Introduce Yourself


Dec 28, 2024
I'm in Edmonton! Nice to see another Albertan here. What kind of tarantula is Licorice? I have two: Sybil (B. hamorii) and Luca (G. pulchra). I've stuck to those two for about a year and half, but I'm getting the urge to add one or two more.
Hey I’m also from Edmonton and recently got back into the hobby with a sub adult Lasiodora Parahybana, and looking to grow my collection, thinking about a GBB for number two



Jan 10, 2025
I'm in Edmonton! Nice to see another Albertan here. What kind of tarantula is Licorice? I have two: Sybil (B. hamorii) and Luca (G. pulchra). I've stuck to those two for about a year and half, but I'm getting the urge to add one or two more.
Hi! Wasnt sure there would be people from Alberta on here, I am actually in Morinville not to far from Edmonton. Licorice is a Curly Hair (Tliltocatl albopilosus)(I am still learning the scientific names lol) I am also getting the urge to get another.


Jan 15, 2025
Heya there! My names Theo and I'm just a lady who likes bugs and spiders from Northern Michigan. Got my first T about 5 years ago, a beautiful female A. chalcodes and got plum hooked. Also like keeping various pet cockroach species, millipedes and looking to break into large beetle keeping, and some non T spiders. Been a lurker on the board for a while but finally got around to registering!


Dec 28, 2024
Hi. I'm in Birmingham UK. I have a few ant colonies, but haven't bought any tarantulas yet.
Welcome from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I just got back into the hobby with a big girl, a Lasidora Parahybana

Hi! Wasnt sure there would be people from Alberta on here, I am actually in Morinville not to far from Edmonton. Licorice is a Curly Hair (Tliltocatl albopilosus)(I am still learning the scientific names lol) I am also getting the urge to get another.
I’m looking to expand my collection as well, thinking a GBB for number two


Dec 9, 2018
Welcome from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I just got back into the hobby with a big girl, a Lasidora Parahybana

I’m looking to expand my collection as well, thinking a GBB for number two
Can't go wrong with a GBB

Heya there! My names Theo and I'm just a lady who likes bugs and spiders from Northern Michigan. Got my first T about 5 years ago, a beautiful female A. chalcodes and got plum hooked. Also like keeping various pet cockroach species, millipedes and looking to break into large beetle keeping, and some non T spiders. Been a lurker on the board for a while but finally got around to registering!
Welcome aboard!


Jan 23, 2025
Hello, new here. From Pennsylvania in the U.S., I'm a semi experienced T keeper, and have recently got back into the hobby with a Electric Blue sling (who is a healthy voracious eater), and just rescued a Pink Toe from the pet store. When the weather clears up, I plan on getting some more Ts, and other obscure insects and spiders. Was concerned for my new juvie pink toe and Google brought me here. :)



Feb 9, 2025
Hello everyone, I am from Edmonton, Alberta. I used to keep Tarantulas in the years of 2011-2018 and unfortunately had to sell my Ts due to a move and I couldn't keep them any more. Just recently decided to get back into the hobby and I picked up a Psalmopoeus irminia sling at a local shop for a fair price last week. It has just molted and doing well, probably around 1 inch in size. Immediately caught the the T bug again and just this week I picked up a Ceratogyrus darlingi about 1.25", a Harpactira pulchripes 3/4", and 3 Caribena versicolor 3/4". I used to keep a P. Irminia, and a C. Versicolor(back when they were Avicularia), and numerous other T's - a few pokies, an OBT, a GBB, and a Geniculata. I purchased 3 versicolor to increase the likelihood of getting a female. I'm considering getting a few more h Pulchripes slings when I can do an order from a breeder. I am also very interested in getting a P. Victori, and an Amazonius germani.

Really looking forward to seeing them grow and being back in the hobby.

I used to use this forum for husbandry info alot back in the day but never made an account, but figured I would make one this time around!

H Pulchripes

1 of the C Versicolors

C darlingi

P irminia, I have since moved it from the deli cup it came in and put it in a small sling enclosure more suitable for an arboreal sling.

Hey I’m also from Edmonton and recently got back into the hobby with a sub adult Lasiodora Parahybana, and looking to grow my collection, thinking about a GBB for number two
Hey man! 👋 I'm from Edmonton too!


Dec 28, 2024
Hey man awesome to have another Edmonton keeper here! Message me! I’m interested in connecting with local keepers


Feb 9, 2025
When I was in elementary school in the ‘70s my mom told me I could get a tarantula when I had my own house. I just remembered that a few weeks ago.
After lots of reading about Ts and beginner species I bought a pair of Homoeomma Orellanai , Chilean yellow flame slings.
I know, slings for a beginner, but the way I see it I have the advice and expertise of many years of experience from others online at my fingertips, real time answers, so not going to be caring for them solo.
Delaying shipping because of expected weather this week, but enthusiastic about getting them. My fiancé’ not as much. I’m certain she’ll come around as we raise these adorable tiny T’s.


Feb 26, 2025
Hey guys, I'm Kasey from California, USA. I've been lurking on arachnoboards for quite a while but decided to create an account in order to make it easier to find info. I have been a spider collector pretty much my entire life, but have only gotten into the tarantula hobby within the last 5 years and have amassed enough to count on two hands and then some! Rookie numbers for some people im sure.. Favorite spider/tarantula in my collection at the moment would either be the calisoga longitarsis
or nhandu coloratovillosus Screenshot_20250225_224226_Gallery.jpg
Feb 26, 2025
Hey y’all. Been in the hobby over 20 years. Got back into keeping Ts after a long hiatus due to career and life about a year ago. Got a wild hair and decided to finally join this forum. Looking forward to Ts and good conversations. Cheers.


Dec 8, 2024
Hi, my name is Kelly. I just started keeping T’s in January of this year although my interest and research started much earlier. I’ve worked at a dog and cat veterinarian office for eight years. In addition to keeping T’s, a dog and cat, I also currently have two guinea pigs, a corn snake, bearded dragon, African side-neck turtle and hedgehog.


Mar 15, 2025
Thanks for the add. I came into the hobby after my 9 year old granddaughter Nicole introduced me into the spider world last year. So sure enoughI had like 25 jumpers. Then I jumped into velvets and also had like 25. And the rest is history own close to 100 T's majority being slings. I've had fresh and brackish water dishes. So all my jumpers except two and 3 velvets were gifted to ny granddaughter. I also have 1 Mexican Black King Snake, 1 California King Snake, 1 Crested Gecko and 2 cats belonging to my son. I've done pest control for 21 years. Have a tarantula tattoo on my left shoulder made by my late brother.


Mar 25, 2025
Hello everyone,

I'm Jamy. I'm 37 years old and I live in Tilburg, the Netherlands.

I've had tarantula's for years when I lived with my parents but when I got to live on my own I couldnt take the T's with me. I got married to an archanopfobe, got a child with arachaphobie (Thanks dad), got 4 cats, a dog, millipeds, roaches and isopods, praying mantis, a greek tortoise, a hognose snake and still I couldnt stop thinking about T's. That's why I started again with the hobby. And the good news is my husband is getting into the hobby as well! Even sending me marketplace ads for tarantula's that are in need of a new home.

For now I got:

Poecilotheria regalis sub adult female
Davus pentaloris sub adult gender unknown
Ceratogyrus darlingi large juvenile/small sub adult gender unknown
Monocentropus balfouri sub adult gender unknown
Caribena versicolor sub adult male
Grammostola pulchra sling gender unknown

I always have been into the fierce old world tarantula's so I would love to have some more I had when I was a juvi myself :-D

English is not my native language so sorry in advance.



Mar 28, 2025
I'm Telisa but go by Lisa. I don't own any spiders just yet. I am still new to the idea of owning one and am wanting to learn more about them. I am a stay at home mom, 3 kids ages are 27 son, 18 daughter, and 12 daughter. Me and my 12 yr old are interested in maybe getting into the hobby together for something to do together.

I believe learning is the key to keeping healthy pets, even if you think you know enough you can always learn more. So over the years I have owned lizards, amphibians, cats and dogs. I have always been interest in spiders and enjoy seeing my wild visiting jumpers who come by my kitchen window as I do my dishes. So I started pointing them out to my youngest and we started talking and thought maybe it would be fun and interesting to own a spider.

I'm interested in T and honestly will probably prefer to own one that is more easy going and not too flighty but we will see if I gain confidence in maybe owning something a little more challenging.

If you have any good resources on information like care tips or species suggestions for beginners I would love to talk.

Its a pleasure to be here and I hope I learn a lot from veteran owners about their spiders,
