Smoking in the Ts room....

Lennie Collins

Old Timer
Aug 8, 2007
Save your cig money for nails... for your coffin. It's astounding how you're more worried about your tarantulas' health than your own.
This is a 5 star post. But it's more disturbing than anything. I would be worried about my health and the health of my family/friends if they are around me if I smoked than some tarantula. I thank God I quit before I really got addicted!
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Old Timer
Apr 9, 2008
A tarantula is particularly sensitive to polluted air. Their book lung structure is very open to impurities in the air.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
I as well have never had a problum.
The typical irreverent ramblings of a smoker. I heard the same BS from my cigarette smoking Dad until he had quadruple by-pass surgery at the age of 50.

It's never a problem until you're diagnosed with emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, bladder cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., etc. Then let's consider how much of the medical expenses are placed on the backs of tax payers because people choose to blatantly ignore all they're told about the health risks associated with smoking.

Lennie Collins

Old Timer
Aug 8, 2007
The typical irreverent ramblings of a smoker. I heard the same BS from my cigarette smoking Dad until he had quadruple by-pass surgery at the age of 50.

It's never a problem until you're diagnosed with emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, bladder cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., etc. Then let's consider how much of the medical expenses are placed on the backs of tax payers because people choose to blatantly ignore all they're told about the health risks associated with smoking.
You get 5 stars with your respond. But let us all, including me, stop with this before the ones who indulge in nicotine products get upset and accuse us all of "judging" them or telling them how to live their lives. I am going back to the origins of the question...I think that since it is used in would have some type of effect on them.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
Also, if you quit, reward yourself and spend money on T's.

I've recall reading in Prevention(maybe chone1 has seen the real paper in its unmodified glory) that when a city banned smoking it resulted in a decrease it heart attacks. Anyway. I'd love that as I hate breathing the crap and not even getting a buzz...(prodding anyone who is a smoker)


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Chone, you rock. I couldn't have said any of that better myself!

I was pretty much just going to say, "Quit Smoking", but yeah, Chone did a million times better.



Old Timer
Dec 16, 2008
The typical irreverent ramblings of a smoker. I heard the same BS from my cigarette smoking Dad until he had quadruple by-pass surgery at the age of 50.

It's never a problem until you're diagnosed with emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, bladder cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., etc. Then let's consider how much of the medical expenses are placed on the backs of tax payers because people choose to blatantly ignore all they're told about the health risks associated with smoking.
I never claimed that I dont notice the effects on me as I DO see the smoking effects with me as everyone who smokes...But as far as my T.s go I have never had a death or illness due to smoking in the house


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2009
WOW 10 bucks a pack :eek: pretty soon the illegal stuff will be cheaper than cigarettes.. I need to quit soon for real, not sure about marry though :? im married to her for life :D but lets not go there :embarrassed:

On a lighter note i just came back from a pulmonary function test (measuring lung function, specifically the measurement of the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled.) and came back at normal levels, so thats good news for someone that has been smoking for over 10 years. Doc said to me that i should quit now while things still look good rather that to wait for something bad to happen.

BTW the test had to done for a job that i will be working on cause we will be using respirators.

I understand that our own health is more important that anything else but i do care about my Ts and their well being. with the money i save that P. Metallica i been wanting may come sooner rather than later.

Hey, no one ever died from being addicted Ts rite?

thank you all for the input and the boot in the rear to quit.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
Chone1, nobody on this board can match your eloquence. Seriously.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
I never claimed that I dont notice the effects on me as I DO see the smoking effects with me as everyone who smokes...But as far as my T.s go I have never had a death or illness due to smoking in the house
Negative evidence is not an indication that there are no effects, much less an indication that the particulates in the air that you're creating don't have longer term consequences.


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2008
Negative evidence is not an indication that there are no effects, much less an indication that the particulates in the air that you're creating don't have longer term consequences.
no negitive evidence??.......NO EVIDENCE at all...Untill there is hard evidence about smoking around you T.s I have every right to express my belife and experiance that It dosnt even effect them


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2008
Im not doing it to spite this..They are in my living room..I could smoke out side but in the winter it is too cold...So yes we smoke inside...All I was saying was in my experiance I ahve not have any issues wiht my T.s and smoking in the same room as them

Lennie Collins

Old Timer
Aug 8, 2007
Im not doing it to spite this..They are in my living room..I could smoke out side but in the winter it is too cold...So yes we smoke inside...All I was saying was in my experiance I ahve not have any issues wiht my T.s and smoking in the same room as them
I was trying to reminsce of that ol' Rock & Roll tune...Smoking in the Boys' Room? If you smoke or's your business. I work in a hospital and experience up close the effects of nicotine. The patients blame God on down to their jobs. When I tell people don't smoke around me or near me OR my son I get the "A Little (Cigarette) Smoke will not hurt you or him" speech. I have had respitory problems since 1999. The main factor is due to chemical exposure during Desert Storm BUT my allergist and ear, nose, and throat doctor feel also exposure to second hand smoke played a factor. I am not here to tell you what to do or not to do......I just think it is odd that anyone and I mean ANYONE who is more concern over the health of their pets or condition of their home and/or car. Yes I have had friends that will not smoke in their cars or houses because they are concern with the yellow build up in case they want to resale their car or home. What about the build up in your lungs I ask?


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2009
okay so i think so far that everyone agrees that smoking isn't a good idea in/around T's but what about:

Insense, Air Freshners candle/areosol, moping w/ Pine Sol, Hair Spray etc.?:?


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
The typical irreverent ramblings of a smoker. I heard the same BS from my cigarette smoking Dad until he had quadruple by-pass surgery at the age of 50.

It's never a problem until you're diagnosed with emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, bladder cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., etc. Then let's consider how much of the medical expenses are placed on the backs of tax payers because people choose to blatantly ignore all they're told about the health risks associated with smoking.
My brother in law had a 4 way bypass at 48. He walked a mile a day, Watched his diet and was very health y. He thought. My grandmother who ate beef fat to grease her joints and was overweight all her life and refused to let a doctor near her lived to 100 and died of natural causes. Also all the people on my mothers side that have had cancer were non- smokers. The ones that do smoke are healthy.
I am not in any way saying that smoke is not harmfull. I know it is and its a very stupid habit and harmfull to everyone around you and to pets. But I still think gynetics has as much to do with cancer as anything and wether you smoke or not doesnt always lead to all these things. Out of my intire family I am the healthiest and I have always been the one that ate what I want and smoked while all my sisters warned me how sick I would end up.
I just think it gets the blame alot for things that would of happened anyway.


Mar 21, 2009
Some of those candles lay down alot of soot as well.I belong to the "yeah i know I shouldn't smoke" crowd,no excuses there.Just remember those of you who smoke and handle your T ,they taste and smell with thier feet-right?


Old Timer
Aug 4, 2005
I was trying to reminsce of that ol' Rock & Roll tune...Smoking in the Boys' Room? If you smoke or's your business. I work in a hospital and experience up close the effects of nicotine. The patients blame God on down to their jobs. When I tell people don't smoke around me or near me OR my son I get the "A Little (Cigarette) Smoke will not hurt you or him" speech. I have had respitory problems since 1999. The main factor is due to chemical exposure during Desert Storm BUT my allergist and ear, nose, and throat doctor feel also exposure to second hand smoke played a factor. I am not here to tell you what to do or not to do......I just think it is odd that anyone and I mean ANYONE who is more concern over the health of their pets or condition of their home and/or car. Yes I have had friends that will not smoke in their cars or houses because they are concern with the yellow build up in case they want to resale their car or home. What about the build up in your lungs I ask?
Very good point. We all smoke outside no matter how cold it gets. I will stand out there in a coat, ablanket wraped around me and freeze to have that smoke. It is pathetic. I even wear a jacket that I dont wear elsewhere cause it stinks so bad. And I dont want to offend but anyone that smokes around their kids or in the car with them should be charged.
The bad part is I have tried many times to quit and cant. I do try to think of others when in public but I have to say if I am outdoors setting 20 feet from some one I have a hard time beleiving its going to harm them.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
I am not in any way saying that smoke is not harmfull. I know it is and its a very stupid habit and harmfull to everyone around you and to pets. But I still think gynetics has as much to do with cancer as anything and wether you smoke or not doesnt always lead to all these things. Out of my intire family I am the healthiest and I have always been the one that ate what I want and smoked while all my sisters warned me how sick I would end up.
I just think it gets the blame alot for things that would of happened anyway.
This isn't a topic about absolutes. Speaking of activities like smoking, eating high fat content foods, and lethargy within a population is to speak of the statistical risks involved with those activities. If you engage in smoking, the longer you do it the higher your risks for a whole host of complications. It's irrelevant that not everyone who smokes suffers no consequences. That would be like saying it's ok to play Russian roulette because the guy next door survived.

To speak of genetics as playing a causal role is a two-edged sword. Being genetically predisposed to acquiring particular cancers also means there's the increased risk that extrinsic factors will enhance the probability of illness. But even without factoring in genetics, your risks rise dramatically.

No matter how you want to justify smoking, the statistics will be against you, no matter what.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
Some of those candles lay down alot of soot as well.I belong to the "yeah i know I shouldn't smoke" crowd,no excuses there.Just remember those of you who smoke and handle your T ,they taste and smell with thier feet-right?
Keep in mind that the book lungs of spiders function very differently from mammalian lungs. We actively intake gases and particulates by way of creating negative pressure. Book lungs are simply folds through which there is passive gas exchange.