New T's at

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Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Didn't it say he was going to announce their names on that particular page?
You have to sign up for list? Gaah.

lHe seems to be a Gaah.
Last edited:

Martin H.

Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
please, can anyone give me the link to Todd's spider/website you are talking about - thanks!


Martin H.

Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
thanks for the link!
...can't remember that I gave Todd Gearheart the permission to use this photo for an advertisement to promote his spiders. I think I have to write him an eMail and ask him when I allegedly did this!

BTW, there are not two species on this website ("My June stocklist will contain the names of these two species with sizes and prices...")! The photo on the left side shows a juvenile specimen, the one on the right side an adult male (I know the original photos). Females are not as much colourful as the adult males. ... I have to ask the owner of the photo, if I am allowed to post the photo here.
There are two guys here in Germany, who keep this species since a few years and have bred them several times in the past. From time to time there are spiderlings available (about 20 - 30 EUR each – EUR is almost the same as USD).

all the best,

E- Spiderworld

Apr 30, 2003
I don't usually waste my time visiting Todd's site but Martin's note about him using his pics got me curious and sure enough I find Todd's using at least one of mine - without permission and without credit. I don't usually have a problem with granting permission, even to other dealers, if they just ask and then give credit. Maybe everyone who posts pics should check out Todd's site for unauthorized use of their images.



Old Timer
May 21, 2003
I agree its common sense. What if he gets more pre-orders then living spiders then your screwed ? It's not rocket science ...:}

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Time to move on...

Hey All,

By order of He Who Rules, this thread has officially run its course... we are not here to play favorites, and this thread can only get personal and counterproductive. If you have anything to say about Todd, you can say it to him directly in an email or PM, but the public forum is not the place for it. Please direct all future inquiries as to these new T's to Todd directly... and we will be more than happy to allow a thread about said T's once someone acquires one. ;)




He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Todd's Reply

Hey All,

I was asked to post this by Todd as at this point no one can post to this thread.

@Martin & John, please email me with any responses and I will put them up for you.

As emailed by Todd

Fellow hobbyists:

Some of you know that I was moving this past week. Boxes and animals everywhere. You all know how that goes. I'm behind with the x-page update. I'll finish it in a few days are towards this weekend.

As for Martin's post, he agreed in an email 1-2 years ago to allow me to display his pics on my site as long as I put up his credit and a link to his site. That was done. Apparently, he has forgotten about that.

John and I had exchanged pics in the past and had a liberal policy about posting them. It seems as if this policy has since changed.

The x-page will be done soon. Thanks for your interest."



He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Response from John Hoke

Hey All,

Here's a response from John Hoke (E-Spiderworld):

I don't recall that Todd and I had a "liberal policy" of exchanging and posting each other's photos but If he had given us credit I wouldn't have jumped on him for no permission. E-Spiderworld has in the neighborhood of 400 photos and though most of them are our own we do use and give proper credit to other sources.
John Hoke


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Martin H.'s Reply

Here we have a reply from Martin:

As for Martin's post, he agreed in an email 1-2 years ago to allow
me to display his pics on my site as long as I put up his credit and a link
to his site. That was done. Apparently, he has forgotten about
yep that's right - but not the whole story!

In December 2001 (19.12.2001) I posted a photo labeled Xenesthis spec
to the arachnids-pix list. I got an answer from Todd, that he
is convinced that this specimen is a Xenesthis monstrosa because of
it's black colour (If you can ID a specimen from a photo by it's colour is
another topic!). In the following days we exchanged some eMails and he told
me that he is trying to built up a special website about Xenesthis
with information about this genus and photos of each species. He
asked me if he could use these photos for this website. I agreed to use
these photos for this mentioned website/project, if full
credit is given and a link to my website. (like it is IMHO a common
practise) Todd never asked me if he could use them for other projects or
for commercial use and he also didn't ask if he could use all of my photos.
This request I would have rejected, because I never give a general
permission to anybody to use any of my photos - I denie these kind of
requests, doesn't matter from whom, because I want to know which photo is
used where (I keep record of this, that I know which photos have my
permisson and which are stolen) => they have to ask for each photo. With
most people, this has worked fine in the past.
With two exceptions in the past, I never give a permission for commercial
use, because why should people promote their spiders and stuff with my
photos and earn money with them when I get nothing (but have all the work
and costs to make the photos)? They can buy the rights for commercial use
of course, but won't get them for free!

On his "x"-species website, which is obvious a commercial website to
promote a "new" species, he has removed my copyright tag (Name + url) out
of the photo (BTW, a Xenesthis spec. "blau", these photos I have
made on 24.05.2002) respectively he has croped a part of the photo without
my copyright tag. Below the photo there was in IMHO very small letters
"Courtesy and Copyright 2002 Martin Huber" but no link. In a private
mail he argued the link was there, it's in the link section of his website.

So, this is my version of the story! You won't know who is telling
the "truth" but I hope it rounds up the story a little bit and you can try
to make your own picture of it now!

Seems that I have to make it more clear in the future whom I allow to do
what with my photos! ...or better to reject all photo request, then I can't
get in any annoying and time consuming trouble!

nix für ungut!

"Offer someone a small finger and he will grab the whole hand! =:-(
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