Phlogius crassipes 'kuttabul' , the smallest slings yet by far, unfortunately I had a doa, but two more should be here Wednesday. It's always disappointing though.
Hey all! I’m new to the forums! I wanted to share a picture of my new little baby Fuzzybugger! I got him/her yesterday! Fuzzy is a
Brachypelma emilia (Mexican Red Leg). I’m so excited to begin this adventure with Fuzzy!
I recently lost my beloved Rose hair. I got Critterbug in Rhode Island 9.5 years ago as a sling. I always thought critter was a female (he was my first) but when he passed I found the telltale hooks on the front of his legs. So I had a 10 year old rose hair male! Not too shabby! He was a wonderful companion!
Here’s to a new adventure with Fuzzy! I cannot wait to watch him/her grow!
B. albopilosum "Nicaragua", so tiny, not even 1/2".
N. incei gold (1 3/8"), who was the first T for me, that totally spazzed out while rehousing it. Fortunately, it bolted right into its new enclosure and gave me time to close the lid, before frantically trying to escape for the next half an hour. But it seems (s)he's settling in now, at least (s)he found the nice little burrow I made. *phew*
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