Some cobra pix

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
galeogirl said:
If you're on this forum, then you are a keeper of wild animals. Reptiles and invertebrates are never "tame" like a dog or a cat, they just vary in their levels of aggression.[/QUOTe

The way you described your Snake, I took it as you were saying it was Tame... My Bad. That was my point no wild animal is tame. as for dogs being tame, Tell my Min Pin's that..... Damn Dogs :rolleyes: As for "Crack Heads" I'd rather deal with Them than a Cobra, or a Large Snake. I have no problems with "CrackHeads" just as long as the don't steal my Sh!T. I wish I had a "CrackHead" living next door to me........ They always have the best prices on Electronics ;)


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2002
Deliverme314 said:
haha. You're just chock full of good points aint ya? ;)

And you are? What if your neighbor owned a gun and disharged through the floor?
What if he was moving a fridge and it rolled down the stairs?
What if he left the water run all weekend and you walked into the room and got electrocuted...
If a person is irresponsible, then a simple piece of paper isnt going to help anything...It's the "what-if" types that are dangerous...They are always the ones who take away rights from a large group based on the actions of a few, the very same few who wont care about a ban and continue to do stupid stuff. Then when something bad happens it just snowballs....

I'd like to think that a stupid venomous keeper will end up dead by himself, but thats just a personal preference, like my preference a DUI driver hits a pole..


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
Deliverme314 said:
Right on. Good point. I dont want my right to own an animal that is not life threatening to be taken away because some guy has an adrenaline issue.
Every time I post pictures of venomous snakes I get to the point where I have to defend my hobby and frankly, Im tired of it. I read your replies and you are entitled to your opinion and you have every right to think that venomous snakes shouldnt be kept at all my private people.
But, that doesnt make you right to your opinion about me as a person who have adrenaline issues. I dont. I dont keep animals to get some sort of rush, I keep them (all of them) because they interest me.

And talking about dangerous neighbors, one neighbors junkie friend poured gasoline down his letter box on the front door and set it on fire..
I prefer a pitbull or a cobra as a neighbor anytime.



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
Deliverme314 said:
They dont give a crap about what one adrenaline junky reptile hobbiest wants!
So Lelle is an adrenaline junky, but the second he gets a license or worked in a zoo he would have only noble ambitions? And all of a sudden he would have more skills or a better snake bite protocol? I would rather have a responsible hot keeper next door than an irresponsible anyone. After all, you don't need hot snakes to kill your neighbour.

Now, as for the "safety of the others concerned" argument, there is no snake alive that is going to completely incapacitate someone in seconds. A proper snake bite protocol involves the contaiment of the animal. If medical personelle are contacted, they can be informed that there is a room containing venomous reptiles (which should, at that point, be locked back up). All these practical arguments aside, what you are suggesting is roughly equivelent to me stating that you should have your car taken away because it could harm me -- without any regard, mind you, to whether you are a good driver or not. After all, you could have a lapse of judgement and drive your car into my house, right? I would also suggest banning all dogs. After all, dogs kill lots of people each year. What else should we ban? Firearms, of course ... alcohol, kitchen knives, heavy objects above head level ... you get the idea.

And no, you don't have to own hots or work with them to judge whether they should be kept -- but you should at least do a bit of research. If a politician is willing to spend a day with a hot keeper reviewing their setup, techniques, protocols etc. and comparing them to accepted zoo practices and then still choses to cast a vote in favour of banning hots for private owners then I would at least have a degree of respect for them. To condemn something about which you know very little or nothing, however, is reprehensible. I have seen private hot collections where the safety proceedures were BETTER than accredited zoos.



Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
Don't forget to ban bathtubs and showers, they kill more people every year than animal attacks combined.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
Crotalus said:
Every time I post pictures of venomous snakes I get to the point where I have to defend my hobby and frankly, Im tired of it.
I hope you don't stop posting pics of them, Lelle, I love seeing them. Well, if you don't want to listen to people's opinions on your hobby, you could always PM the good photos to me. :D


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2002
Beautiful snakes Lelle! Great pictures too. Keep them coming.


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
galeogirl said:
I hope you don't stop posting pics of them, Lelle, I love seeing them. Well, if you don't want to listen to people's opinions on your hobby, you could always PM the good photos to me. :D
I will think twice next time. Those arguments every single time is getting tideous. I might send you pix, but I demand something nice in return..*oink oink*.. LOL ;)

Skinheaddave, I agree totally (no shit hey?). Peoples own emotional feelings against snakes sometimes color their opinion against keeping certain snakes (and most likely certain other reptiles/inverts aswell). Not a rational way of thinking at all since it just based on emotions and "what-if" theories. Not facts. If I got bitten and the snake were loose I wouldnt hesitate to kill it (if I couldnt catch it) to prevent having a loose snake that could end up at my neighbor.
I do think there are very unsuitable keepers aswell, as we seen a perfect example of here on AB, but that goes for every kind of animal - or cars for that matter...



Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
kyle_de_aussie said:
Absolutely awesome cobra's mate ;) does this particular cobra spit venom???
Thanks. They have the ability to spit but this species dont in general.



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
Crotalus said:
I do think there are very unsuitable keepers aswell, as we seen a perfect example of here on AB, but that goes for every kind of animal - or cars for that matter...
Naturally. It is about knowing your limits. I would love to have many of the animals you do ... but I don't have the facilities or experience yet. Perhaps, in time, I will get there. In the meantime, please continue posting the pictures.



Old Timer
Oct 11, 2002
Man I hope that you continuing posting pics Lelle. They are always great. There will always be someone who is always eager to judge and I guess the best thing to do is ignore them. It's what I should have done. Sorry I sent this thread in the direction it went. It just angers me that people with so little knowlegde on the subject are the ones who are pushing our lawmakers to ban the animals we love to keep (reptiles and invertebrates in general).


Old Timer
Dec 5, 2002
I have no problem with responsible people (one of which Lelle clearly is) keeping venomous reptiles or inverts, but i do have a probem with a completely unlicenced system that allows any person to buy any animal they want, regardless of their experience or ability.

I'm quite happy with the controls we have in the UK, although a lot of people complain about it, and it is not perfect. To be able to buy or own an animal listed on the Dangerous Wild Animals list, you ned to by a DWA Licence. To obtain this, you also have to meet a set of criteria including how safely the animals are stored and where they are going to be kept. The licence also costs about £150 per year. These guidelines prevents some kid buying a venemous animal on a whim, due to the cost, and ensures that if you do decide to keep one, it will be stored securely. Of course, it is not perfect in the UK, at the moment the costs vary from £50 to £1000 per year, depending upon where you live in the country, and some councils are much more reluctant to hand out DWA licences than others. This should all be fixed in the new legislation that is coming in this year. Another downside is that they are considering adding large pythons and boas to this list, not something i entirely agree with.

The main plus point with this system is that to by a DWA animal, you have to go through a bit of trouble and expense, which should filter out the jackasses and only leave keepers like Lelle with these animals. Having said all that, i really wouldn't be at all happy if they put Scolopendra in the DWA list!




Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
Lelle, they're goregous. Something I would never keep, but I love seeing them anyway. Please continue posting pictures.

I find it amusing that this didin't come up the first time you posted pictures of hots.

Btw, did you hatch these guys out yourself?


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
Schlyne said:
Btw, did you hatch these guys out yourself?
Thanks. Yeah they are nice little ones for sure. They come from a good friend of mine.

Lasiodora, no problem man. And i will most likely post pix as soon as my taipans have arrived... LOL ;)

Danread, Im all for a national licence system as long the licence regulations are made by people with knowledge and not people with phobias..



Old Timer
Sep 16, 2003
Hey Mike,

<edit> Just because I have never kept hot reptiles does not mean my desire to feel safe is invalid.

You basically said what I meant.

What is wrong with the idea of a licensing system? If you love these animals so much why not get a license to keep them? Something formal where under a state offical you have to go through some sort of a program that certifies you are a capable of taking care of these animals... whats wrong with that? Maybe that is to ideal... but I think its a fair compromise.
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Old Timer
Dec 5, 2002
Crotalus said:
Danread, Im all for a national licence system as long the licence regulations are made by people with knowledge and not people with phobias.
I defiintiely agree, the licence has to be obtainable if you make the effort. As i said, the major drawback with the system in this country is that it is entirely up to the local council how much the licence costs and how stringent they are. As well as the massive unequalities in the cost of the licence, some local councils say that any DWA animals have to be stored in a building other than the one you are living in (i.e. a secure shed), and some are happy for them to be within your dwelling. This should change this year with more guidelines being produced, making it fair across the country.


Old Timer
Oct 11, 2002
Fortunate for me I am mature enough not to be further drawn into something that involves more name calling. It might have baited me in the past but not today. :embarrassed:
Have a Nice Day ;P


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
Deliverme314 said:
Hey Mike,

Get your head out of yoru own ass and your lips off lelle's. Just because I have never kept hot reptiles does not mean my desire to feel safe is invalid.

You basically said what I meant.

What is wrong with the idea of a licensing system? If you love these animals so much why not get a license to keep them? Something formal where under a state offical you have to go through some sort of a program that certifies you are a capable of taking care of these animals... whats wrong with that? Maybe that is to ideal... but I think its a fair compromise.
No one sad license is wrong, quite the opposite. You on the other hand do not want a neighbor living there with venomous snakes. Do you think a licence is a magical piece of paper that prevent the keeper from accidents? No. It comes down to the keepers common sence and knowledge once again.
Dan didnt say what you meant. Hes a rational thinking person, you are not. And if you might have changed your opinion about private keepers - then this thread was a good thing. If not, I couldnt care less really.
