", unsexed - and the second one of the couple I have

Unnamed, Avicularia purpurea, ~1.5", unsexed - first one of these I'm raising that's really skittish

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - this cutie loves to hide under his corkbark

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - this cutie loves to hide under his corkbark

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - and this one digs feverishly

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - and this one digs feverishly

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - *nomnomnom* eating :)

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - this one prefers to stay out in the open, it's also the biggest seemingly

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - different angle again

Part of the Borg-Collective, ~1.5" - comparison of two of them :)

Hope you enjoyed the updates!


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
New molts: B. smithi and P. cambridgei - also E. murinus out and about

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - to the left her molting-mat

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - she loves that corkbark :)

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - a close-up

"Asteria", Ephebopus murinus, ~5" female - scrunched in the corner when I opened the cage

"Asteria", Ephebopus murinus, ~5" female - a slight tap to her hind legs corrected that...

"Asteria", Ephebopus murinus, ~5" female - top view...

"Asteria", Ephebopus murinus, ~5" female - and being thirsty about to take a drink after me refilling the waterdish (hot over here currently)

"Moriko", Psalmopoeus cambridgei, ~7" female - she's so insanely skittish after that last molt that I can't take a pic with an open cage currently, sorry

"Moriko", Psalmopoeus cambridgei, ~7" female - maybe when she calmed down some, I can take a better one. Though that will mean dealing with her intenese threat displays, hehe :D


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Easy Poecie juvie rehouse vid

Rehoused my ~2" P. miranda and P. fasciata...quick'n easy done in 5 min without incidents.

I mainly use this catchcup + straw method when dealing with my faster, more defensive T's and it works well.

And as a "bonus": Ephebopus murinus, "Asteria", ~5" female out and about - finally saw her after her last molt a couple moths ago...
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Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Rehoused "Ares", 4-4.5" immature male Chilobrachys fimbriatus

Suffice to say: The transfer went a bit different than I had expected, but at no point problematic really. In fact, I simply couldn't get him to walk into the catchcup since he seems to be in early premolt and was all fired up. Stridulating, biting, slapping, threatening, you name it! In the end, I waited for him to grab the straw and carefully (!) while he hang on to it, moved him that way to the new enclosure. Luckily, if he would've let go, he would've had a fall of approx. 2" only onto fluffy cocofiber. So, with the size he's at, that would've been the same as sliding down the side of the enclosure when trying to climb it. Hence why I took the chance to transfer him the way I did.

Note: Certainly wasn't the safest, nor the smartest way. However, I've raised this T from 0.5" onward and can judge him to a certain extent - one being that once he grabs hold of something, he won't let go of it unless he goes for biting or the thing moves to quickly.

Anyways, I will let the pictures taken in the new enclosure speak for themself... :D

"Ares", ~4.5" immature male, Chilobrachys fimbriatus - after setting him down and he let go of the straw

"Ares", ~4.5" immature male, Chilobrachys fimbriatus - ...and one tap trying to urge him to check out his burrow caused this :D

"Ares", ~4.5" immature male, Chilobrachys fimbriatus - Yes, he was stridulating - still gives me chills hearing it hehe :D

"Ares", ~4.5" immature male, Chilobrachys fimbriatus - luckily he calmed down rather quick

"Ares", ~4.5" immature male, Chilobrachys fimbriatus - close-up

"Ares", ~4.5" immature male, Chilobrachys fimbriatus - ...and a last one for good measure!

Bottom line: This species will try to climb up anything that you may use to prod them with to direct them into a certain direction. As stated in the "Arachne" they can turn 180° in the blink of an eye, so be careful! I use a very thin, soft, plastic straw to prod mine with in case I have to. Simply because I know they won't hurt their fangs trying to bite that thing and secondly because they can't climb up those - they grab them, pull themself to the point of their first pair of legs and bite that moment usually. And they let go immediately afterwards usually. If they don't bite, they'll hang on until the straw moves too much for their comfort. Just be careful with these and enjoy their beautiful coloration and markings!

Here's the corresponding video of the transfer. Again, mind you: He wasn't in danger during this!
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Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
B. auratum molted

Wonderful pictures!! Im so jealous. You have a great collection there.

"Kamala", Brachypelma auratum, adult female ~5" - taken a few hours after her molting

"Kenno", Brachypelma boehmei, immature male, ~3.25" - he's gotten more of an attitude after his last molt, hehe.

---------- Post added 07-15-2014 at 12:06 AM ----------

"3 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red", ~1.5" unsexed - full adult coloration now :)

"3 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red", ~1.5" unsexed - close-up

"3 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red", ~1.5" unsexed - different angle

"3 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red", ~1.5" unsexed - suspecting this one to be female

"Harlequin", Hapalopus sp. "Colombia large", ~1.5" unsexed - voracious eater

"Harlequin", Hapalopus sp. "Colombia large", ~1.5" unsexed - also defensive at times

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - molted a couple weeks ago and looks stunning

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - also changed disposition a little more towards defensive

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - doesn't kick hairs, but goes to threaten / bite, kinda interesting

"Adena", Brachypelma smithi, ~5" female - although I do assume that's just being hungry so I fed her and she took the prey immediately

"Kamala", Brachypelma auratum, ~5" female - doing the stretching on her molting mat :)

"Kamala", Brachypelma auratum, ~5" female - close-up

"Moriko", Psalmopoeus cambridgei, ~7" adult female - she lost her right pedipalp during the last molt, but still eats fine :)


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
One death and multiple new molts...


First of all the sad news: "Flavio", the Psalmopoeus pulcher mature male, died today of old age. Sadly, I couldn't acquire a female for him but he had a good life and was eating until last week. At some point, there's just nothing you can do anymore and so this didn't come as a suprise. Suffice to say, he matured June 1st, 2013 and thus live over 1 year after maturity. Guess I'll have to acquire a new P. pulcher whenever I can. Really liked this T. Rest in peace!

As for the good news: 2 of the 4 Euathlus sp. "red" (1of4 and 2of4) molted last week and attained full adult coloration with a size of ~1.5" now. Additionally, I had 1 of 2 Avicularia velutina molting, one GBB, lovely "Phaedra" Psalmopoeus irminia female and "Aurora" Avicularia minatrix. So this in turn is quite nice! Attached pictures of a bunch of them. Enjoy!

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - she molted a while ago and looks simply beautiful

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - so far, she seems to have kept her calm demeanor

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - she's not really fond of having her picture taken

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - ...which can be clearly seen as it's hard to get a full-body shot of her. Pity.

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - old molt of hers

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - shot of the foot of her molt

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - closest possible with my cam

"Kyla", Avicularia sp. "Amazonica" (Manaus), ~4.5" female - nicely seen in the middle the sucking stomach

"Flavio", Psalmopoeus pulcher, mature male - died of old age today (July 24th, 2014) - RIP

"1 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red" / "fire", ~1.5" unsexed - one of the couple that molted last weekend. Here shown eating :)

"3 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red" / "fire", ~1.5" unsexed - just to show that lots of these love to dig, this little one shovelled all the dirt to the other side :D

"2 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red" / "fire", ~1.5" unsexed - the other of the couple that molted last weekend :)

"4 of 4", Euathlus sp. "red" / "fire", ~1.5" unsexed - and this one likes to dig, too :D

"Harlequin", Hapalopus sp. "Colombia large" - I swear, this guy is defensive. He/She rather tries to bite than kick hair, haha! :D

"Harlequin", Hapalopus sp. "Colombia large" - which is rather funny, wouldn't this T be so damn fast :mad:

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~1.5" unsexed - these grow excessively slow for Avics, but are very calm generally - this one molted last week :)

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~1.5" unsexed - closer pic

Unnamed, Avicularia velutina, ~1.5" unsexed - the 2nd of the couple I own. This one I'm still waiting for a molt and since it ate today...will take a while still. :D

Unnamed, Avicularia geroldi, ~2" unsexed - lovely species, but all three of mine are quite skittish and don't hesitate to bite - oddballs?

Unnamed, Avicularia geroldi, ~2" unsexed - they do start to lose sling-coloration, though. I expect them to attain full adult coloration withing the upcoming couple molts

Unnamed, Avicularia geroldi, ~2" unsexed - when spooked, they either go hide immediately, or start running like there's no tomorrow

Unnamed, Avicularia geroldi, ~2" unsexed - obviously tired of having its picture take: "Talk to the abdomen!"

"Lin", Avicularia versicolor, ~4" female - this is the one that presented me the dud-sac a while ago.

"Lin", Avicularia versicolor, ~4" female - she has since molted successfully and looks very nice again

"Lin", Avicularia versicolor, ~4" female - however, she's a tad bit more defensive than what I expected. Just proves these Avics are not all calm :D

Molts: "Phaedra" P. irminia recent one (LEFT) and "Kyla", A. sp. "amazonica" recent one (RIGHT)

and as a bonus picture because I really like this one:

"Moriko", Psalmopoeus cambridgei, ~7" female - general greeting after opening the cage to do some maintenance and refill her waterdish. She hates me :mad:

That's it, folks! Hope you enjoyed! :D


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Snapshot of "Phaedra" after her last molt

"Phaedra", Psalmopoeus irminia, ~5.25" female


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
No pics, but short update (breeding rep)

Besides the fact that "Timea", my female A. avicularia molted just fine today afternoon, I decided to give pairing my A. sp. amazonica a try.

So how did it go?
Placed both enclosures next to each other, prodded the male out (as usual he was quite defensive, hehe) and guided him to the female enclosure. As soon as his front leg touched her enclosure, I stopped prodding and just let them be. Catchcup and chopstick ready, I simply watched. Took the male about 15min to start moving and he wasn't so much tapping at all, but more vibrating with his legs as he moved slowly onto the females webbing. Kept this up for about another ten minutes, occasionally touching the female who wasn't moving at all at first. After that time, the male apparently got a little impatient and started touching the female a number of times with a couple legs (much like "Hey, you there? We need to talk..." :D) at which point she decided to slowly turn around. The two of them then tapped quickly against each other with their legs and the male went for it. She was receptive and he did his deed, afterwards she simply went out of his way and he kept sitting in her webbing. I decided to prod him out of her and back into his enclosure then - the whole thing was done within approx. 30 min. Gave her a roach afterwards and now we'll wait and see :)


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
A thirsty Homoeomma sp. "blue"...

Looks like "Jewel" was insanely thirsty and already waiting for me to refill the waterdish. As mentioned, I do have to do so daily with the temps currently and she pretty much is close to the waterdish usually. Today, she was sitting in it and as soon as I poured water in, she drank.

"Jewel", Homoeomma sp. "blue", ~4.5" female

"Jewel", Homoeomma sp. "blue", ~4.5" female


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
Phaedra is gorgeous! As is Jewell. My H. sp blue molted a couple of weeks ago. I caught her out last night against the side and got a pretty accurate measurement - 5.75 inch dls! I didn't think she was that big!


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Phaedra is gorgeous! As is Jewell. My H. sp blue molted a couple of weeks ago. I caught her out last night against the side and got a pretty accurate measurement - 5.75 inch dls! I didn't think she was that big!
I believe we both have the Peru II version that gets ~6"-6.5", Joyce. My girl should be going into premolt soon enough again, too and I'm suspecting her to breach the 5" then, too.


Aug 2, 2014
Very nice Ts! I'm still waiting for my slings to grow up. :biggrin: I've just ordered 4 new slings from The Spider Shop, and they should arrive sometime next week.


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2012
Cool thing about having visited this board on-off for a couple of years is seeing how collections and documents in picture threads develop over time; and getting that sense of having been with them throughout. Good old 'Phaedra' in particular, in this case. Those chevrons are immense.