Well a) your name is "imatroll" kinda puts up a redflag atleast in my head. Because when I think of troll-- I think along the lines of people who like to aggrovate people. Sorry if I misunderstood or anything.Well, to begin, pet stores seriously mistreat tarantulas, and I'm sick of seeing the G. rosea every time I walk into a PetCo that are just almost starved to death trying to push a giant sponge out of a water dish while desperately scaring away crickets that are too large or too small in size for it to eat. Pet stores are ignorant, selfish, and don't recognize tarantulas as more than a fraction of their sales. If I had more money and space, I'd probably adopt that rosie out, but why should I be responsible for that when it's the pet store's fault for ordering a tarantula in the first place? Also, I don't see how tarantulas being sold at pet stores has any correlation with joining a forum about them. For your information, I've never bought a tarantula from a pet store, always through shipments. That's also a reason why I joined the forums, there's many reputable and trustworthy dealers that I might otherwise not know about. Thanks for the kind welcome, by the way. [/sarcastic] Back on topic, maybe you have some story about how your first tarantula was at a pet store, or you always buy from pet stores or something, but I'm not you and I think ending mistreatment of tarantulas in pet stores is a good thing. Sorry if I dislike animal abuse and joined a forum about arachnids and people who treat them correctly .
b)Large chains are different from small petstores. Plus not all stores within a chain are bad. Just the people in it maybe.
c)I do like buying from breeders--- but for some they rather have something either local if possible(or applicable). While others want the best of the best. I rather give a chance to that said animal. sure it maybe sick--- but it can be "nursed" back to health(depending on animal.).
I myself worked in a small petstore. It wasn't the best--- but it wasn't "horrible". Tarantulas are pretty hardy. Most people who get them from a store in my opinion wouldn't be giving them horrible care. For a few reasons:
1)They have had to done some research to manage to convince their parents that tarantulas are not horrible pets and such.
2)If done some research pretty sure they would stumble upon good info. Keeping tarantulas is pretty simple in my opinion compared to a large reptile with extremely difficult care requirements. Such as an iguana. From what I been informed. Tarantulas prefer to be in smaller containers. They don't eat as much as a toad, or a turtle, or an iguana that's for sure.
3)Maintance is ussually pretty self explanatory and simple.
So this is just my speculation and opinion--- but that maybe b ecause I only see tarantulas in SOME stores. Even chains don't carry t h em. Ussually specialty stores.
It's good that you're interested in the animals wellbeing. But remember if it can't be helped why worry about it?
It's not like you can march in a petstore with a weapon on your hand and be like:
Or something like that. It's also not like you can sue. As well as its not like you can prevent any customers from buying(its against the law to disrupt sales).
etc. Plus. It's a life lesson for those who end up buying that animal. Think about it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is--- not everything is bad about a petstore. Though everyone is entitled to their own opinion.