TWO successful sacs, so far. And P tigris are FAR more rare than metallica, on the order of 1 for every 6-7 metallica..Something like that...And more than one eggsac can come in...My three were imported at the same time and bore three dates on the lids, IE 3 sacs...Same father perhaps, 3 diff mothers...Icelos said:I wouldn't count on a dramatic decrease that soon. The P. metallica's as well as the P. Tigris SP are still very rare. As popularity increases so does demand and if there are not enough to go around they could end up fetching a higher price. There is only one successful breeder in the U.S. and not all of the first sac survived. There is still a luck factor involved with breeding. The rest are all imported one egg sac at a time. The last shipment that made it to the states was less than 100 P. metallica slings and you can bet alot of dealers have held some over for themselves for breeding stock.