This is the female P. subfusca that is the mother of the sac I just hatched. The 1st instars began molting to 2nd instar last night. I will post photos of the offspring when I can (egg/postembryo photos were posted earlier [above]). As you can see, this same image is the source of my current avatar.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any mating photos. The first image shows the male in the female's terrarium several days after introduction (sorry, slightly out of focus). The second photo shows the female's subterranean nest and the eggsac. For more photos you'll have to wait for ARACHNOCULTURE 2(2)
Wow that is a great picture Michael. Its amazing how beautiful the Pokies are, even besides the often drooled over Metallica, every single other kind is absolutely breathtaking. Im thinking the goal of my collection will be 1 female of every pokie species...........:drool:
EDIT: The only pokie I do have actually is a P. Metallica, (photo below) but its only a sling. Once these grow (or any pokie) do you find they are hidden more often or tend to stay visible more?
Heres my P. Metallica (my only pokie, something I hope to remedy in the near future)
Great pics....keep'em coming. My female P. regalis just laid a sac and ate it the next day, so I will not be contibuting any interesting photos like I had hoped.
pokies are my favourite, so now i'm missing only the most expensive ones (metallica, smithi, sp. tigris) and the notpurchaseable (seems like i've found new word) one - hanumavilasumica. and well, talking about uniformis is kinda meaningless
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