Robc bitten by a P.regalis.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2008
you're right, most teenagers ARE dumb, and guess what..? you're younger than them! i already explained why you and billy aren't physically capable of ALWAYS behaving responsibly. no one is, and the younger you are, the more your motivations are based on other things. you'll understand what i mean when you get older.

and i know you hate to hear that. i know you hate to be called a child. but you need to understand, that IN reality, you are still a child. you might be more mature than older members of these boards, but that does not make you perfect. you WILL make mistakes. rob did, and we all know that he has a lot of experience. do you think rob is irresponsible?

i have no idea how you care for your Ts. i never mentioned that.

i don't understand the confusion. is it because i said you can't predict the future, then stated that you WILL get bit? i'm trying to bring you down to earth. you ARE NOT superman!! you can't know that you will never get bit! when i said you will get bit, it is not necessarily an absolute clause. i was only building an affirmative case for the likelihood of an accidental envenomization due to the very real possibility that you will indeed get bit.
When in this thread did I ever state I was superman, and that I would never get bit? You should understand the confusion, you said I will get bit in the future, and then you stated you cannot predict the future ;)

"i have no idea how you care for your Ts. i never mentioned that." yes you have and I asked a simple quesiton but you avoided it.

I never said I was perfect did I? When did I ever say rob was irresponsible?


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2008
and thompson, since in your PM, you asked me to show you on this thread where you misunderstand the policy that Ottawaherp posted:

NO ANIMALS WITH POTENT VENOM WILL BE SOLD TO CUSTOMERS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. If proof of age cannot be provided, we will not sell these animals. We reserve the right to not sell these animals if we have any reason to believe that 1.) the items showing proof of age are not legitimate (forged or stolen) 2.) the animals will be under the care of a minor, or 3.) the purchaser will not care for these animals in a responsible, safe manner.
you responded with:

I think that is a load of bs. Just because the person is under 18 yrs of age, doesn't mean that he/she will not care for the animal in the correct way.
the policy states:

We reserve the right to not sell these animals if we have any reason to believe that...
then there were then 3 times that they will refuse the right to sell. not all of them are talking about minors. he was not referring to kids under 18 on section 3. he was referring to irresponsible people in general.

that's how you misunderstood the policy! ;)


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2008
When in this thread did I ever state I was superman, and that I would never get bit? You should understand the confusion, you said I will get bit in the future, and then you stated you cannot predict the future ;)

"i have no idea how you care for your Ts. i never mentioned that." yes you have and I asked a simple quesiton but you avoided it.

I never said I was perfect did I? When did I ever say rob was irresponsible?
you may not have said that, but billy did. he is not helping your case. and if you read my entire post, you saw my answer to the predicting the future statement. ;) i don't expect you to get it.

please quote me on addressing your care practices. i never said that. you are WRONG! don't put words in my mouth, and i have not avoided any questions.

honestly thompson, my posts are more for the benefit of the others. i realize that you are young, and may not fully understand everything i'm saying, and that's kinda the point. it's hard to get through heads thickened to the point of saying it will take a pokie bite to get someone to stop hand feeding Ts (however they define hand feeding).


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2008
you may not have said that, but billy did. he is not helping your case. and if you read my entire post, you saw my answer to the predicting the future statement. ;) i don't expect you to get it.

please quote me on addressing your care practices. i never said that. you are WRONG! don't put words in my mouth, and i have not avoided any questions.

honestly thompson, my posts are more for the benefit of the others. i realize that you are young, and may not fully understand everything i'm saying, and that's kinda the point. it's hard to get through heads thickened to the point of saying it will take a pokie bite to get someone to stop hand feeding Ts (however they define hand feeding).
Then you must have me mixed up with billy. I have'nt put any words in your mouth I'm just stating the truth thank you very much, I am done with you ;)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
you may not have said that, but billy did. he is not helping your case. and if you read my entire post, you saw my answer to the predicting the future statement. ;) i don't expect you to get it.

please quote me on addressing your care practices. i never said that. you are WRONG! don't put words in my mouth, and i have not avoided any questions.

honestly thompson, my posts are more for the benefit of the others. i realize that you are young, and may not fully understand everything i'm saying, and that's kinda the point. it's hard to get through heads thickened to the point of saying it will take a pokie bite to get someone to stop hand feeding Ts (however they define hand feeding).
Dude, you are starting to act like you are 13. :rolleyes: Drop it already this conversation is going NOWHERE. Pm each other if you want to keep at it.


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2008
Way to ruin a good thread guys. VERY immature on all fronts. This forum is here so that we may share our knoledge and experience, so that we may better learn about our hobby. NOT to argue and flame each other about senseless stuff. If the kid wants to stick his fingers in front of a Pokie, let him. At least when he gets bit,(cuz it PROBABLY will happen) you can say that you warned him. Right!?! One minor getting bit by a Pokie is not gonna send our hobby to a grinding halt.

c'est ma

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
In reply to my post on the maturity the teens were showing, somethingbig replied:

really now?! let's take a look at this thread:

here we find Thompson with a clear misunderstanding of that policy:

then little billy here completely agrees with venom who has been saying 13 year old children should NOT have pokies:

in response to TNB pointing out billy's lack of responsibility in his actions:

and here we find billy's attitude towards a pokie bite:

these kids are showing just hoards of maturity!! :rolleyes:

where is the responsibility?!
Etc., etc. etc.....

The intent of my post was to praise the manners and deportment of these two young hobbyists. I was careful not to express my views on the overall subject, which happen to reflect yours, as I am old and a parent.

But IME it is very hard for anyone to maintain their composure on a thread like this when he/she is essentially being lectured to ad infinitum by someone who absolutely has to be right, no matter how many times that involves saying the same thing over and over.

I think every view has been expressed sufficiently! :)

And I continue to think that Billy and Thompson have been more polite in this thread than many of us adults are when we feel attacked.

(Billy & Thompson--I am willing to believe that there are exceptional, capable 13-year-olds as well. Now just don't get bit! :D)



Aug 20, 2007
The best part is when the camera scrolls down to his wrist and he said, ...." oh thats not from the regalis , thats from the T.blondi hair" haha .

got that rigth - seems like he got it comming.... ;P

But still - i ben in the fangs of a P. regalis... 3 weeks of cramps. Enjoy...

Cheers Mate.


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2008
Way to ruin a good thread guys. VERY immature on all fronts. This forum is here so that we may share our knoledge and experience, so that we may better learn about our hobby. NOT to argue and flame each other about senseless stuff. If the kid wants to stick his fingers in front of a Pokie, let him. At least when he gets bit,(cuz it PROBABLY will happen) you can say that you warned him. Right!?! One minor getting bit by a Pokie is not gonna send our hobby to a grinding halt.
i wouldn't say the thread was ruined, it just took a different turn. for the most part, the issue of minors owning pokies was being discussed openly and intellectually until here towards the end. i would say all but my last response had at least some intellectual merit to it. even it was written to rebut and to clarify intent.

a minor getting bit by a pokie may not send the hobby to a grinding halt, but in the event of a major reaction, it could, and that was my ultimate point.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2008
i wouldn't say the thread was ruined, it just took a different turn. for the most part, the issue of minors owning pokies was being discussed openly and intellectually until here towards the end. i would say all but my last response had at least some intellectual merit to it. even it was written to rebut and to clarify intent.

a minor getting bit by a pokie may not send the hobby to a grinding halt, but in the event of a major reaction, it could, and that was my ultimate point.
wow. I've caused quite the argument

upwith inverts!

Old Timer
Oct 12, 2008
say you where bit, and you did go to the emergency room, don't you reserve the right to not release the story to the press? I AM NOT GIVING UP MY $45 P. RUFILATA!!!!!!!!!!


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
say you where bit, and you did go to the emergency room, don't you reserve the right to not release the story to the press? I AM NOT GIVING UP MY $45 P. RUFILATA!!!!!!!!!!
You don't have the right to "release" anything, the press just scoops up what they can and runs with it. Most of the time, when you are bitten by something that puts you in the hospital...someone comes knocking at your door, especially if you're a minor.


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2008
I can easily buy a 5 foot long black mamba. Now, Lets say.... ...I let my 15 yr old kid play with it.... ...and he gets bit. Who is at fault? Not the snake. Not the kid. Thats right, the sorry POS parent that bought the thing and allowed him to play with it!!! I can LEGALLY buy far more dangerous things than a tarantula. But its my responsibility to make sure that no one is harmed by the animals I keep. Yes, the press is gonna jump on it. But anyone with half a brain is not gonna try to ban snakes, they are gonna try to throw the parent of the bitten kid in jail. I can buy black widows from like 20 people on this forum alone. But that dont mean I'm gonna let a minor play with it. Point is, if you get bit, and someone makes a fuss about it, nothings gonna happen. At worst your mom will take the T away from you. The FBI/CIA/ATF/and Dep of Homeland Security are not gonna start kickin down doors to seize Tarantulas, and they wont be banned. Pitbulls havent been banned,(in most states) and they have killed way more people. I see nothing wrong with a minor owning a Pokie, as long as he/she is responsible. If the minor gets bit, cuz its likely to happen eventually, cahnces are there will be no severe adverse reaction. T venom particles are mostly too small to induce a anaphalactic reaction like that of a bee sting. Their venom is designed completely different. So people, dont freak out cuz theris a kid with a Pokie!! I watched Petland sell a Cobalt Blue to a 11 yr old. ( I bet that kid was really pissed when he couldnt hold it like the dude at the petstore said.) Chances are, hes not the first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2008
By the way, I dont have a 15 yr old kid. Im 22. That would be sick!!!! I dont have any kids at all!( thank god!!):worship:



Old Timer
Sep 2, 2008
I can easily buy a 5 foot long black mamba. Now, Lets say.... ...I let my 15 yr old kid play with it.... ...and he gets bit. Who is at fault? Not the snake. Not the kid. Thats right, the sorry POS parent that bought the thing and allowed him to play with it!!! I can LEGALLY buy far more dangerous things than a tarantula. But its my responsibility to make sure that no one is harmed by the animals I keep. Yes, the press is gonna jump on it. But anyone with half a brain is not gonna try to ban snakes, they are gonna try to throw the parent of the bitten kid in jail. I can buy black widows from like 20 people on this forum alone. But that dont mean I'm gonna let a minor play with it. Point is, if you get bit, and someone makes a fuss about it, nothings gonna happen. At worst your mom will take the T away from you. The FBI/CIA/ATF/and Dep of Homeland Security are not gonna start kickin down doors to seize Tarantulas, and they wont be banned. Pitbulls havent been banned,(in most states) and they have killed way more people. I see nothing wrong with a minor owning a Pokie, as long as he/she is responsible. If the minor gets bit, cuz its likely to happen eventually, cahnces are there will be no severe adverse reaction. T venom particles are mostly too small to induce a anaphalactic reaction like that of a bee sting. Their venom is designed completely different. So people, dont freak out cuz theris a kid with a Pokie!! I watched Petland sell a Cobalt Blue to a 11 yr old. ( I bet that kid was really pissed when he couldnt hold it like the dude at the petstore said.) Chances are, hes not the first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the difference is that you have to be at least 18 to purchase hot (even non-deadly) snakes. this is not so with Ts, even the hotter ones. i have never heard a report of a small child being bitten, but after reading S. caleatum and pokie bite reports, i can only imagine their reaction will be pretty bad.

and when the media gets a hold of a story like that, the FBI,CIA,ATF,and Dept of Homeland Security may not come kicking in doors, but the morons in washington will pass legislation that could be damaging to the hobby. we don't need restrictions and such to be placed on Ts.

i am of the opinion that it would be an all around bad event. for the kid, the parents, and the hobby in general.

and about pitbulls. while it may be true that they have not been banned, there is a difference in that dogs are intelligent mammals. Ts have a bad stigma that is associated with them. legislators in washington don't care about what makes logical sense. they care about the votes and dollars going in their pockets. scary looking Ts are out, killer dogs stay.


Feb 25, 2008
not trying to thread jack but just want to put my experience with P. regalis bite.
got bit by my female on my ring finger and instant swelling. the bite it self wasnt bad but the aftermath was just the worst for me!!! went to wally world got some benadryl popped 4 crashed out and woke up maybe 5 hours later with the worst leg cramps ive ever had. for the next 2 1/2 weeks was pretty much the same thing awful cramps and that was the worst of it!


Old Timer
Jul 18, 2008
Im not trying to argue the avilability of a T to minors. Im just trying to say that any responsible PARENT is going to research what the risks are in owning a T. It is up to the parents on whether or not to allow the child to have the T. I would not consider a T any "hotter" than a hornet or fire ant. You are actually 10 times more likely to go into anaphalactic shock from a bee or ant sting than a T. The tarantulas venom is not designed to poison the victim. It is designed to break down tissue. There is a great thread where a Doc explains that it is nearly impossible to have adverse reactions to T venom due to the molecules that make up the venom being too small for the body to react to in an adverse way. Yes, you are gonna hurt like crazy and have heart palpitations and muscle spasms, but that is a calculated risk that must be assessed before owning a T. All I'm trying to say is that there are more than one kid who has a T, and parents are the ones who are ultimately responsible if the kid gets bit. Thats all I'm trying to say. I was just using the pitbull as an example. The pitbull is a great breed. If not one of the best. And I feel that breed specific legislation is stupid and wrong. In every pitbull attack, the OWNER has been sentenced to jail time. Its not the dog its the people who train the dogs to do nothing more than fight that are responsible for the bad stigma that pitbulls have. I was just trying to make the point that breed specific legislation and the like is hard to pass and even harder to enforce. Its just something that I dont see happening, ever. Alcohol for example kills more and more people in america due to drunk drivers and alcohol poisoning with each year that goes by. And the worst thing is, most of the people who are killed by drunk drivers, are innocent. And its still LEGAL. Im not saying that it shouldnt be. But just look around at the things that are more dangerous than Ts. Bad stigma or not. It does take actual research and statistics to pass laws.


Old Timer
Aug 25, 2008
I'm thinking maybe we should put this one to bed. If you guys want to continue the conversation, maybe move it to the watering hole or something.

Back to topic. Rob, any symptoms return yet?


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
I'm thinking maybe we should put this one to bed. If you guys want to continue the conversation, maybe move it to the watering hole or something.

Back to topic. Rob, any symptoms return yet?
Why? This is a relevant, on-topic discussion relating to tarantulas.