Sling Appreciation Thread

Feb 26, 2025
Easily one of my favorite species. I had a female which unfortunately passed due to a failed molt, but then I got this sling as a freebie and she's as entertaining as the old one was. Awesome feeding response, interesting tunnel designs, pretty blue feet. A must have species IMHO.

My C. elegans were very reclusive as slings. But the adult female is often out of her hide.

I got an I. mira on a whim last year because a vendor had it for $20. Gorgeous little spider. I’ve been in the hobby a long time and oddly enough had never heard of it and Baboon Ts are my most favorite T.

She is thriving, but I’m unsure if she has had a molt yet or not. She has a pretty dope den built. You seem to have an affinity for them so I ask you this:

In your experience, have you been able to get an idea on their stages and what they look like? My best guess with mine is she is a late juvenile/early sub adult. She is roughly 2” DLS. She is the smallest T I have ever had. I’ll post some recent pics of her if it helps. Thanks for the input. 😊


Active Member
Feb 18, 2023
In your experience, have you been able to get an idea on their stages and what they look like? My best guess with mine is she is a late juvenile/early sub adult. She is roughly 2” DLS. She is the smallest T I have ever had. I’ll post some recent pics of her if it helps. Thanks for the input. 😊
I'd say she still has some room to grow if she's a female. A male could hook out with the next molt at this size. My specimens usually didn't throw out their exuviae, but they definitely molted and put on some size every time.