Agreed. I got chewed up soo badly when I first started. People could be very defensive and whatnot to newbies. I wonder is it because they just want to keep the animals to themselves? I sometimes wonder if they keep it just for the "cool" factor. So that they're the only who keeps em.true dat.
every one was once a complete novice at some point
If people push out the newbies away--- the hobby(not just arachnids--- the whole exotic hobby) WILL go to ruin. WHO do you think fuels the hobby? People need to ask themselves that. If lesser people want to buy a said animal--- less breeders appear. Why? Because say like a toad can lay 5thousand eggs. Now if someone wanted a rare specimen like a rococo toad they couldn't get it captive bred--- because only a few people want them. So then whats to happen to the left over toadlets? They either become frozen toadlets(killed) or food. Or just flushed or whatever. People need to think about the consequences about these things.
We have this hobby because more people are joining. Ever noticed that as the years grow more people join? And that also grows in what species of animals we can keep? as well as more breeders pop out? Meaning if there was one breeder and one of you thought he/she wasn't the best breeder--- now you have 2-4 more to choose from!
That's what happens when the hobby grows. Sure there are people that even if they get the info, even if they get the help. They end up making a stupid decision. But that's them. Atleast it weeds out the bad people who actually have BAD INTENTIONS.
My opinion is alittle bit "twosided" because I think sure new keepers should be educated before t hey keep an animal. But most don't get that chance because at the spur of the moment they get that animal. It's not their fault. They're thinking like a regular human being. We're spontaneous, and nobody can't expect it not to be that way. One day we want rice and beans, the other we want hamburgers, and the next we just want a salad. You know? We can't condemn them for being who they are; no more that we can condemn a snake for being toxic.
You know?
But if people really want to make an impact here's what I propose:
1)Instead of treating newbies harshly(like worthless crap--- I experienced that, so did my friends. Sadly they quit ahead because they're more sensitive than Iam); treat them kindly with respect and sometimes hell "spoonfeed" them. I know someone here said that things shouldn't be spoonfed. But would you rather the person get the right information?
2)Don't tell them to google it--- most of them won't be able to tell whats right or wrong from caresheets giving by google.
For example. Take a look at those stupid videos and caresheets given by expertvillage. So would you say they're caresheet is alright bro? You ever seen how horrible the care they give? or how about "ehow"?
You have to realize for the most part these are younger audience. The younger audience is the future of tomorrow. Basically if you dis-encourage them it will come and bite your arse later on in the game.
why? Because--- they maybe young now--- but they are for the most part "people" and these numbers are not small numbers. There's alot of newbies who get put down and I see them walk away. Those newbies will someday be voters and should a law pass. We're all screwed just because someone wanted to be a smug person.
I say this because a friend from another forum which he's a mod has been keeping me updated and has been telling me that eventually there WILL be a law passing down that all exotics will be illegal and the ones who have them beforehand can keep them. But guess what? No vets, no crickets, no such terrariums and such will be sold. Why? Avoiding sales of reptiles of course! not just those though!
So back to the point--- don't tell them to google them, just give them the information and be done with it. It's not that hard. Jeez. And caresheets in forums can occassionally be outdated. It's why I'm more prone to ask. Even at the risk of people getting annoyed at me and thinking I'm asking to be spoon-fed. A lot of the stuff said on google can be quite controversial.
3)Give them pointers, go out and actively help them out. Make them feel welcome.
4)Go out into the actual community(offline) and try to teach people about keeping exotics. Put fliers, go to petstores and give them caresheets written by the forum and such. Etc. etc. Try to inform employees(but don't act like you're trying to be superior and don't do it if they seem tired, angry, or whatever. And don't go over 10mins on it.)
5)When you go by your crickets or whatever and you see people buying reptiles. Be like "oh hey nice animal! You guys ever hear of this forum for such said animals? They give you the best indepth details." and what not. Though that depends on the person buying it. If the person looks mean or whatever-- avoid that person. Lol.
But to point things out--- people criticize new keepers; but in reality they never do anything to begin with. I'd like to see the people doing so actually giving out advice without sounding smuggish.
---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------
I worked at a petstore. I tried to teach customers and sometimes not give what they want. But honestly--- if you do that they will fire your arse so fast that you can't even say ouch quickly enough! How'd you think I got fired? I worked there for a year. I refused to sell a person an animal because the person wanted to keep it in a bowl. A frog in a bowl. Even after I told it everything. So people should also realize that the workers are not to blame. They're there to do a job. A job is a job. And if they get fired--- they can be replaced fast and easy. There will be many animals that will die whether we want to or not. But we shouldn't concern ourselves with things we can't prevent.i really wish this was the way things could be, but when i worked at an independent retailer myself and a few of my fellow coworkers tried this, and we nearly got fired. i learned my stuff, ways to sell the right things instead of the superfluous, learned ways to effectively steer customers in the right direction (education first, mostly) with just the right amount of pursuasion, got applauded on my honesty, made repeat customers that stayed with the store for years until i left, but even i didn't do enough good in my dealings to not undergo scrutiny for damaging the bottom line at the store, even as their lead and top seller.
and even when retail isn't being a terribly dishonest practice, sometimes not giving the customer what they want can end up being an even worse hassle than doing it to keep your concience clean.
i understand where both sides are coming from. do i want a ban on certain pets period? absolutely not. but like the OP posed, do i wish certain things were way harder to find than an impulse buy at a petstore with a clueless employee helping you? absolutely.
i guess if somebody really wants something, they'll find a way to get it, not much we can do. maybe they will learn a little bit about it in their quest. but there's probably an 80% of the rest who will give up in the meantime and find something else shiny and easier to find. maybe buy a wii. or even adopt a rescue kitty instead
and that 80%... my god, after rehabbing multiple mistreated and abandoned pets that were bought as a frivolous fancy, after hearing stories my closest coworker who used to be a vet-tech would tell me, and seeing senseless death and cruelty to animals who would have been better off not born, yes 80% does matter.
And know this--- everyone has a boss.