My B. boehmei turned out to be B. baumgarteni


Old Timer
Feb 14, 2009
if this turns out to be a baum i am goin to be very happy!!! i looked at my molt on my "boehmei and it looks like a baumgarteni.. wow mine has the 2 little points on each side.
Post a picture of the specimen on here, not the molt. I'm usually good at IDing Baum's on the spot.


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Now why can't I find such a red boehmei like that. Its gorgeous!


Old Timer
Feb 14, 2009
Look who regained all her strength back and is out and about?{D This is my 6" Baum that molted a little over a week ago, took a tole on her. Ain't she just the most beautiful thing? I just love her.:D



Old Timer
Jan 30, 2010
thanks guys ;)

QUOTE=TalonAWD;1699578]Now why can't I find such a red boehmei like that. Its gorgeous![/QUOTE]
Thanks talon! you can have her for just 1 p. metallica female! :D She was a steal. got her 7 months ago at a LPS 2" 35$


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Look who regained all her strength back and is out and about?{D This is my 6" Baum that molted a little over a week ago, took a tole on her. Ain't she just the most beautiful thing? I just love her.:D

She does look real nice!!!

QUOTE=TalonAWD;1699578]Now why can't I find such a red boehmei like that. Its gorgeous!
Thanks talon! you can have her for just 1 p. metallica female! :D She was a steal. got her 7 months ago at a LPS 2" 35$[/QUOTE]

LOL!!! I love my gorgeous Blue girl!!!


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Ok I would like to first give special thanks to agentd006las for the opportunity to post this picture. I am now the proud owner of a B. boehmei that is RED.

My girl ("Celeris") is 5.5" legspan and next to the B. boehmei that is 4.5" legspan, she looks HUGE! The difference between them is super clear. Celeris last molted mid-February so her colors are not dull. She is definately orange.



Old Timer
Apr 16, 2009
LMAO that 10000% Brachypelma boehmei if ever Ive seen one, didn't bother reading the rest of the thread as I couldn't be bothered.....



Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Still looks like boehmei to me. I have seen boehmei with several variations in color come from the same egg sac too, some with red on the knees to some degree or another and some without.
This video has terrible quality because it was shot with a crappy webcam but those two females were from the same egg sac and looked nothing like each other. They always molted together but the one on the left always put on more size with each molt. And no neither one of them was in premolt when the video was made.


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Yeah I have seen that video. For me, I have always thought of a boehmei being RED. And regardless, I am still happy to have a Red Boehmei. The difference in coloration is a big stunner to me.
Thanks for sharing.

EDIT: When I went to the SD reptile show i saw a 6"+ RED B. boehmei female and was blown away with the coloration. Even the carapace was red! It was beyond my price range when i went but non the less a real stunner. I now can say i have it.


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2009
Your right Ryan (follow your youtube vids) B.baumgarteni have light tarsi and light coloured palp tarsi plus a full carapace dark shade much the same as a B.smithi does, its soooo easy to tell the difference!!!



Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Your right Ryan (follow your youtube vids) B.baumgarteni have light tarsi and light coloured palp tarsi plus a full carapace dark shade much the same as a B.smithi does, its soooo easy to tell the difference!!!

Yep that is my view on them as well. The blackish carapace was always my idea of the baum.
I'm just happy to have a red spider now{D

As for the results of the question verdict (Post #58)...Cbarr stated it looks like a Baum. (Spermathecae wise and not in this thread but PM) With so many conflicting statements, Thats why i went with a another boehmei. Thats what I wanted and now theres no doubt that the red one is a boehmei.


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2009
First port of call is always visually looking at the T in question, both lovely Brachypelma's non the less!!!



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Well, I said I'd be back when my girl molts, so here I am. She is now about 5"

Here she is with flash


Her Leg I metatarsus (The swoosh is much less obvious this time around, and appears to have some black.)

HD vid, for those peole who prefer moving pictures

And finally, a very clear shot of her spermathecae.

Now, it appears that TalonAWD's spermathecae shots are gone, but if I remember correctly, they weren't as "pointy" as the one's from her previous molt, but still had nodes.
Note that her spermathecae have "rounded" a bit more and are no longer as pointy, which more cloesly resembles his - there are still tiny points/nodes, but it is more rounded. Previously, Brachybaum said mine was a boehmei, but he has since told me it's a baumgertini. Perhaps the difference was simply because mine had not fully developed yet.

But, I'm still not so sure about the whole baumgarteni thing.
For example, I've been scouring the net for pictures of B. baumgarteni, and the pics I always find look like what I see in mcluskyisms' post. Dark orange knees, light orange legs, and that characteristic carapace. And these were taken with flash!

Not only that, but I've seen pics of baumgarteni juvies with the carapace pattern, and mine still retains the boehmei-like carapace at 5".

There's also Ryan's vid that also shows the variability in color and size from individuals from the same eggsac.

Do these two differ in any other, structural way that I can glean from a molt, or the actual spider itself? Something that has nothing to do with color, or attitude, or anything that can be too subjective? I'd guess they'd differ in bulb structure and spermathecae, but I only have a female, and all the spermathecae I've seen online seems to be different depending on where on the net I see it. Can anyone link species specific articles?:eek:

Perhaps mine is a hybrid of the two?

I'd really like to know what she is. Either way, it doesn't matter to me (they're both great looking spiders), but I might like to pair her up one day (assuming I can rule out her being a hybrid), and knowing what she is would help a bit, yeah?:)


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
I had since sold that B. boehmei that i was referring to in this thread. She had slings and then i sold her because i had to raise some money immediately. I am happy with the True Boehmei that I had bought after this thread started and now no longer wonder.... Cause I hate wondering.{D


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
I had since sold that B. boehmei that i was referring to in this thread. She had slings and then i sold her because i had to raise some money immediately. I am happy with the True Boehmei that I had bought after this thread started and now no longer wonder.... Cause I hate wondering.{D
I'm starting to think we had a boehmei all along, I mean, if yours was mature enough to breed as mine is now, surely it would have developed that characteristic baumgarteni color/carapace by now?

Did you mate her with a baumgarteni, or boehmei male? Did you keep any slings? It would be interesting to see any variation in her offspring.

I'm willing to bet we just had a natural color variation, like the one seen in Ryan's video posted earlier. Until I can get my hands on some articles (I'd really like to see some photos/drawings of spermathecae of both species, though a quick peruse through the World Spider Catalogue shows no female decriptions for baumgateni, though I could just be reading them wrong) I see no reason to believe that this is a baumgarteni, aside from brachybaum's claim.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
Boehmei: red carapace, red legs all the way down, dark 'swoosh' on tarsi

Baumgarteni: central portion of carapace is dark (similar to B. smithi), orange knees, fading to paler orange distally, orange 'swoosh' on tarsi.

Do I have this right? Are there other visible differences that I missed? I have two "boehmei" slings. As they mature, I want to be sure what I have. Either boehm or baum is fine by me. I just want to be sure before any breeding is considered.


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
I'm starting to think we had a boehmei all along, I mean, if yours was mature enough to breed as mine is now, surely it would have developed that characteristic baumgarteni color/carapace by now?

Did you mate her with a baumgarteni, or boehmei male? Did you keep any slings? It would be interesting to see any variation in her offspring.

I'm willing to bet we just had a natural color variation, like the one seen in Ryan's video posted earlier. Until I can get my hands on some articles (I'd really like to see some photos/drawings of spermathecae of both species, though a quick peruse through the World Spider Catalogue shows no female decriptions for baumgateni, though I could just be reading them wrong) I see no reason to believe that this is a baumgarteni, aside from brachybaum's claim.
I agree with you on the had a boehmei all along. I mated her with a Boehmei mature male and she took him just fine. in fact took 3 insertions. She dropped a healthly sac with close to 800 slings. I sold many at 1st instar and I still have some that are still not at second instar. (they are sure taking their sweet time)

I also have the other variation of the boehmei just as Ryan showed. She was also mated with the same mature male and currently looks real gravid and has not dropped a sac yet. She is taking far longer to drop a sac compared to the other boehmei female.