First I would like to congratulate BEN-V on those pictures.... those are some of the coolest pictures of tarantulas I have EVER seen..... keep em comming if you have more, I would love to see more of that type of photo from you or anyone else who has comunal shots or shots with slings everywhere..
Here's my 7 months old, 3", unsexed P. regalis. The little fella recently got a habit of sneaking in the little space between the foam and the lid just like the one in this thread, but it stays there all day long (you can see the web in the pics). I made it come out for a healthy snack (read: 3 crickets that it devoured at once). While it was out, I had the opportunity to take some shots. Only 2 came out nice though (crappy camera) and the pictures make the spider out to be darker than it actually is.
I am posting these for my mom (cricket54). I don't have a pokie of my own yet (I want a metallica someday). So I got to experience these beauties by watching my mom's grow up. The first one is a picture of Raja. I am not as brave as my mom is with holding some of these T's so I just took a picture of her through the plastic of her tank. This one is out and about a lot, so it wasn't too hard getting a nice shot of Raja.
This little one was very cooperative with getting her picture taken. I was able to move her enclosure around and keep the top open while trying to get the best shot and she never tried to bolt.
Poecilotheria subfusca sac & offspring (approximately 80 young)
photos taken over the past week
As of today, there are approximately 80 live 1st instars with several more eggs budding and several postembryos about to molt. Three young died immediately after molting to 1st instar and there were four infertile eggs.
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