Some cobra pix


Old Timer
Sep 16, 2003
Deliverme314 said:
Common sense?

You seem to have this desire to own every species of animal on the planet that is capable of killing you or putting you in the hospital...

Dont get me wrong you have beautiful animals and are Im sure skilled at handling... but you dont think that its a ticking time bomb? Something has to go wrong eventually... Animals like this (in my opinion) should be kept by licensed individuals... no one ever thinks they will get tagged...

So tell me how this wasnt my point from the beginning?


And tell me how I am an irrational thinking individual.

I have no doubt of yoru competancy. And I apologized for judging YOU earlier. Mike has been my issue this entire thread.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
I do not want to get into a licensing debate (this cropped up recently on one of the reptile forums I read). Just keep in mind that irresponsible, headline making idiots (Burmese python kills teen, Venomous snake kills man) are usually the people who won't bother to get a license and go through proper procedure in the first place.

The last news article I read about hots killing somebody was by some idiot who purchased them, wanted to save himself money by not shipping, and not buying a proper containment box for the trip. Putting hots in a cardboard box and holding it is pretty stupid, don't you think?


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2003
Beautiful snakes :) *i dont believe that i said that LOL*
I already have a plan med mål but probably it will stay just a plan.


Old Timer
Dec 5, 2002
Schlyne said:
Just keep in mind that irresponsible, headline making idiots (Burmese python kills teen, Venomous snake kills man) are usually the people who won't bother to get a license and go through proper procedure in the first place.
I agree that is almost always likely to be the case. Hopefully the licence system would prevent, or at least make it extrememly difficult to buy a hot reptile, as you would loose your licence if caught selling DWA animals to someone who doesnt have a licence. It may be a different situation in the US though, where in some areas you can actually go and collect them yourself.


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
"Animals like this (in my opinion) should be kept by licensed individuals"

Nothing in that statement that tells me you acctually mean private keepers. And if you read your own posts you will find you dont want neighbors with venomous snake as living there etc etc.
Mike is your issue? I thought it was venomous snakes we were discussing, not your grudge against Mike - which also is a rational thinking person.



Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
danread said:
I agree that is almost always likely to be the case. Hopefully the licence system would prevent, or at least make it extrememly difficult to buy a hot reptile, as you would loose your licence if caught selling DWA animals to someone who doesnt have a licence. It may be a different situation in the US though, where in some areas you can actually go and collect them yourself.
Unfortunately, as was pointed out previously in this thread, a licensing system won't stop an irresponsible keeper from obtaining an animal. Hot reptiles are illegal in the county I live in, but a friend who is a community police liaison told me that animal control has killed several snakes (usually cobras) during drug raids because the dealers are keeping their drugs and money in the snake's cages as a sort of safe.

Licensing systems or bans don't matter to the kind of people that we are worried about. Maybe it helps keep them out of the hands of minors (in most cases), but I don't think that it's a deterrent to adults.


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2004
Crotalus said:
Every time I post pictures of venomous snakes I get to the point where I have to defend my hobby and frankly, Im tired of it. I read your replies and you are entitled to your opinion and you have every right to think that venomous snakes shouldnt be kept at all my private people.
But, that doesnt make you right to your opinion about me as a person who have adrenaline issues. I dont. I dont keep animals to get some sort of rush, I keep them (all of them) because they interest me.

And talking about dangerous neighbors, one neighbors junkie friend poured gasoline down his letter box on the front door and set it on fire..
I prefer a pitbull or a cobra as a neighbor anytime.

While I was reading this I was thinking the same exact thing .... every time some one posts a pic of a venomous snake of theirs, or brings the topic up, people have to go into a debate over who should or shouldnt own venomous herps ..... make your own thread.

BTW they are absolutely beautiful snakes!


Old Timer
Jul 9, 2004
Deliverme314 said:
What is wrong with the idea of a licensing system?
What about all the people every year involed in serious or fatal car accidents where one of the drivers did not have a valid license? What about all the people shot with unlicensed or illegal firearms?

So why do we pay these licensing fees if they do nothing to protect us? All they really do is cost us money to get or pay fines should we not bother to get one.

It will not prevent unqualified people from getting hots. All a license does in the real world is create a record of who is owning guns, driving cars, owning hots, etc and help with determining fault and establish stronger penalties should something go wrong as with the case of an unlicensed driver.


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
galeogirl said:
Unfortunately, as was pointed out previously in this thread, a licensing system won't stop an irresponsible keeper from obtaining an animal. Hot reptiles are illegal in the county I live in, but a friend who is a community police liaison told me that animal control has killed several snakes (usually cobras) during drug raids because the dealers are keeping their drugs and money in the snake's cages as a sort of safe.

Licensing systems or bans don't matter to the kind of people that we are worried about. Maybe it helps keep them out of the hands of minors (in most cases), but I don't think that it's a deterrent to adults.
A licence system wont stop the morons from getting a venomous snake, but it can help as a protection against stricter laws in case one of these morons go and get tagged by the snake. Then you can clearly show this person was unlicenced and the incident should be treated as such.



Old Timer
Dec 5, 2002
MilkmanWes said:
What about all the people every year involed in serious or fatal car accidents where one of the drivers did not have a valid license? What about all the people shot with unlicensed or illegal firearms?

So why do we pay these licensing fees if they do nothing to protect us? All they really do is cost us money to get or pay fines should we not bother to get one.

It will not prevent unqualified people from getting hots. All a license does in the real world is create a record of who is owning guns, driving cars, owning hots, etc and help with determining fault and establish stronger penalties should something go wrong as with the case of an unlicensed driver.
I have to disagree with you there. Sure the system isn't perfect, but it defintiely does do some good. Yes, people do drive without licences, but surely if there was no driving licence there would be a hell of a lot more car crashes as 12 year old kids go out driving in their parents car. The DWA licence system in the UK does work. If it wasn't in place at all, i'm sure a lot of idiots would have bought venemous snakes, they will always have a following with some people who are completely unsuited to keeping such animals. I reguarly see wanted adverts in the UK classifieds by people asking for caimens, anacondas, large monitor or sometimes even just "a large aggressive reptile" :rolleyes: . Clearly someone who hasnt even taken time to decide what animal they want shouldnt be owning one at all.


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2004
Stupid laws

WOW... I hate(dis-like snakes(not fond of)) them. Bully, bully for them though. A most interesting and incredible look at them. VERY PRETTY. I have no idea where you are but STOP YOUR STATE FROM TELLING YOU WHAT YOU, CAN AND CAN'T OWN or DO! Everyday, exotics are being purchased, by private owners who do not know their city/state laws regarding private ownership, or do not even know that these laws exist. Please for the sake of the exotics life, check your local and state laws. Just this month alone, new regulations, and banning laws are being passed, in several states. We, as exotic owners, responsible exotic owners, need to band together, to fight against these new bills, that may eventually be passed into law, saying what we can and can not own. Do you want your government, the people you placed/voted into office, telling you what you are allowed to have in your own home? Its up to us/you. :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :evil: :clap: :) Info at:


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
asiraki said:
What makes you think I don't.
Because if you were an experienced hots keeper, you'd probably know if venomous reptiles were legal in your area.


Jun 19, 2004
galeogirl said:
Because if you were an experienced hots keeper, you'd probably know if venomous reptiles were legal in your area.
I never said they're not legal, I just wouldn't know where to find them. Keeping a venomous snake isn't that challenging, why are you people making a big deal about it?


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2002
asiraki said:
I never said they're not legal, I just wouldn't know where to find them. Keeping a venomous snake isn't that challenging, why are you people making a big deal about it?
Because it is a big deal....People don't want their hobby hurt because someone got bitten by the venomous snake they purchased on a whim. Challenging or not, there's always the chance for a mistake, thus it's a good idea to now what you're doing before getting such a creature.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
Crotalus said:
A licence system wont stop the morons from getting a venomous snake, but it can help as a protection against stricter laws in case one of these morons go and get tagged by the snake. Then you can clearly show this person was unlicenced and the incident should be treated as such.

Point taken, Lelle, though the idea of an uneducated bureaucrat setting the standards for this type of licensing still makes me nervous. I wish government bodies would consult with knowledgeable herp keepers before imposing strictures on the community.

When they banned large constrictors here, they said that you could grandfather in herps that were already in your possession, but they made it so prohibitively expensive that very few people were able to do it. However, local pet stores still sell baby pythons and boas since the ban was on size, not species. It's legal to own them up until the point where they're 8 feet long, then you have to either be licensed or get rid of them. This has already created a huge surplus of large constrictors needing homes in the area.


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2004
asiraki said:
What makes you think I don't.
It was because of the legal comment.... I know I just assumed you havent had any experience and sorry if it offended you, but am I wroung? And even if you have had experience a cobra is a huge risk no matter how difficult it really is. I have had a few years of off and on experience but I wouldnt get a snake that my local hospital wouldnt likely have antivenin for.
Once again, sorry I didnt mean to get you all worked up about it. But think for a while before you decide to get a cobra ... and remember your not only risking the hobby, but your life and the life of others. (I think some people dont think enough about who elses life they are putting at danger when they get a venomous herp.)


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
galeogirl said:
Point taken, Lelle, though the idea of an uneducated bureaucrat setting the standards for this type of licensing still makes me nervous. I wish government bodies would consult with knowledgeable herp keepers before imposing strictures on the community.

When they banned large constrictors here, they said that you could grandfather in herps that were already in your possession, but they made it so prohibitively expensive that very few people were able to do it. However, local pet stores still sell baby pythons and boas since the ban was on size, not species. It's legal to own them up until the point where they're 8 feet long, then you have to either be licensed or get rid of them. This has already created a huge surplus of large constrictors needing homes in the area.
I see your point. Its necessery to get people who knows what they talking about to set up such standards and people who dont have hidden agendas. Preferably people within the hobby or have a good insight in it. However, there are horrible examples of a herp society that have activly supported a ban of certain species for 15 years just to save their own corns etc and finally got the ban aswell. All crocodilians was banned except a dwarf caiman species that one of the chairman was keeping...
People seemed to accept it too, thats beyond my understanding.
