That's pretty offensive bro. You shouldn't insult another country or their people. Just saying... Any who. chimps, tigers, stuff like that I agree upon. And even snakes over 6ft or so. Large monitors as well. Crocs and anything that's like it(in size and danger level). Large predatory birds. Macaws(they're very large and I think they just belong in the wild but that's just my opinion).pittbulllady, heres my .02.... you wanna keep tigers and stuff, awesome til it kills you and escapes and becomes law enforcements problem, AKA my problem. like the lady with the chimps....if you wanna keep something that cannot be contained in a terrarium, and is dangerous, move to a third world garbage dump like india. i hear they have plenty of cuddly tigers there for you smart people........
If a person really wants to go into an extreme like that-- they should just work in a zoo or a rehab for animals. Where they're actually helping the species survive and thrive.
Animals rely on primal instincts more so than humans do. Even though humans are animals-- they're more evolved/advanced therefore don't rely overly on instincts.
---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------
The thing is the fact there's always going to be a broad variety of people. People think -ALL- breeders are the "shiz" and are perfect and such. when in reality they're just the same and sometimes even worse(though not all the times). problem is-- if a breeder rips you off they live away so you can't do crud about it. Now if a petstore screws you over--- hell you can march in there and complain so much or even take it to their boss that they end up doing stuff in the long run. As long as its not something really stupid like asking to return an animal when you basically was at fault for its death.That's what I'm talking about. So breeders in my opinion are no different. I basically lost almost 150dollars(add up with the shipping and handling) I think it was actually 170? They didn't even do anything.
My current pet store is smallish but they listen to advice use full spectrum on the reptiles reasonable tank sizes etc...
good ppl and bad in both options.
Warranties that breeders give are sometimes stupid. A week is not enough to show if a cold blooded animal is ill. Cold blooded animals don't show illness straight away. When they do it just means it was piling up from a long time. SO you could buy a snake now and it can come tommorrow and its fine for a week but like 2months later it dies on you and it wasn't even on your part. Because it may have not even shown it! Though that's why its said you should take the animal to the vet right after you receive it!
But most don't have the time for an immediete vet visit-- plus there's a chance that the vet maybe busy. It's not really easy like most people online make it seem. It's really a long list of work.
Anywho. if I buy online I'll be extremely picky about whom I buy it from. I'd check reviews online from several online sources that are devoted. As well as look online to see if they have a criminal record or something. Thing is you shouldn't have to do that extra work when you're working with a breeder! hell you're paying 3x as much as you are paying from a breeder than a store! It's their job to do what they have to do! You're paying them extra--- so why should you pay for "less"? Pictures don't mean squat to me. Most breeders can just look up a picture online. If I buy from a breeder ill ask the breeder to give me an exact picture of the animal and put in a paper signature in the pic next to it. Like get a piece of paper that says "I'm a breeder----" with their name on it. To know its legit. Even videos will be accepted as long as its new and of the said animal. Because it's easy to get scammed online.